'RM' is not recognized as an internal or external command while using Meteor on Windows - meteor

i am currently having problem with 'meteor' and i am currently new to this learning this stuff. So, after installing 'Meteor' i opened command prompt on Windows and typed :
meteor create goodboy
and then,
cd goodboy
But to delete the live and already running example app, i used :
rm goodboy.*
But the command prompt, gave this error :
rm is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
Is there anyway i can fix this error, thank you.

Use del on Windows.
Also, this has nothing to do with Meteor. You can also delete a Meteor project by going to the folder and dragging it to the trash.

If you are on windows, git bash may run such commands.

If you are using Mac then we can simply use
rm -f src/*
and For windows we can use command for this is
del -f "src/*"
Hope this works fine for you.

Download and Extract PortableGit.
This has most of commonly used Linux based tools ported to windows.
Add [PortableGit Path]\usr\bin to PATH variable of Windows
You can also use your system's Git installation instead of PortableGit.
This should solve the problem

I'm running Git shell prompt and for some reason it doesn't have it any more. I ended up using Cygin to get it working:

My penny's worth.
You could potentially add rm to powershell. In your (or a) profile.ps1 (or other if your powershell is not core).
rm {
or as an alias
Set-Alias rm del
or (and this is a tricky one), run WSL, bind the target folder and run via the linux interface.
PS: running the command via the Git Bash (MINGW64) terminal as suggested above, did the trick for me.

I guess you are not using bash terminal. Try this..
1- Go to the folder that you want to remove its contents lets call it my-app folder.
2- Right click in the empty space, then choose get Bash here.
3- Paste the command rm -f A_folder/* (I'm about to remove the content inside A_folder folder which is a sub-folder inside my-app).
4- Hit enter.
That should remove all content from A_folder folder.
Hope that helps.

I guess you are not using the Git Bash terminal but the normal command prompt.
Do try the same on the Git Bash terminal and you would not face this error anymore.

first, install linux clients for windows, I use Ubunto LTS
then install node.js and run your command again.
here, you find good instructions to do it so, as well as how to install cool new Windows Terminal

you should add
"remove-build": "rmdir /s /q build",
"create-build": "mkdir build",
"clean": "npm run remove-build && npm run create-build",
in package.json


Where is make on msys2/mingw-w64?

On msys2, I installed the mingw-w64 toolchain. I can run gcc from MINGW64 shell, but not make. pacman claims mingw-w64-x86_64-make is installed. What gives?
Just to add some details to the previous comments: On Windows you can open a command prompt (as admin), go to the c:\<your msys installation path>\mingw64\bin directory and run mklink make mingw32-make.exe to create a symbolic link. That will allow you to run the make command in the MINGW64 shell
The answer is simple but not obvious. They distribute mingw32-make.exe and expect you to symlink it by hand. Typical *nix-think.
Your PATH directories may not be set correctly.
This thread may help.

Change terminal in Atom-editor's Platformio-Ide-Terminal on Windows

On Windows, default terminal for Atom's Platformio-Ide-Terminal is Powershell (at least, that is what I get without any configuration).
I would prefer a terminal using unix-type commands. I already have MINGW and CYGWIN installed.
How can I avoid opening a Powershell and opening another terminal type instead?
Set the default shell in:
Edit>>Settings>>Packages>>Platformio Ide Terminal>>Settings>>Shell Override
You can use the git's bash as proposed here as you probably already have git installed.
C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe
Step by Step Solution
Go the Setting-> Packages -> In Search Bar, search for the platformio.
Open platformio and go to Shell Override Option.
Put the following line as per as your Terminal Requirement
For cmd- C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\cmd.exe
For Power Shell- C:\\WINDOWS\\Sysnative\\WndowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe
For bash- C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe or C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe (depending on how you install the bash). Be Sure, that you have already install the bash into your computer.
Now, you can integrate bash, cmd, git bash, Power Shell into Atom using platformio as terminal.
For CYGWIN users, the bash executable from the following location has proved useful for setting the shell override Settings >> Packages >> Platformio Ide Terminal >> Settings >> Shell Override
If you are now using Ubuntu for Windows 10 (downloaded from the app store), you can change it to that as well.
Ubuntu gets installed in Windows' PATH by default, so just change the default shell to:
That's it. Just remember that to get to your code, cd to /mnt/(driveletter)/wherever/your/files/sit.
For someone who still can't get this to work because your git bash is installed in AppData. This worked for me.

Can't open Sqlite on Git Bash

I'm trying to access my sqlite database on my current directory at /c/wamp/www/laravel5 on my local project folder, with windows as my OS. I added the sqlite3 executable on the directory.
The database doesn't seem to open using git bash. When using the default command in windows command prompt it works seamlesly. sqlite3.exe storage/database.sqlite
Tried on Git Bash:
$ ./sqlite3.exe
$ ./sqlite3.exe storage/database.sqlite
These didn't work.
The error message is:
bash: sqlite3.exe: command not found
Here's a snapshot:
I'd like to see the database tables and schema using git bash since it has cooler font colors compare with the windows cmd.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if you have the same problem I had, then see my question here.
In short, using "winpty" to start sqlite3 worked:
$ winpty sqlite3
Building on the previous answer by #user172431, add the following alias to your .bashrc
alias sqlite3="winpty sqlite3.exe"
This will make the workflow a tad quicker and feel like a ninja rock-star in the process. I use this shortcut via Git Bash

JavaFX native packager custom post-image scripts

Making a JavaFX app that does remote EJB, and it turns out I need the java executable in the bundle. Building for Mac, Windows, deb, and rpm.
Three questions:
1) Is there a way to get the java executable to end up in the bundle without using the post-image scripts?
2) If not, are there post-image scripts for Linux? (deb & rpm both) These don't show up in the verbose notes like they do for Mac and Windows.
3) Still having a problem with my mac script today. I've verified that the java executable is copied to the right place in the dmg-image tree, but doesn't end up in the final. Yesterday they worked, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did to make it work or again to make it stop working today.
Yes, I'm using verbose and have tried all sorts of bash tricks to expose inner workings.
More detail here:
Thanks for any help,
True, there is no post-image script for linux (that I could find).
However, you can modify the rpm spec file to do what you want by adding a custom script to the %install section.
For example, a default spec file %install section might look like this:
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt
cp -r %{_sourcedir}/YOURAPPNAME %{buildroot}/opt
To add the java executable to the build, just add these 2 lines:
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/YOURAPPNAME/runtime/jre/bin
cp -p ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java %{buildroot}/opt/YOURAPPNAME/runtime/jre/bin/java

Trying to install Theos

I'm trying to install Theos on my iMac using the instructions from HERE.
It seems to have installed correctly, but when I try to set up a new project in terminal using:
It says:
-bash: /bin/nic.pl: No such file or directory
Any help would be great!
You should unhide your OSX hidden files using this command through TERMINAL :
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder
Then open .bash_profile under your USERNAME folder
if .bash_profile doesn't existe
Open TERMINAL then write
touch .bash_profile
open -a TextEdit.app .bash_profile
Then add this line inside
export THEOS=/opt/theos
Good luck
If you followed the guide of iphonedevwiki you should have all that you need to use theos. The correct way to call nic.pl should be:
sudo su
