Browser doesn't send FQDN in Origin header - http

In the context of CORS, is it possible to coerce the browser to always send the Origin header with an FQDN? The target service should see Origin: instead of Origin: http://website/page.html.
As the example implies this is an intranet environment and the goal is to filter request origins by subdomain to allow any page hosted on a domain machine (* to make cross-origin requests to the service which is also hosted in the same domain. The problem (if you will) is that intranet sites are commonly addressed as http://website/ with the remainder implied by the connection-specific DNS suffix: set via domain policy.
The only workaround I can think of is to require all the 'origin' pages to force canonical URLs (i.e. redirect //foo to // with the least side effect of "ugly URLs".

In the CORS context, rather than trying to get Origin values the same for the short and the fully qualified domain name, you could just focus on whether the server should allow the request to proceed or not whether either Origin value is present:
Assuming that to allow the cross-origin request, the responding server only needs to respond with a suitable Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header, you could respond with the wildcard value to say any incoming Origin is ok:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
If your client requires a specific domain instead of the wildcard, you could have the webserver just echo back the value of the incoming Origin header if you choose to allow the request to proceed, regardless of what the Origin value says it is.
e.g. in Apache, use the SetEnvIf and Header modules to write an environment variable containing the origin value if that value matches a specific regex, then if that variable exists write the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header with the environment variable's value:
SetEnvIf Origin "(.+)" origin_header_value=$1
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "%{origin_header_value}e" env=origin_header_value
If you need more fine grain control over whether the webserver includes the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in this manner, you can just set a more restrictive regex in the SetEnvIf command instead of using .+.


No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present using angular + WordPress

when i post the data using POST method in woocommerce api. i am getting cors issue
Access to fetch at 'http://localhost/wordpress/wc-api/v3/customers?oauth_consumer_key=ck_64d88e1fa3516e9f5a06b6053f02976a534d3f8f&oauth_nonce=zsu3ysEnFHhvrZt4Nc7H66Dgu28H20K7&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA256&oauth_timestamp=1562587817&oauth_version=1.0&oauth_signature=KtFxvyQNklUlfCi6rNWyJ0DEJ6AS2ZbwbO44u%2FEqxG4%3D' from origin 'http://localhost:8100' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: It does not have HTTP ok status.
You have to set a Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on each request to the server, if your server is on a different domain than the app on which you are making those requests (the server sets it as a response header). Adding that header tells the system that the external domain "localhost:8100" is allowed to make those requests.
You cannot circumvent this requirement in vanilla browsers, because it is a built in security feature to reduce CORS attacks
PS. different ports on the same domain are considered to be different domains. Thus will get a 401 error, if you are making a request to Same goes for localhost, or any other domain.
Example code from an Apache2 web server .conf file, that I personally use to set these headers.
SetEnvIf Origin "^http(s)?://(.+\.)?(staging.\xxx\.com|xxx\.com|xxx\.local|xxx\.local:4200|a2\.local)$" origin_is=$0
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin %{origin_is}e env=origin_is
Just replace the domains with localhost:8100 or whatever else you need in that array. (if you are using Apache web server)
As a result, the Chrome network tab should have an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header on attached to the request

When should I really set "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" to "true" in my response headers?

MDN says, when the credentials like cookies, authorisation header or TLS client certificates has to be exchanged between sites Access-Control-Allow-Crendentials has to be set to true.
Consider two sites A - and another one is B- Now I have to make a http Get request from A to B. When I request B from A I am getting,
"No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed
So, I'm adding the following response headers in B
response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", request.getHeader("origin"));
This resolves the same origin error and I'm able to request to B. When and why should I set
response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
When I googled to resolve this same-origin error, most of them recommended using both headers. I'm not clear about using the second one Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
When should I use both?
Why should I set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to origin obtained from request header rather than wildcard *?
Please quote me an example to understand it better.
Allow-Credentials would be needed if you want the request to also be able to send cookies. If you needed to authorize the incoming request, based off a session ID cookie would be a common reason.
Setting a wildcard allows any site to make requests to your endpoint. Setting allow to origin is common if the request matches a whitelist you've defined. Some browsers will cache the allow response, and if you requested the same content from another domain as well, this could cause the request to be denied.
Setting Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true actually has two effects:
Causes the browser to actually allow your frontend JavaScript code to access the response if credentials are included
Causes any Set-Cookie response header to actually have the effect of setting a cookie (the Set-Cookie response header is otherwise ignored)
Those effects combine with the effect that setting XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials or credentials: 'include' (Fetch API) have of causing credentials (HTTP cookies, TLS client certificates, and authentication entries) to actually be included as part of the request. has a good example.
Why should I set Access-Control-Allow-Origin to origin obtained from request header rather than wildcard *?
You shouldn’t unless you’re very certain what you’re doing.
It’s actually safe to do if:
The resource for which you’re setting the response headers that way is a public site or API endpoint intended to be accessible by everyone, and
You’re just not setting cookies that could enable an attacker to get access to sensitive information or confidential data.
For example, if your server code is just setting cookies just for the purpose of saving application state or session state as a convenience to your users, then there’s no risk in taking the value of the Origin request header and reflecting/echoing it back in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin value while also sending the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true response header.
On the other hand, if the cookies you’re setting expose sensitive information or confidential data, then unless you’re really certain you have things otherwise locked down (somehow…) you really want to avoid reflecting the Origin back in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin value (without checking it on the server side) while also sending Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true.
If you do that, you’re potentially exposing sensitive information or confidential data in way that could allow malicious attackers to get to it. For an explanation of the risks, read the following:
And if the resource you’re sending the CORS headers for is not a public site or API endpoint intended to be accessible by everyone but is instead inside an intranet or otherwise behind some IP-address-restricted firewall, then you definitely really want to avoid combining Access-Control-Allow-Origin-reflects-Origin and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true. (In the intranet case you almost always want to only be allowing specific hardcoded/whitelisted origins.)

