Struggling on what to write more for acceptance tests of user stories, use cases as well - software-design

I am not exactly clear on what an acceptance test is, is it basically information about the feature?

Ask the Product Owner "How are you going to test that this is good enough to deploy?" Everything they tell you is part of your battery of acceptance tests.

A User Story will typically have a number of Acceptance Criteria. They are typically written in an "As a [Role] I want [Feature] so that [Benefit]". Writing them in this way conveys good contextual information to the development team (what they need to do, why they need to do it, and who the user is).
An Acceptance test will verify one of the acceptance criteria on a User Story. Your Product Owner will write the Acceptance criteria, and ideally collaborate with you as much as possible to get them running technically in Spec Flow, Fitnesse, Cucumber etc...


Excluding reads from members in the same organization

I'm newbie in Firebase and I'm not sure how to accomplish the following or even if it's possible at all.
I want to model two entities under a restriction explained later:
Students - can produce a piece of work that needs to be evaluated by reviewers
Reviewers - can review as many pieces of work done by students
Both students and reviewers belong to schools and I need to restrain reviewers from receiving works done by students that belong to their same school.
I know I could filter this in the front-end but I need to be sure that this is filtered by Firebase and leakage of data would be possible by sending requests with Postman/curl directly to Firebase.
In other words, reviewers can fetch all piece of works except those done by students that belong to their same organization.
Do you know how to model this in Firebase rules or a workaround on it that will work exclusively on the back-end?

Firebase Fan out - the most cost effective way?

I know this issue may have been raised multiple times but I have read on most of the questions available but did not found any that can exactly help to answer my question. As proposed by the Firebase team the fan out technique is the recommended way to ensure fast data read, but with the cost of data duplication. I know this question is subjective and depends on the application, but which is the best solution in terms of cost saving($) and data read?
Post same node in multiple child (save data read only called once,
but have redundant, so consume more Firebase storage) (see image Firebase Database - the "Fan Out" technique)
Post only one node, and other reference to the node by its key (not redundant and consume less Firbase storage, but need to read twice - get the key, and get the node for the key) (see image
For context, I am building a non profit marketplace app, so I need to apply the best solution in terms of balancing both between cost saving ($) and fast data read.
On the other hand, read twice (bandwidth) vs bigger storage? Which one is more cost effective?
I would start by saying that ideally in Firebase you read or sync only what's necessary. So your database queries are coupled by other filters to make the query as specific as possible. If you can nail that then you will anyway build a very intelligent data structure which will be cost effective.
Now the real debate Fan - Out technique or just post reference to the nodes. As I personally prefer Fan-Out and also use it successfully so I will answer in reference to that technique only which will also give you indications of the reason that make me not wanna use keeping a reference and all.
First and foremost thing is end-user experience and performance. Which comes in the form of the Big Data Chunk Synchronization. Well in general it means that instead of downloading small chunks you aim for the biggest possible so that you reduce High Cell radio usage, High Battery Drain, High bandwidth and also keep the app updated and in sync as fast as possible.
If you aim for that kind of app performance then you clearly see that Fan-Out is the clear winner over other technique due to following reasons.
You download A Big Data Chunk stored in other node which doesn't let your cell radio stay on for long.
As you download whole info at once, your app performs better than others. Obviously by whole I don't mean that you should download full database. It's all about that smart balance which makes you download just what is required in first go.
It's not that this is the only technique which will give you faster reads and better data structure. There are other techniques like indexing, data validation and security rules which are equally important. All coupled up properly with correct data structure will give you far better performance.
In a situation where you have just a reference to other node and not actual data, then you might end up in a situation where you don't actually have anything to show to your users. Let's say your users aren't getting good connectivity so after one read which gave you just the reference, the network falls. So till the network is up again your users don't see anything and trust me that is a very bad situation for the app. Your aim as a developer should be to reduce the chances of those situations
So, I would recommend you to go for FAN - OUT technique as it is faster and cost effective when you see other factors like data filtering, indexing and security rules as well. Yes it comes with a slight price of high storage usage. But what does a less storage mean when you don't have happy users ? Still it all comes down to personal preference. But I have shared my experience and thoughts hope it helps you make right decision.
I would encourage you to got through this and have a more deeper understanding of no SQL Data modelling
Do let me know if this info helped you.

