Plotting multiple variables in JMeter Custom Graph - graph

Using the below configuration I am able to plot a variable in JMeter custom graph section.
But is there a way to plot similar multiple variables in same graph?
<jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.title>Test Custom Graph 1</jmeter.reportgenerator.graph.custom_graph1.title>
<>Response Times</>
<>Over Time</>

As of JMeter 5.5 it's not possible, however you can have multiple charts, one per Sample Variable
Also JMeter .jtl result files are basically CSV files so you can add another page and use i.e. Google Charts library for plotting whatever you want there.


Insert Charts Into Individual Cells

The Issue:
Graphs cant be inserted into cells like images can.
The Request:
The feature "=Image("URL",2)" Should also be available for charts.
You are able to build simple charts within an individual cell using the SPARKLINE function. Here is the documentation.
Here is a simple example:

Elki plot cluster points directly from java

Is it possible to plot Elki's cluster results to a graph directly using Elki? I don't see any test cases which do this. I know it's possible to plot points using java but I wanted to do that using Elki.
Please see the class ExportVisualizations to generate SVG plots.
Visualizations are in the "addon/batikvis" module, because of the Apache Batik dependency.
To display the SVG file, use Apache Batik.

RRD Tool : Add 2 rrd graphs

I have 3 RRD graphs for ipTraffic. I want to add those three RRD graphs as one to display the total ipTraffic graph.
Please can someone guide me on this?
If you are using RRDTool directly, and your data are in separate RRD files, then you can still use rrd graph with your DS definitions referring to different RRD files. There is no requirement in RRDTool to have only a single source of data.
rrdtool graph ...
More documentation and examples exist at the RRDTool website
However, from your context I would guess that you are possibly using MRTG in confunction with RRDTool to collect and display the data? If this is the case, then the only way you can do it without coding is if you are using the Routers2 frontend for MRTG/RRD. In this case, you can use the routers.cgi*Graph directive to define a userdefined graph that displays multiple Targets on the same axis. If your Targets are in separate configuration files, then you can always build a new configuration file that uses Include to include them into a single place before defining the UserDefined graph over the top.
An alternative is if you use rrdcgi, but this will require you to compose the RRDTool commandline by hand, as in the first case.

How to extract plots from Netlogo?

I have to write a report about a model that I have built using Netlogo. I have made many plots of model's variables and I'd like to extract them and put them in my report to show how these variables vary upon the time. These variables represent what the change of some parameters imply. So, I'd like to obtain a better plot than netlogo's one, because netlogo's plots haven't got enumerated axis and I'd like plots with enumerated axis.
It would be amazing to put the plot in a word document or in a power point document
See the NetLogo dictionary entry for export-all-plots. The easiest way to access this is the menu File > Export > Export All Plots ... and then choose a folder/directory to store the file and a file name. You will then get a file in csv format that you can open in your graphing package (eg R, Excel).

Editing multiple plots in Rstudio

One interesting feature of RStudio is it allows to save multiple plots generated from a script. This however opens up the problem of how to edit multiple plots. My issue at the moment is adding lines to histograms using the abline() function. This function was designed however to work with the last plot generated by the environment. One way of course would be ad the lines as soon as the plot is generated, however I have to calculate the coordinates at the end of the algorithm, by then I have transformed the data and generated multiple plots from it. So I was wondering if there isn't a way to tell R to search for a given plot and add the line to it. I read abline() documentation but found nothing regarding it. One can always save the data necessary to generate the plot and generate it at the end of the script, but I was wondering if there isn't a less consuming memory method.
One way to get around this issue is:
1.Save your graphics as variables, for ex: hist_1=hist(x, plot=FALSE)
2.Write any code u like, for ex: very complicated code give y as a number for output
4.abline(hist_1, v=y)
gives a general idea of how to edit multiple plots without having to save multiple copies of datasets and without overloading Rstudio interface. Works well with the R ubuntu terminal too.
