Elki plot cluster points directly from java - plot

Is it possible to plot Elki's cluster results to a graph directly using Elki? I don't see any test cases http://elki.dbs.ifi.lmu.de/browser/elki/elki/src/test/java#de/lmu/ifi/dbs/elki which do this. I know it's possible to plot points using java but I wanted to do that using Elki.

Please see the class ExportVisualizations to generate SVG plots.
Visualizations are in the "addon/batikvis" module, because of the Apache Batik dependency.
To display the SVG file, use Apache Batik.


Are ggplot point shapes svg files? Where can I find it?

I made some cluster analysis with a cities database, and now I want to use the same symbols for each cluster in a fancy map using QGis. Thanks!

Plotting multiple variables in JMeter Custom Graph

Using the below configuration I am able to plot a variable in JMeter custom graph section.
But is there a way to plot similar multiple variables in same graph?
<jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.title>Test Custom Graph 1</jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.title>
<jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.property.set_Y_Axis>Response Times</jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.property.set_Y_Axis>
<jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.property.set_X_Axis>Over Time</jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.property.set_X_Axis>
As of JMeter 5.5 it's not possible, however you can have multiple charts, one per Sample Variable
Also JMeter .jtl result files are basically CSV files so you can add another page and use i.e. Google Charts library for plotting whatever you want there.

How can I convert a histogram (2D) into 2 pdf in zfit?

I am trying to do some 2d spectra fitting with the help of zfit.
The pdf I want to use comes from ROOT TH2D.
Is there any method to convert the input Th2D into a 2D pdf directly in zfit?
Thanks a lot!
zfit supports now binned PDFs (see here) in the newest version (to be installed with pip install -U zfit --pre) and allows to load histograms. They should be a Histogram from hist if possible, using uproot you should be able to convert one to another.
An introductory tutorial to binned fits can be found here
Old answer
There is currently no direct way but there is Work In Progress to implement binned fitting.
In general, I would advise to use hist within Python, as it can be used directly with zfit in the future.
A way to implement this now is to use the hists density, create a custom PDF (such as here) in zfit and set zfit.run.set_graph_mode(False) and zfit.run.set_autograd_mode(False).

Is it possible to download graph of scalars in TensorBoard?

I'm using Tensorboard to visualize the training of a neural network in R. Tensorboard gives really nice graphs of the accuracy, the loss, validation accuracy etcetera. I would like to download these graphs (including smoothing and legend) just like one can download the graph of the nodes. Is this possible? I know that you can download the data one by one, but then you would have to make the graph manually including the smoothing and legend. This would be a lot of work, while you already have such a nice looking graph. I have tried using SVG Crowbar, but I don't know which one to download (if this even works...). I do not know what to do. The best solution thus far seems to be using printscreen and paint.
Thanks in advance for helping me!

How to draw a directed graph with labels on edges using quickgraph and graph# libraries?

I'm trying to draw a directed graph with labels on edges. I'm using graph# (graphsharp) and quickgraph, and I saw an explanation in the forums about how to add labels (it is not supported by the library), but cannot manage to implement myself. If someone could provide a working example using these two libraries I would be very thankful.
I'm now looking for something a little more complicated: My edges behave like nodes, they have connections to other nodes and have a name-tag. So they are like any other node, and when I draw the graph these edge-nodes must appear exactly in the middle of a certain connections. Any ideas?
Although it's not documented, QuickGraph supports output to other formats, like DGML. VS 2010 includes a very basic DGML viewer. It may be possible to output DGML so that the resulting graph has edge labels. However you will likely need to add support yourself.
Download the QuickGraph sources and play around with it. I'm a committer on the project, so if you figure it out let me know and we'll get your changes into the project.
