JavaFX native packager custom post-image scripts - javafx

Making a JavaFX app that does remote EJB, and it turns out I need the java executable in the bundle. Building for Mac, Windows, deb, and rpm.
Three questions:
1) Is there a way to get the java executable to end up in the bundle without using the post-image scripts?
2) If not, are there post-image scripts for Linux? (deb & rpm both) These don't show up in the verbose notes like they do for Mac and Windows.
3) Still having a problem with my mac script today. I've verified that the java executable is copied to the right place in the dmg-image tree, but doesn't end up in the final. Yesterday they worked, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did to make it work or again to make it stop working today.
Yes, I'm using verbose and have tried all sorts of bash tricks to expose inner workings.
More detail here:
Thanks for any help,

True, there is no post-image script for linux (that I could find).
However, you can modify the rpm spec file to do what you want by adding a custom script to the %install section.
For example, a default spec file %install section might look like this:
rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt
cp -r %{_sourcedir}/YOURAPPNAME %{buildroot}/opt
To add the java executable to the build, just add these 2 lines:
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/YOURAPPNAME/runtime/jre/bin
cp -p ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java %{buildroot}/opt/YOURAPPNAME/runtime/jre/bin/java


Can I use zsh as the default non-interactive shell for WSL2 Ubuntu?

I am trying to use Run/Debug Configurations on WebStorm, however it doesn't seem to source .zshrc and produces errors about not finding commands and environment variables. (An example of this would be yarn tauri dev when using Tauri)
I have installed Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL and the project I opened in WebStorm resides under the $HOME directory. WebStorm is installed in Windows.
For the interactive shell, I have made zsh the default by chsh -s $(which zsh), but when using Run/Debug Configurations it uses the default non-interactive shell, which is dash as far as I know. And my environment variables and PATH are all set in .zshrc, which is not sourced by dash.
It seems in CLion, it is possible to execute commands in the login shell according to this YouTrack issue, but such an option is not available on WebStorm.
Is it possible to use zsh instead of dash as the default non-interactive shell? If not, it would help me a lot to know what is the best practice in such situations.
There are several questions and points you make:
First, from the question title (and the summary at the end):
Can I use zsh as the default non-interactive shell for WSL2 Ubuntu?
Well, maybe (using symlinks), but it would be a really bad idea. So many built-in scripts rely on /bin/sh pointing to Dash, or at least Bash. While Zsh might be compatible with 99.9% of them, eventually there's a strong likelihood that some difference in Zsh would cause a system-level script to fail (or at least produce results inconsistent with those from Dash).
It is possible in Ubuntu to change the default non-interactive ("system" shell) from Dash to Bash with sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash. If you select "No" in the resulting dialog, then the system will be updated to point /bin/sh to bash instead of dash.
But not to Zsh, no.
when using Run/Debug Configurations it uses the default non-interactive shell, which is dash as far as I know
I don't run WebStorm myself, so I'm not sure on this exactly. Maybe #lena's answer (or another) will cover it for you, but if it doesn't, I'm noticing this doc page. It might be worth trying to specify Zsh in those settings, but again, I can't be sure.
And my environment variables and PATH are all set in .zshrc, which is not sourced by dash.
Hmm. I'm guessing you would need these set in a .profile/.zprofile equivalent regardless. I would assume that WebStorm is executing the shell as a non-interactive one, which means that it wouldn't even parse ~/.bashrc if Bash was your default shell.
... it would help me a lot to know what is the best practice in such situations.
Best practice is probably to make sure that your ~/.profile has any environment changes needed. Yes, this violates DRY (don't repeat yourself), but it's probably the best route.
Thanks to the answer here and the discussion below, I was able to figure it out. (Thank you, #NotTheDr01ds and #lena.)
The main problem is that WebStorm is installed on Windows and therefore knows only the environment variables in Windows. There are two ways to solve the problem as follows.
Sharing WSL's environment variable to Windows through WSLENV
Add the line below to .zshrc so that it sets $WSLENV when zsh starts.
# Don't forget to insert the colon
# And for some reason, appending the variable after $WSLENV didn't work well
In Windows, run
wsl -e zsh -lic powershell.exe
This runs WSL using zsh (logged-in and interactive), then runs powershell which brings you back to Windows. Although this doesn't seem to achieve anything, by going through zsh in WSL, .zshrc was sourced and therefore $WSLENV set as well. You can check if it worked well by running the below command after you've run the above.
Run WebStorm from the PowerShell that was just created.
& 'C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\WebStorm 2022.1.3\bin\webstorm64.exe'
When you run or debug any of the Run/Debug Configurations, you will see that the environment variable is shared successfully.
Setting the PATH in Windows
For most environment variables, the previous method works well. However, PATH is an exception. The Windows PATH is shared to WSL by default. The opposite doesn't work, probably because the PATH in WSL should not interfere with Windows.I've tried adding the $PATH of WSL into $WSLENV but it didn't seem to work.
In the end, what I did was manually adding each needed $PATH of WSL into the Windows PATH.
For example, if there was export PATH=$PATH:home/(username)/.cargo/bin in .zshrc, you can then add \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\(username)\.cargo\bin to the Windows $env:Path using the Environment Variable window.
I might have made some mistakes, so feel free to leave an edit or comments.
You can try using npm config set script-shell command to set the shell for your scripts. Like npm config set script-shell "/usr/bin/zsh".
When npm run <script name> spawns a child process, the SHELL being used depends on NPM environment. Cм
The actual shell your script is run within is platform dependent. By
default, on Unix-like systems it is the /bin/sh command, on Windows it
is the cmd.exe. The actual shell referred to by /bin/sh also depends
on the system. As of npm#5.1.0 you can customize the shell with the
script-shell configuration
See also

