mvc 5 read and display text file content -

I am trying to read a text file and display it on plage. This is what I did. But I am getting error
The process cannot access the file
'D:\wwwroot\TestProject\Logs\TestLog.log' because it is being used by
another process.
Controller Code
Array LogFileData = null;
var logFileNameWithPath = Server.MapPath("D:\wwwroot\TestProject\Logs\TestLog.log");
if (System.IO.File.Exists(logFileNameWithPath))
LogFileData = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(logFileNameWithPath);
ViewBag.logFileContent = LogFileData;
View Code
#if (ViewBag.logFileContent != null)
foreach (string dataLine in ViewBag.logFileContent)
<br />
The log file is created and used by a service. My code works when I stop service. But I am not trying to write to file exclusively at the same time service is writing to it. Infact I am trying to read at a time when service is not writing to it. Any advice on how can I fix this? THanks.

Generally, you need to specify the "access mode" when you try to read the file. Please take a look here. Try to open the file into a FileStream with appropriate access.
I will post some code when I can.


Read (audio) file from subfolder in AndroidAssets in Xamarin.Forms

I try to eneable audio in my Xamarin.Forms application. I want to have the audio files in a Subfolderof the Assetsfolder like this Assets/Subfolder/Audio.mp3
I have found a plugin SimpleAudioPlayer which provide an example.
The following code works like provided.
var player = Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current;
Now I want to place the audio file in a subfolder and I tried to call
But I get an Java.IO.FileNotFoundException
I looked then into the implementation of the Load function and I fould the following code
public bool Load(string fileName)
AssetFileDescriptor afd = Android.App.Application.Context.Assets.OpenFd(fileName);
player?.SetDataSource(afd.FileDescriptor, afd.StartOffset, afd.Length);
return PreparePlayer();
where the filename is pasted to the Assets.OpenFd() function. which returns an AndroidFileDesriptor
The documentation does not really provide any information from Microsoft and from the Android site.
My questions are
How can I receive the file from the subfolder in Android Assets?
What can I paste into the Assets.OpenFd() function (subfolders etc)?
I would appreciate any advice, since after a long time trying to resolve it I don't really have an idea.
According to the docs of the package, you won't be able to do just that because you have to use player.Load(GetStreamFromFile("mysound.wav")); where GetStreamFromFile is basically
Stream GetStreamFromFile(string filename)
var assembly = typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("App." + filename);
// Obviously App in the line above should be replaced with your app
return stream;
And secondly you have to player.Load(GetStreamFromFile("Subfolder.mysound.wav")); where Subfolder is the name of your subfolder.

Edit xml File and save it from c#

I have an xml file which contain images url . i am verifying the url whether url is responsive or not. If url is not responsive then i am removing that url from xml. and saving all changes . but i am getting error like
'The process cannot access the file 'E:\1.xml' because it is being used by another process'
xmlTR = new XmlTextReader(#"E:\1.xml");
foreach (XmlNode node in PrimaryXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/fp-hotel/Images/Url"))
if (CheckUrlExists(node.InnerText))
XmlElement _xmlElement = PrimaryXmlDoc.DocumentElement;
I assume that you have to Close XmlTextReader before using it second time. If you don't do that, the previous instance will keep your file open and you won't be able to open it again.
EDIT: And that's what happens here is probably that you want to save file before closing it.
Add line:

providing feedback for file uploads

When uploading files to a server what information should be provided to the user for feedback? I have created a website that allows users to upload files to a server. I would think a progress bar would be nice or at the very least a message to let the users know that the process was successful or not. Another issue is how do I know that the operation was successful? Right now the only thing I can think of is to check if the files exist after they are saved. I am using C# .NET 2.0 on the server side. Here is an example of the code I have for saving the files...
private void fileUpload(HttpContext context)
string stgDir = #"myDir",
HttpFileCollection hfc = context.Request.Files;
for(int i = 0; i < hfc.Count; i++)
fullPath = Path.Combine(BASE_PATH, stgDir);
if(hfc[i].ContentLength > 0)
fullPath = Path.Combine(fullPath,hfc[i].FileName);
If you don't get an exception is very unlikely that there was an error saving the file, so, add a try catch and show your user an error if exception is catch, or just a friendly message indicating the file was uploaded.
Regarding the info as feedback, that's up to you and what you would like the user to know, maybe success message and a link to the file would be enough.

