I was working on an application and it was immediately closing. The console said:
[Unload SWF] unknown
In my compiler settings I had:
I changed that to
And it worked. It maybe crashing because I may not have SWF 20 playerglobal but I do have SWF 19 playerglobal.
In the Asp.net MVC project when using Chrome doesn't wait the method return in debug mode, but when I run in IE,MS Edge debug performe well. I verified the javascript debug option was cheked in VS. It was working before, I don't know if there was a VS update that could have caused it. Do you have
Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.9.17
Google Chrome Version 84.0.4147.89 64 bits
Asp.net MVC project when using Chrome doesn't wait the methods return
in debug mode
Please try the following steps:
1) close VS, delete .vs hidden folder under the solution folder, bin and obj folder
2) delete all caches under C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxxx\ComponentModelCache
3) Try to reset vs settings by Tools-->Import and Export settings-->Reset All settings--> General.
And if your VS has any other extensions, pleaese disable them under Tools-->Extensions and Updates
After that, check Enable Javascript debuggigg for Asp.Net(Chrome,Edge and IE) option
4) enable all options under Tools-->Options-->Debugging-->Just-In-Time
5) try to clean Chrome caches and then test again.
If it still does not help, please try to reset settings in Chrome.
Besides, you could try to restart your PC.
I have a pretty straightforward page that has a few controls on it. My problem only occurs on an actual device and only occurs on my Lumia 1520 running Win10 Mobile version 1607 Build 10.0.14946.1000. It does not happen on my Lumia 950 running Win10 Mobile version 1607 OS Build 10.0.14393.693.
On the 1520 I un-install my app, reboot the device and then attempt to debug the app on the device. Everything works fine. I then stop debugging and attempt to start debugging again and the InitializeComponent method of my page does not initialized any of my controls.
What that means is that after this code runs:
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.XamlG", "")]
private void InitializeComponent() {
pgHeader = this.FindByName<global::GBarScene.pageheader>("pgHeader");
lblPlacesTitle = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Label>("lblPlacesTitle");
btnMapAll = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Label>("btnMapAll");
lblDataSource = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Label>("lblDataSource ");
btnUseGPS = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Image>("btnUseGPS");
lblRatingsFor = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Label>("lblRatingsFor");
lblDowName = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.Label>("lblDowName");
bvUnderline = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.BoxView>("bvUnderline");
lvPlaces = this.FindByName<global::Xamarin.Forms.ListView>("lvPlaces");
Every control (psHeader, lvPlaces etc.) are all still null. (If I attempt to launch the app on the 1520 without debugging after running it the first time, it crashes)
I see nothing in the output window indicates there was a challenge in other areas. Any idea why this is happening?
So I reset the device (I got the same build etc) and tried testing again. I am now getting some error information. Below are the steps to reproduce the error as well as the error information:
Un-install any previous version of the app from the Device.
Restart the device
Test the app on the device. (It should work fine.)
Click the Stop button in the Visual Studio 2015 environment
At this point simply click the Run button in Visual Studio without making changes in the App, it will launch fine on the phone.
Click the Stop button in the Visual Studio 2015 environment
Make a change in the main page of the application and recompile. Ensure the Build line shows at least 1 project succeeded and not just all up to date or skipped.
2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 2 skipped ==========
Run the application on the Device again.
An error is generated at the LoadApplication line shown below:
public sealed partial class MainPage
public MainPage()
this.NavigationCacheMode = NavigationCacheMode.Required;
LoadApplication(new GBarScene.App());
Below is the error information:
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in
Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.ni.DLL but was not handled in user code.
I click on the View Details and I see the following information:
"Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: newRoot"}
I hope this helps in getting this problem resolved.
The problem also happens on my Lumia 640 XL that was upgraded to Win 10 Mobile.
Exception fault: VerifyError: Error #1014: Class com.distriqt.extension.googleanalytics::Tracker could not be found.
The issue does NOT occur when installed to a device.
The extension has been added to the application descriptor.
I have other Distriqt extensions (notifications, dialog) already in my app which are working fine.
Setup: Mac / FDT / AIR SDK 18
We accidentally missed a few classes in default library of the first release of this ANE.
Grab the update and it should resolve this issue.
try to copy and rename your ANE: ane-file-name.ane to ane-file-name.swc, and also add it to your project (you must have both ane and swc)
I have a flex application that worked just swell until chrome got a new player: 21.0.1180.83\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll
The application must break when it loads parameters from the xml file. It hangs displaying the loader of the application and on the bottom is the "Error #2032" msg.
Application still works on my localhost and in onther browser but not on the production server (IIS7). This unfortunately also means its a bit harder to debug...
Some suspicions of what might be wrong:
If I disable the pepflashplayer it works again in chrome (on the old player) so I am confident its related to the player.
Could it be related to a crossdomain file? I only have the crosdomain.xml file on the subdomain (where the parameters.xml resides)
Could it be related to mimo type set in IIS for the xml
I also connect to web services. Additionally its a problem as it is http to https call. Could this be the issue.
Ok I solved it. The problem was in an old .actionscriptproperties autogenerated file that included a lot of obsolete references to various crossdomain.xml.
Seems this do not get cleaned on project clean, so a fresh import of the project was needed which fixed the #2032 error.
Hope this helps someone.
Process terminated unexpectedly.
initial content not found
Launch command details: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\bin\adl.exe" -runtime "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\runtimes\air\win" "C:\Users\acer\Adobe Flash Builder 4\Dental Clinic_2\Main-app.xml" "C:\Users\acer\Adobe Flash Builder 4\Dental Clinic_2"
I get this error when I try to run the program...this is my first time to import other projects.. I dont have this problem with my own program this just appeared from the project I imported...could someone help me..
change application tag and version to 1.5:
Process terminated without establishing connection to debugger.
Invalid application descriptor. Unknown http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.1
I could not get any flex air project to run in my flash builder, changing this line in the Main-app.xml allowed the project to run. Something about flex air requiring a minimum of the 2.6 SDK to run, even though I am going through the flash 4.5.1 SDK.
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/2.6">
I encountered the same error when I was developing a mobile application in Flash Builder 4.7 (Flex 4.6.0, Air 3.5). It turned out that auto-formatting the application-descriptor XML-file (Main-app.xml) was the problem.
In an application-descriptor XML-file there should be a <content> element like
<!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
<!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
<content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in the output app.xml]</content>
Now when the application is built the build-script copies the application-descriptor to the output directory (for examle bin-debug) and should replace the contents of the <content> element with the name of the generated SWF-file, for example <content>Main.swf</content>.
After auto-formatting the application-descriptor (pressing [ctrl] + [shift] + [F] in Flashbuilder) the element looked like
<!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
<!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
<content>[This value will be overwritten by Flash Builder in
the output app.xml]
Note the linebreaks that have been inserted within and after the text-contents.
Now the build-script was no longer able to replace the text-contents with the name of the SWF-file. So in the resulting application-descriptor in the output folder (bin-debug) the <content> element still contained the formatted place-holder content. Hence the SWF-file could not be found and the 'initial content not found' error occured.