Fedora 30: GTK fails to load appmenu-gtk-module

I am learning to program in Python and Rust. On different versions of Ubuntu these programs compiled and ran perfectly. Now that I have a dedicated Fedora 30 KDE system, every time I try and build a program, I get a warning: Failed to load module "appmenu-gtk-module"
I have tried looking this up and have re/installed anything GTK on my system. The programs otherwise function well, but no menus are drawn. I was also trying things in GNOME and hit the same thing.
I am also using QT. Those programs also build and run fine, but again, no menu.
I'm going bonkers with this. Any help is appreciated.
The appmenu-gtk module is not packaged on Fedora. (GNOME doesn't support them anyway.)
The real questions are:
Why is it configured to load? Did you copy or share GTK config files from an Ubuntu system? You should remove this module from your settings.
Even with improper configs I don't believe this should result in menus not appearing. It should just fail to load and work as normal. How is your application using menus?
I finally got so fed up with getting this error that I went full nerd-diagnosis, and ran this command to find out which file contained the errant reference to the appmenu-gtk (the package that would provide this is not installable on my system either).
(Replace "dolphin" with the command that is giving you the error.)
strace -e openat,access dolphin 2>&1 |grep -v ENOENT |awk '/appmenu-gtk/ {exit} !/appmenu-gtk/ {print}'|cut -d '"' -f2 |sort|uniq|xargs grep appmenu-gtk 2>/dev/null
This will then give you a list of files which contain the line appmenu-gtk, and in my case it was ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini. From there I just commented it out, and that gets rid of the error message (not sure if this will fix your problem of not having any menus, but you might just be able to edit that line to fix it in another way if commenting it out doesn't work).

'RM' is not recognized as an internal or external command while using Meteor on Windows