Assigning a specific (group of) reviewers in Plone (by 'hand' or automatically)

Is it possible to assign a person or a group of people as reviewers in a certain state of a workflow in Plone?
I have been looking at AutoRole en the IRolesplugin, but do not seem to find what I need?
In our case, users need a multiple review step workflow, yet the first reviewer should have control over which reviewers come afterwards...
Workflows can trigger scripts. Scripts can do things like grant roles to users. You'd have to come up with an approach to letting your first specify additional users. There are probably multiple ways to do it, but I could imagine using archetypes.schemextender or a custom content type to provide a field for choosing additional reviewers, only visible to initial reviewers. Then use those values in the workflow script. provides a good overview of how DCWorkflow works.

Using SpecFlow for End-to-End Regression Testing

We are employing BDD and using SpecFlow to drive our development (ATDD).
Our QA team would like to define their own 'end-to-end regression tests (in Gherkin/SpecFlow) and re-use the Steps we have already defined.
(Please note - I know that this is not a great example but it should provide enough details)
A test may include..
Log in
Search for a product
Select a product to buy
Create an order
Select delivery option.
Submit the order.
Cancel the order.
This would suggests a scenario like..
Given I am logged in
When I Search for a product
And I Select a product to buy
And I Create an order
And I Select delivery option
And I Submit the order
And I Cancel the order
Then ??!!
Which is clearly wrong as we are not checking the output at each step.
So this may be resolved as a sequence of scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Given I am logged in
When I Search for a product
Then I see a list of products
Scenario 2:
When I select a product to buy
Then I can create an order
Scenario 3:
When I create the order
And I Select delivery option
Then I can submit the order
etc etc
The main issue with this is that there seems no way to specify the order/sequence that the scenarios are run in (a characteristic of nUnit?). Because there are dependencies between scenarios (they are not set to a know starting point) they must be run in sequence.
My questions are:
a) Are we trying to fit a square peg in a round hole?!
b) Does anyone know if there is a way to use SpecFlow/Gherkin in this way?
c) Or does anyone know what alternatives there are?
Many thanks!
I would say that you are writing your scenarios on the wrong abstraction level. But that depends on what you want to use them for;
If you want to write test-scripts then you are on the right track... but it will be a nightmare to maintain as it, in the first case (long script) will be very brittle and the second case (several scenarios) need to ensure a certain execution order. Both of them are discouraged and considered anti-patterns.
I would suggest that you merge the ATDD-tests you are writing and talk to the test department to get their view on the matter and include the test-cases they need to ensure that the system is thoroughly tested. Who know? You might even learn something from each other :P
And when you write those "specifications" (as I rather call them) you write them on a higher level. So instead of writing:
Given I am logged in
When I Search for a product
And I Select a product to buy
And I Create an order
And I Select delivery option
And I Submit the order
you write something like
When I submit an order for product 'Canned beans'
In the step-definitions behind that step you perform all that automation (login, browsing to the product page, select the delivery options, submit the order).
All of this can be read about in these great articles on how to write maintainable UI Automation tests:
I hope this helps

How to hack proof a data submission program

I am writing a score submission system for games where I need to ensure that reports back to the server are not falsified (aka, hacked).
I know that I can store a password or private passkey in the program to authenticate or encrypt the request but if the program is decompiled, a crafty hacker can extract the password/passkey and use it to falsify reports.
Does a perfect solution exist?
Thanks in advance.
No. All you can do is make it difficult for cheaters.
You don't say what environment you're running on, but it sounds like you're trying to solve a code authentication problem*: knowing that the code that is executing is actually what you think it is. This is a problem that has plagued online games forever and does not have a good solution.
Common ways in which such systems are commonly broken:
Capture, modification and replay of submissions to the server
Modifying the binary to allow cheating
Using a debugger to modify the submission in-memory before the program applies signatures/encryption/whatever
Punkbuster is an example of a system which attempts to solve some of these problems:
Also consider
Chances are, this is probably too hard for your game. Hiding a public key in your binary and signing everything that leaves it will probably put you well ahead of the pack, security-wise.
* Apologies, I don't actually remember what the formal name for this is. I keep thinking "running code authentication", but Google comes up with nothing for the term.
There is one thing you can do - record all of the user inputs and send those to the server as part of the submission. The server can then replay the inputs through a local copy of the game engine to determine the score. Obviously this isn't appropriate for every type of game, though. Depending on the game, you may need to include replay protection.
Another method that may be appropriate for some types of games is to include a video recording of the high-scoring play within the submission. Provide links to the videos from the high score table, along with a link to report suspicious entries. This will let you "crowd-source" cheat detection - if a cheater's score hits the table at number 1, then the players behind scores 2 through 10 have a pretty big incentive to validate the video for you. If a score is reported enough times, you can check the video yourself and decide if it should be removed (and the user banned).
