Create a File with Touch on a specific Directory - unix

I want a create a file with a specific extension(.done). I am using the command touch. Something Like:
touch `basename $UNZIPFILE`".done"
It's creating the file but in current directory. I want to create this file in a specific directory. Is there a option to provide the directory ?
I checked : , but could not figure out.
I can think of one option is before this command I can do a cd requiredDIR
Is there any other way, I can specify the Directory on the same command, so that I dont have to change the Directory?

Simply prepend the directory variable to the file you are touching.
touch "$MYDIR/$(basename $UNZIPFILE).done"
If the directory doesn't exist, you need to create it.
mkdir -p "$MYDIR" && touch "$MYDIR/$(basename $UNZIPFILE).done"
(It's also better to use $(command) syntax instead of backticks for command substitution.)


Winzip command line - Include full path information

How do I use winzip command line with include full path information ? I know I can do this under Winzip GUI but how to do it using cmd ? Also, is there a way to zip selected specific folders only ? Thanks
Tried GUI and it is working very slow
Winzip command line doesnt seem to zip selected folders - either parent folders or specific subfolders
I am using winzip 27 command line and this is the syntax I am using:
wzzip -a -e0 -k -P -r -yx "C:\Users\source\to\save\" "C:\example"
This stores files and folder timestamps underneath C:\example. But since I have enabled -P -r, I want to store the timestamps of the upper folder, C:\example folder. How can I do that ? Does anyone have suggestions?
Also, how do I specify the path for a mapped network drive? Thanks!

Recursively copy the *contents* of a directory

Using any of the standard Robot libraries, is it possible to recursively copy the contents of a directory to an existing destination directory?
Basically, I'm looking for the equivalent of the following shell command: cp -r foo/. bar (note the trailing dot)
I tried Copy Directory but this creates a directory foo inside bar (as documented) and it doesn't stop doing that even when supplying the trailing dot. Copy Files chokes when it encounters a directory.
Is there anything I overlooked? Or do I need to just call cp -r myself?
As I only need this to work on Linux, I ended up implementing a custom keyword calling cp -r. If this is ever needed cross-platform, then I'll follow the suggestions to directly implement it in Python.
Copy Directory Contents
[Documentation] Recursively copies the contents of the source directory into the destination.
[Arguments] ${source} ${destination}
Directory Should Exist ${source}
Directory Should Exist ${destination}
${result} = Run Process cp -r ${source}/. ${destination}/
Should Be Equal As Integers ${result.rc} 0

Creating a terminal command in Minix

I want to create a command that runs an executable created by compiling a c program. I couldn't find a proper solution. Let's say I have a file named myprogram.c and compile it and have myprogram as . I want to type myprogram in any folder in my system and run it. How can I achieve this?
First find out what your PATH is
echo $PATH
For you this outputs
Then assuming your program is in the /usr/myprog directory, append /usr/myprog to your PATH (don't forget to separate directories with a colon :)
export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin/usr/X11R7/bin:usr/X11R‌​‌​6/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/myprog
Doing this tells the system when you don't specify an absolute path (like ./myprogram) to look in all the directories in PATH. It is good to add the absolute path of your executable to PATH because adding . to your PATH is frowned upon by some (see this question).
You have to add it in your PATH from your shell rc file
You place the executable into a directory that your shell already searches for programs, or you add your program's location to that list.
the $PATH environment variable contains this information. You can add myProgram's location to it, i.e. export PATH=$PATH:/new/dir, or just print out $PATH and copy myProgram into one of the paths listed there already.

Seemingly invalid No such file or directory error

I'm attempting to open a directory in Unix. If I enter the command
I see the directory listed in my current directory but if I endter
cd [directory_name]
I get the error
No such file or directory
I'm also not able to auto complete the directory name using the 'tab' key. Does anyone know what may be causing this?
Check whether you are using the right capitalization? It's case sensitive. Add this to your ~/.inputrc if you want bash to not care about the case of the file.
set completion-ignore-case on
This is example:
user#stackoverflow:~$ ls
users questions file.txt
user#stackoverflow:~$ cd /questions
Make sure that you're trying to access a valid folder and not a file.
To further explain:
List the current directory's contents (either one):
ls .
List the home directory's contents (wherever you are):
ls ~
List the root directory's contents (wherever you are):
ls /

How do I create a directory with a file in it, in one step?

In the terminal, is there a way to create a directory with a file in it in one step?
Currently I do this in 2 steps:
1. mkdir foo
2. touch foo/bar.txt
Apparently, touch foo/bar.txt doesn't work.
With only standard unix tools, the most direct way to create a directory and a file in this directory is
mkdir foo && touch foo/bar.txt
Unix is built around the philosophy of simple, single-purpose tools with the shell as a glue to combine them. So to create a directory and a file, you instruct a shell to run the directory creation utility then the file creation utility.
I won't swear that there isn't some bizarre way of using a standard tool that lets you do it with a single command. (In fact, there is: unpack an archive — except that you'll need to provide that archive as a file, with predefined owner, date and other metadata, or else use another command to build an archive.) But whatever it is would be convoluted.
