How to set the execution directory with premake? - premake

When I generate a ConsoleApp project with Premake 5, the execution directory for debugging the application is the same as the project. How do I change this directory?

Found it: debugdir "the/directory"


Azure devops VSBuild , Argument Outputpath

Hello I need to upload to Artifact the results of the VSBuild of the Solution but I can not use OutPutpath I get an error that the solution can not copy to certain files.
If I do not put an outputpath in the argument everything works fine, but I do not know what is the place of the VSBuild results to upload them to Artifact.
When using the VSBuild task to build a solution, normally the build artifact should be output into the directory of each project in the solution. So, the output path you set on the VSBuild task should be a relative path to each project directory.
You can follow the steps below to set up your pipeline:
On the VSBuild task, set the output path like as this.
-p:OutputPath={the relative path}
After the build, use the Copy files task to copy the artifact files form the output path to the directory $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
Then use the Publish Pipeline Artifacts task to publish the artifact files from the directory $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
The above are the most common steps to build projects and publish build artifacts in the build pipelines.

What is the difference between 'Build directory' and 'Working directory' in Qt?

In Qt creator, and in the 'Projects' tab; under 'Build' there is the 'Build directory'.
And under 'Run', there is the 'working directory'.
What is the difference between these two directories? Are not they supposed to be the same? Since the project is going to be built in one directory, the produced executable is going to be in that directory, but not another one, isn't it?
Thank you.
The build directory is where Qt will build your project.
The working / current directory is the directory the application is currently working in. This can be set in a number of ways, on shortcut level, when you start a process, when you execute an application from another directory command prompt, or internally via the static QDir::setCurrent() function.
Not to be confused with the application directory, which is where the application executable resides.

dnu publish does not deploy all image and JavaScript files

I use the following command to deploy an ASP.Net core 1.0 MVC application.
dnu publish --runtime active --no-source -o e:\website\zigs
Issue: Some image files and JavaScript files in the VS2015 project
wwwroot 'images' and 'js' folders are not deployed to the
'e:\website\zigs\wwwroot\' images and ..js sub-folders.
The missing files are present in the VS2015 project and all works correctly in the development environment.
I currently use dnvm version 1.0.0-rct1-15540 and dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0.0-rc1-update2
Is there something I need to do to flag the files to be included in the deployment?
(I can get around it by just manually deploying the missing files, but I would need to have the files deployed automatically by the build/deployment server in the future.)
Thank you.
Solved! Make sure the target root folder does not contain any folders/files to do with the deployment before running the dnu publish command!

Nested Virtual Directory Deleted on msdeploy

The project I have uses msdeploy to publish a package to IIS. It deploys over an existing version of the project. within the web application, I have a virtual directory, but every time I deploy the project, the virtual directory disappears.
I am calling MSDepoly in the following manner:
-source:package='d:\[...]\\application\' -dest:auto,computerName="",userName="AutoInstall",password="****",authtype="NTLM",includeAcls="False" -verb:sync -enableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension -setParamFile:"d:\...\\application\AppName.SetParameters.xml" -skip:objectName=binding -skip:absolutePath="info$" -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath="help$",skipAction=Delete
as you can see at the end, I have the following skip rules:
-skip:objectName=binding -skip:absolutePath="info$" -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath="help$",skipAction=Delete
The binding skip rule is working, but the virtual directory, info, is still getting removed from the web application. the virtual directory is nested within the help directory, so I added the skip action to skip deleting that folder as well.
I based all of this information from the following blog article, but my virtual directory, info, is still getting removed on deployment.
Please help!
I encountered the same issue. In development it appears the following skip rule prevented the Virtual Directory from being removed by MSDeploy.
I gave up on getting msdeploy to play nice. I just wrote a bat script that would be executed after msdeploy completed:
mkdir C:\inetpub\application_wwwroot\VirtualDirectoryPhysicalDir
ECHO adding read permissions to the app pool
cacls C:\inetpub\application_wwwroot\VirtualDirectoryPhysicalDir/t /e /g "IIS APPPOOL\MyAppPool":r
ECHO creating "info" virtual directory
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd add vdir /"WebApplication/AppVirtualDirectory" / /path:"/help/info" /physicalPath:"C:\inetpub\application_wwwroot\VirtualDirectoryPhysicalDir"
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd set vdir /"Medrio/MedrioWeb/help/info" /physicalPath:"C:\inetpub\application_wwwroot\VirtualDirectoryPhysicalDir"

Web Setup project not generating .msi file

I have a solution with a web setup project and a large website project in visual studio 2008.
When building the setup project it removes the setup.exe and the .msi file (which it is supposed to), the error occurs when it creates these files.
It creates the setup.exe file but not the .msi file, in its place is a .tmp
Let me know if more information is needed. I am thankful for the help.
Below is the output window and error.
------ Build started: Project: C:\...\GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory\, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Validating Web Site
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/19002_DistrictManagement/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/19005_ManualAdjustment/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/19010_AllStatementListing/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/19050_MortgageExport/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/19060_StatementDataExport/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/24570_ParcelPermit/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/29571_OpenSpaceTimberRemoval/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/29572_DFLRemoval/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/29605_ExemptStatusChange/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/29606_DestroyedProperty/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/82005_GDoc_BuildingPermit/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/19097_RelatedSta/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/19098_TxRollCorrect/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/24555_BuildingPermit/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/25030_ParcelSaleHistory/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/25099_QuickValueSummary/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9520_QuickViewAA/9702_GISImaging/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/19097_RelatedSta/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/19098_TxRollCorrect/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/19099_Ownership/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/25030_ParcelSaleHistory/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/25099_QuickValueSummary/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/95020_StatementHeaders/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/9521_QuickViewTR/JS/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/96010_OwnerSummary/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/JS/'.
Building directory '/GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory/'.
Validation Complete
------ Starting pre-build validation for project 'GuwtSetup' ------
------ Pre-build validation for project 'GuwtSetup' completed ------
------ Build started: Project: GuwtSetup, Configuration: Release ------
Building file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\svn\GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory\GuwtSetup\Release\GuwtSetup.msi'...
**ERROR: Could not find file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\svn\GrandUnifiedWebSliceTheory\GuwtSetup\Release\GuwtSetup.msi' 'The system cannot find the file specified.'**
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Figured it out thank you for all the views. The answer was, somehow in the project properties the web setup project release checkbox was marked. Unchecking this box allowed somehow fixed the problem
Watch the output panel, it will probably indicate what the error is.
Figured it out thank you for all the views. The answer was, somehow in the project properties the web setup project release checkbox was marked. Unchecking this box allowed somehow fixed the problem