In the respective of security, is it meaningful to allow CORS for specific domains?

We can set and allow cross-origin-resource-sharing for
All domains , Specific domains and Not allow for any domains
But I wonder allowing CORS for specific domains meaningful.
If a hacker knows the domains that server allows. (e.g
Hacker can fake the origin header in the request as
Thus, in the perspective of security. I think only Allow all domains and Not allow for any domains are meaningful. Since it is very easy to fake the origin of the requester
Am I right??
Browsers are where CORS restrictions are enforced. And browsers know the real origin a script runs in. That’s how they work. If they didn’t, there would be zero security on the Web.
So browsers do CORS checks against what they know to be the real origin of the JavaScript code that’s making an XHR or fetch() request—not against the value of the Origin header.
And browsers are what set the Origin request header and send it over the network to begin with. Browsers set the Origin value based on what they know to be the real origin, and not for their own use—because they already know what the origin is and that value is what they use internally.
So even if you manage to change an Origin header a browser sends over the network, that won’t matter to the browser—it’s going to ignore that value and continue checking against the real origin.
More details
As far as CORS goes, servers just send back documents, with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and other CORS headers, to any client that requests them.
Consider if you use curl or something to request a document from a server: The server doesn’t check the Origin header and refuse to send the document if the requesting origin doesn’t match the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The server sends the response regardless.
And as far as clients go, curl and non-browser tools don’t have the concept of an origin to begin with and so don’t usually send any Origin header to begin with. You can make curl send one—with any value you want—but it’s pointless because servers don’t care what the value is.
And curl, etc., don’t check the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header the server sends, and refuse to get a document if the request’s Origin header doesn’t match the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the server response. They just get the document.
But browsers are different. Browser engines are really the only clients that have the notion of an origin to begin with, and that know the actual origin a Web application’s JavaScript is running in.
And unlike curl, etc., browsers will not let your script get a document if the XHR or fetch() call requesting it is from an origin not allowed in the server’s Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
And again, the way browsers determine what the origin is by already knowing what the origin is, not based on the value of whatever Origin request header might end up getting sent in the request.

If I change the domain of my site, what happens with the cookies?

We have a site where we are using cookies for tracking purposes. Now we are thinking in changing the domain of our site but we will want to still recognise User's sessions from the old domain. Is this possible?
You can't retrieve cookies that belong to other domains. As a workaround (in case you can still use the old domain); by creating an iframe inside from, you can get cookies and send to parent via postMessage.
Cookies are affected by same origin policy but you can bypass it with CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing).
CORS is a play between browser and server.
Basic idea is allow ajax request to cross domains but you can use to share cookies(security measures should be taken).
Browser send a request with Origin header.
If the server allows the request then it reply with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header with the value of origin.
If the server doesn’t reply with the header or don’t match Origin with Access-Control-Allow-Origin browser disallow the request.
But it doesn’t send cookies or something like that by default(you have to add “allow-credentials” extra header).
With CORS you can share the session between domains adding to new domain server the following headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
More info about CORS:

Domain set cookie for subdomain

I looked in many questions about cookies but I didn't find an answer on my problem. I have following scenario:
A user creates a login on and should get a cookie but only for the subdomain I generate following HTTP header part:
Set-Cookie: name=TestUser;; Path=/; secure; HttpOnly
But when I make a request to, the cookie will be not added to the request. I wonder if it is possible that sets a cookie for I know that it is possible that set a cookie for also for all subdomains for but that's not what I want.
How do I set a cookie for a subdomain? I am not seeing the cookie in a request to the subdomain.
No. Besides that is an invalid Domain value (it must start with a ., i.e. (see update below) the cookie would get rejected:
To prevent possible security or privacy violations, a user agent rejects a cookie (shall not store its information) if any of the following is true:
The request-host is a Fully-Qualifed Domain Name (not IP address) and has the form HD, where D is the value of the Domain attribute, and H is a string that contains one or more dots.
The request-host is and the Domain attribute value is But the request-host does not has the form HD where D would be Thus the cookie gets rejected.
Update    The current specification RFC 6265, that obsoleted RFC 2109 that is quoted above, does ignore the leading dot. But the effective domain is handled the same:
[…] if the value of the Domain attribute is
"", the user agent will include the cookie in the Cookie
header when making HTTP requests to,, and (Note that a leading %x2E ("."), if present,
is ignored even though that character is not permitted, but a
trailing %x2E ("."), if present, will cause the user agent to ignore
the attribute.)
[…] the user agent will accept a cookie with a
Domain attribute of "" or of "" from, but the user agent will not accept a cookie with a
Domain attribute of "" or of "".
The 2 domains and can only share cookies if the domain is explicitly named in the Set-Cookie header. Otherwise, the scope of the cookie is restricted to the request host.
For instance, if you sent the following header from
Set-Cookie: name=value
Then the cookie won't be sent for requests to However if you use the following, it will be usable on both domains:
Set-Cookie: name=value;
In RFC 2109, a domain without a leading dot meant that it could not be used on subdomains, and only a leading dot ( would allow it to be used across subdomains.
However, modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use the cookie on subdomains as well as the top-level domain.
In summary, if you set a cookie like the second example above from, it would be accessible by, and vice versa.
For more details :
Actually, there is a simple and fully cross-browser support way for sharing cookies between original domain and subdomains but you should share it in setting time, for comfortable working with cookie stuffs in browser I'm using js-cookie and with the below setting cookie it could be shared between original domain and all of its subdomains:
Cookie.set('key', 'value', { domain: '' })
// a . added before domain name
Hint: Adding this . will share cookie with all sub-subdomain.
