Cannot Create New File From Root Folder in Brackets - adobe-brackets

I am using Brackets Release 1.4 and have a question. I cannot figure out how to "Add a new file" to the top level (root) folder. It will allow me to add new files to sub folders. A lot of tutorials that use Brackets tell you to 'Add' a new file in the root folder, but I cannot get Brackets to do this. What am I doing wrong?

Assuming you are on Windows, you can for example use the Command Prompt, cd into your root folder and then create the file with the touch command.
Here are some basic terminal commands:
Or you could go to file -> New... and then, save as... to save the file in the folder of your liking.


How to change working directory in Julia Jupyter?

How to change working directory in Julia Jupyter?
I tried and read everything, still have no idea how to do that. It only allows me to select directories under my home ~/ dir. I can't find any button to go up to /.
I'm pretty sure once you have started the server you cannot then go up directories, I may be wrong though.
So best thing to do is start the jupyter notebook server somewhere that contains all of the folders you might need -i.e. the root dir if you want to make sure you have access to everything.
You can use the --notebook-dir flag for this. Or you can set defaults in the config.
you need to create the config file, using cmd :
jupyter notebook --generate -config
Then, search for C:\Users\your_username\.jupyter folder (Search for that folder), and right click edit the
Then, Ctrl+F: #c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ='' . Note that the quotes are single quotes. Select your directory you want to have as home for your jupyter, and copy it with Ctrl+C, for example: C:\Users\username\JuliaProjects.
Then on that line, paste it like this : c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'C:\\Users\\username\\JuliaProjects'
Make sure to remove #, as it is as comment.
Make sure to double slash \\ on each name of your path.
Ctrl+S to save the file !!!
Go back to your cmd and run jupyter notebook. It should be in your directory of choice. Test it by making a folder and watch your directory from your computer.
I use Jupyter Lab and start it from the Julia REPL (1.4) like this:
using IJulia
jupyterlab(dir=pwd(), detached=true)

Unable to copy files in a set working folder by using "get" command line (visual sourcesafe)

I'm trying to "extract" the labelled folders of a project (Versioned by VSS) in a working folder, previously set. The commands which I am using in the command line are:
ss Workfol "$/Project" "C:\Path of the working folder"
n.b. after this command, a line on the screen informs me that the working folder has been set as requested
ss Get $/Project -R
After this command the program asks if I want to set the VSS folder as a default working folder (I press N for Not), and all the file names appear on the screen. The problem is that, when I check in the working folder which i set with the first command, it is still empty.
Where I'm wrong?

Command similar to lndir to update the directory

The command lndir is used to create a copy of the original directory where files are soft links to the original counterparts. Is there a way to update the directory. e.g If there are new files created in the original directory the command or lndir used with the option should just create new files.
From the lndir man page
If you add files, simply run lndir again. New files will be silently added. Old files will be checked that they have the correct link.

Create a File with Touch on a specific Directory

I want a create a file with a specific extension(.done). I am using the command touch. Something Like:
touch `basename $UNZIPFILE`".done"
It's creating the file but in current directory. I want to create this file in a specific directory. Is there a option to provide the directory ?
I checked : , but could not figure out.
I can think of one option is before this command I can do a cd requiredDIR
Is there any other way, I can specify the Directory on the same command, so that I dont have to change the Directory?
Simply prepend the directory variable to the file you are touching.
touch "$MYDIR/$(basename $UNZIPFILE).done"
If the directory doesn't exist, you need to create it.
mkdir -p "$MYDIR" && touch "$MYDIR/$(basename $UNZIPFILE).done"
(It's also better to use $(command) syntax instead of backticks for command substitution.)

How to create a subdirectory for a project QtCreator?

I would like to divide my Qt project into several directories because it is growing pretty large. However, when I click on browse in QtCreator, there is no 'Add directory' and no such thing in 'Add new'. Can this be done somehow?
One method you could use is to add a project include file for each sub directory.
Qt Creator displays these in the GUI in a nested fashion, and allows you to add files to them.
in folder1/include.pri
HEADERS += MyClass.h
SOURCES += MyClass.cpp
Answer : How to create a folder or a subdirectory for a project in QtCreator?
Prior to QT Creator 3.1.x, you can right-click on your project -> "add new..." and change the path to the folder you want.
The folder must exists, Qt will not create it for you.
Qt takes care of the path in your .pro file.
That's it !
Just had the same issue, and found out a relatively simple answer.
All you need to do to move file.cpp to newFolder is to rename the file (right click -> Rename) to newFolder\file.cpp.
Qt Creator will move it to the new folder and automatically update the .pro file.
Starting from version 1.2.90 Qt Creator shows subfolders which exist in project's folder as branches in project's tree if only Filter tree option is not set to Simplify tree.
It only seems to be impossible to create sub-directories in QT-CREATOR.
Try the following:
Create a number of sub-directories, with a file-explorer or by command line within the project-folder (for example net/, gui/, test/, data/ ...)!
Move exisiting files into these new folders. And change their paths within the *.proj file!
Create new also files from beginning within the new folders (By AddNew...)!
... QT-CREATOR displays only such folders which contain files that are written with their names into the *.pro or a *.pri file. At root level QT-CREATOR distinguishes between HEADERS, SOURCES, FORMS and OTHER FILES. Within these root folders you can find project-own subfolders, repeatedly. (Not covered in this text is splitting into sub-projects.)
When you create a new Class in your Qt-Project, you can choose the path in this wizard and hereby specify new folders like DAL, BO, UI, ...
You can create a sub-directory as long as you have a file you wish to create in it. Go to the parent directory, and "Add" a file to it. "Browse" for the location and create a new folder inside the browse window. Agreed, that is not quite intuitive.
Here's what I have done:
In the Project Folder (outside the IDE), create Directories that you'd like to put your code in and move your source files into those directories.
Say you put "foo.cpp" and "foo.h" in the directory "foo".
In your "*.pro" file, go to each line that references the source files you moved and add the directory name, followed by '/' in front of the source file name.
.pro before Step 2:
SOURCES += main.cpp \
foo.h \
.pro after Step 2:
SOURCES += main.cpp \
Rebuild your project to test.
When my 'data' directory only had one sub-directory 'model' it just appeared as "data/model". After adding 'dao' as another sub-directory it displayed data with the traditional +/- manner to reveal model and dao.
you can add folders in your folders manager but they should contain a file, then go QT and right-click on your project then click on "add existing directory" and select your folder. if the folder is empty it's not going to show up.