Javascript permission denied error when using Atalasoft DotImage

Have a real puzzler here. I'm using Atalasoft DotImage to allow the user to add some annotations to an image. When I add two annotations of the same type that contain text that have the same name, I get a javascript permission denied error in the Atalasoft's compressed js. The error is accessing the style member of a rule:
In the debugger (Visual Studio 2010 .Net 4.0) I can access
but not
What in javascript would cause permission denied when accessing a membere of an object?
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I see several people using Atalasoft on SO and I even saw a response from someone with Atalasoft. And yes, I'm talking to them, but it never hurts to throw it out to the crowd. This only happens in IE8, not FireFox.
Thanks, Brian
Updates: Yes, using latest version:
By same name (see comment below) I mean, I created default annotations and they are named so they can be added with javascript later.
// create a default annotation
TextData text = new TextData();
text.Name = "DefaultTextAnnotation";
text.Text = "Default Text Annotation:\n double-click to edit";
//text.Font = new AnnotationFont("Arial", 12f);
text.Font = new AnnotationFont(_strAnnotationFontName, _fltAnnotationFontSize);
text.Font.Bold = true;
text.FontBrush = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Black);
text.Fill = new AnnotationBrush(Color.Ivory);
text.Outline = new AnnotationPen(new AnnotationBrush(Color.White), 2);
In javascript:
CreateAnnotation('TextData', 'DefaultTextAnnotation');
function CreateAnnotation(type, name) {
var ann = WebAnnotationViewer1.CreateAnnotation(type, name);
There was a bug in an earlier version that allowed annotations to be saved with the same unique id's. This generally doesn't cause problems for any annotations except for TextAnnotations, since they use the unique id to create a CSS class for the text editor. CSS doesn't like having two or more classes defined by the same name, this is what causes the "Permission denied" error.
You can remove the unique id's from the annotations without it causing problems. I have provided a few code snippets below that demonstrate how this can be done. Calling ResetUniques() after you load the annotation data (on the server side) should make everything run smoothly.
-Dave C. from Atalasoft
protected void ResetUniques()
foreach (LayerAnnotation layerAnn in WebAnnotationViewer1.Annotations.Layers)
ResetLayer(layerAnn.Data as LayerData);
protected void ResetLayer(LayerData layer)
foreach (AnnotationData data in layer.Items)
LayerData group = data as LayerData;
if (group != null)
ResetLayer(data as LayerData);
protected void ResetUniqueID(AnnotationData data)
data.SetExtraProperty("_atalaUniqueIndex", null);

file upload control problem

i am using file upload control in server side when iam trying to get the file it is showing no file present
<asp:FileUpload ID="upldDocument" runat="server" />
string fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(upldDocument.FileName);
if (upldDocument.HasFile)
i am getting a empty string as file extension and upldDocument.HasFile is returning false even after selecting a file.
what could be the reason??
Based on the posted code, I can only offer a best guess. There's not enough code posted to be sure what the problem is, but here's my best guess:
If you're not already, you need to check the HasFile property.
See here for a full example:
Edit - added
Using HasFile AFTER the bad code won't help. You need to put the code to get the extention inside an if statement so that it only attempts to read the extension if there IS a file.
string fileExtension = "";
if (upldDocument.HasFile)
fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(upldDocument.FileName);
//No file selected by user, which is why you can't get the extension.
// handle this eventuality here even if it means just returning from the function and not doing anything.
How are you checking the values? (in what event)
Did you set the enctype attribute of the form to "multipart/form-data" ?