i am currently having problem with 'meteor' and i am currently new to this learning this stuff. So, after installing 'Meteor' i opened command prompt on Windows and typed :
meteor create goodboy
and then,
cd goodboy
But to delete the live and already running example app, i used :
rm goodboy.*
But the command prompt, gave this error :
rm is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
Is there anyway i can fix this error, thank you.
Use del on Windows.
Also, this has nothing to do with Meteor. You can also delete a Meteor project by going to the folder and dragging it to the trash.
If you are on windows, git bash may run such commands.
If you are using Mac then we can simply use
rm -f src/*
and For windows we can use command for this is
del -f "src/*"
Hope this works fine for you.
Download and Extract PortableGit.
This has most of commonly used Linux based tools ported to windows.
Add [PortableGit Path]\usr\bin to PATH variable of Windows
You can also use your system's Git installation instead of PortableGit.
This should solve the problem
I'm running Git shell prompt and for some reason it doesn't have it any more. I ended up using Cygin to get it working:
My penny's worth.
You could potentially add rm to powershell. In your (or a) profile.ps1 (or other if your powershell is not core).
rm {
or as an alias
Set-Alias rm del
or (and this is a tricky one), run WSL, bind the target folder and run via the linux interface.
PS: running the command via the Git Bash (MINGW64) terminal as suggested above, did the trick for me.
I guess you are not using bash terminal. Try this..
1- Go to the folder that you want to remove its contents lets call it my-app folder.
2- Right click in the empty space, then choose get Bash here.
3- Paste the command rm -f A_folder/* (I'm about to remove the content inside A_folder folder which is a sub-folder inside my-app).
4- Hit enter.
That should remove all content from A_folder folder.
Hope that helps.
I guess you are not using the Git Bash terminal but the normal command prompt.
Do try the same on the Git Bash terminal and you would not face this error anymore.
first, install linux clients for windows, I use Ubunto LTS
then install node.js and run your command again.
here, you find good instructions to do it so, as well as how to install cool new Windows Terminal
you should add
"remove-build": "rmdir /s /q build",
"create-build": "mkdir build",
"clean": "npm run remove-build && npm run create-build",
in package.json cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am trying to install ODBC driver for Debian arrording to these instructions:
However trying to run:
sqlcmd -S localhost
I get the error cannot open shared object file: No such file or
What could be the cause?
So far I have tried
$ cd /usr/lib
$ sudo ln -s
$ sudo ln
/usr/local/lib64 to the /etc/ file
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
4. Sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8:i386
None of these have helped.
As I'm quite familiar with Debian and programming, here is some advice:
if you have questions about setting up your system, ask on SuperUser and/or (if your question is specific to a Un*x flavour) on Unix&Linux
when fuddling around with symlinks to shared-libraries, you should have a thorough understanding of what you are doing. these files are named for a reason - and the reason is to protect you (the user of the system) from weird crashes, because an application is using a wrong/incompatible library.
a tutorial that tells you to do so, should give proper warning and explanation about what you are to do.
So, why are these instructions in the tutorial you are following?
The application you are trying to run, has been linked against
On the developer machine (that was used to produce the application binary), was a symlink to, but this is missing on Debian: maybe because the library has been removed (and replaced by a new and incompatible version), or because Debian uses a different naming scheme as compared to the system that was used to compile the application.
If it is the former, then you cannot solve the issue by using symlinks.
You have to get the right library (or the application linked against the correct libraries).
If it is the latter, you may get away with symlinking the expected library name with the correct library files found on your system. (This is assuming that the only difference between the two systems is indeed the so-naming scheme).
So, how to do it?
first of all, you should find out, against which libraries your application was really linked, and which of these libraries are missing.
$ ldd /path/to/my/app | grep -i "not found" => not found
then find out, whether you have a (hopefully compatible) library on your system. A good place to start is /usr/lib/. but not-so-recently, Debian has started moving the libraries to /usr/lib/<host-triplet>, with <host-triplet> describing a target architecture. You can find out the default value if your application was indeed built for the architecture you are running (e.g. for linux-amd64) you can get the string by running something like:
$ gcc -print-multiarch
Imagine you discover that you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
if you have good reason to believe that this can act as a replacement for, you can go make the found library available to your application by means of a symlink, e.g.
# cd /usr/local/lib/
# ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Finally, you might need to refresh the cache of the dynamic linker so it starts using the new library, by running ldconfig as root/superuser.

run a "source" bash shell script in qmake

I want to use the intel compiler for Qt, but using the intel compiler implies running the script
$ source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
Of course, I could add this to ~/.bashrc, but this would not run it in QtCreator, where it still complains about missing icpc. So I want it to be a part of the main mkspec qmake file.
How can I execute that full bash command in qmake?
Short Answer: Using QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS and PRE_TARGET_DEPS, you can execute source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64, but simply sourcing them will not solve your issue.
Long Answer: The QMake file is converted into a Makefile. Make then executes the Makefile. The problem you will run into is that Make executes each command in its own shell. Thus, simply sourcing the script will only affect one command, the command that executes the script.
There are a couple of possible ways to make things work:
Execute the script before starting Qt-Creator. I've actually done this for some projects where I needed to have special environment variables setup. To make my life easier, I created a shell command to setup the environment and then launch Qt-Creator.
Within Qt-Creator, modify the Build Environment for the project I've also used this trick. In your case, simply look at the environment setup by the script and change the "Build Environment" settings under the project tab for your project to match those setup by the script.
It might also be possible to modify QMake's compiler commands, but I am not sure you can make it execute two commands instead of one (source the script then execute the compiler). Further more, this will make the project very un-transportable to other systems.
You can create a shell script that does more or less the following:
#! /usr/bin/env sh
# Remove the script's path from the PATH variable to avoid recursive calls
SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Set the environment up
source /opt/intel/bin/ intel64
# Call make with the given arguments
make "$#"
Save it into a file named "make" in an empty directory somewhere, make it executable, then change the build environment in QT Creator to prepend PATH with the script's directory:
You can do this either in the project settings or once and for all in the kit settings.
Like this, QT Creator will be fooled into calling your make script which sets up your environment before calling the actual make binary. I use a similar technique under Windows with Linux cross-toolchains and it has been working well so far.
