PHPExcel: how to get hidden cell values / Scientific Number in Number? - phpexcel

In PHPExcel is there any format available to get proper reading of the order item value as shown in picture.
I read whole the document but not find any solution for this problem.
For the date filled also if the data is shown ###### like way then how to get that as well?

In MS Excel, numbers that are larger than a certain size will be shown in scientific format (e.g. 1.40E+15) unless you set a format mask for that cell which says otherwise. The solution is to set an appropriate format mask, or to set the value as a string value.
In MS Excel, if a string value is wider than the column size, then it will be shown as ######. The solution is to increase the column size.
I can't tell you what the best column size is? That all depends on your data.... but you can either set columns to a fixed size using:
or set a column to autocalculate the width
Exactly as described in the PHPExcel docs
Note that we do spend time and effort writing this documentation to try and answer your questions: it is worth reading.


How to increase the width of labels - BlueSky Statistics

In BlueSky Statistics, is there a way to increase the width of the Labels column in Variable view? I am able to select other columns and drag to increase their width but not the Labels column.
this is not possible in the current version, why are you looking for this, can you give me an example of what you are trying to achieve. We don't replace the variable name in the output of the analysis like SPSS, the only value in BlueSky Statistics is to see a more friendly name associated with the variable name

chd=t truncate data to 100

I've read all of the documentation, and I can't seem to figure this one out. I have the following URL for an image chart, however it caps the data at 100 for some reason. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what that is.,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200
chd=t: (coming from Google Image Charts format) limits data to 100. See the first line of our documentation here.
Basic text-formatted data lets you specify floating point values from 0—100, inclusive, as numbers. Values below zero are marked as missing; values above 100 are truncated to 100.
But the good news, we did not stop at being a drop-in-replacement for Google Image Charts....... We've improved it!
Use our Awesome Text format instead, change chd=t: to chd=a: and you are done!
with chd=t:,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200
with chd=a:,102,154,145,153,212,215,171,184,148,103,90,62,27,33,28,32,38,22,11,10,13,13,20&chm=B,0D4564,0,0,0&chma=0,0,20,10&chs=900x400&cht=lc&chxl=0:|7AM|8AM|9AM|10AM|11AM|12PM|1PM|2PM|3PM|4PM|5PM|6PM|7PM|8PM|9PM|10PM|11PM|12AM|1AM|2AM|3AM|4AM|5AM|6AM&chxt=x,y&chtt=Calls+By+Hour&chxr=1,0,200
Edit this chart

How do I set Excel row heights in R using a constant unit (e.g., inches)?

Background: I've written R code to create data summary tables that are exported into Excel templates using openxlsx. The tables vary in size and content with each new dataset, often spanning many pages. The data rows are all the same height, but each page also has a footnote at the bottom, which can vary in height. I have openxlsx code to adjust the height of the footnote row, which must be large enough to fit the text but small enough so the row doesn't get pushed onto the next page. The code is proprietary and I can't post it, but here's an example*:
*All of the inputs other than "wb" are dynamically assigned elsewhere in the program.
Problem: As far as I can tell, openxlsx only allows you to specify row heights in Excel row height units, as opposed to a standard measurement like inches. This seems to result in wildly different row heights (both in inches and in terms of fitting on the same exact page template) depending on the specific computer monitor I'm working on. For example, code that works fine when my laptop is hooked up to my work station will produce giant rows when I'm working on the laptop's monitor. I previously ran into the same issue with the XLConnect package, which makes me think this is a general issue with how R interacts with Excel as opposed to a unique limitation of openxlsx.
I noticed that other openxlsx functions allow you to input the screen's DPI (including vertical and horizontal DPI in some cases) for scaling, which led me to conclude that differences in DPI might account for the scaling discrepancies across screens. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to import the DPI of a specific screen into R in order to adjust the setRowHeights input to work with that screen.
I've spent countless hours researching and troubleshooting this problem with no luck. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Php Excel Number Formatting

I have this code to format the cell in number format,
The problem is, it is working with other cells but with other cells, it does not work.
It gives me an output of ###### inside the cell. as you can see in the screenshot.
Screenshot here.
I was wondering what seems to be the problem since I used the same code to format other cells as you can see. If you hover in the #### you can see the value but not displaying like others.
Thanks for the help guys.

QTableWidgetItem multiple lines disappearing

I use a subclassed QTableWidget with QTableWidgetItems in cells to display certain data. In the first row, I have a set of numbers separated by new lines in each cell. My problem is that when I increase font size/decrease cell size, some lines completely disappear, allthough the cell is definitely high enough to contain them.
This usually appears when there is a 2-digit number with some other lines under it and (probably) the font size is greater than the box width can match. I have the elide mode set to none to suppress the "three dots" that appear when this happens.
The first row is resized by
this->setRowWidth(0, this->rowWidth(0) + 10);
so that its high enough.
However, the numbers keep on disappearing. Example shown here, note the font size change and missing numbers.
I'm starting to be quite desparate about this...any help highly appreciated.
Just to investigate the problem, try:
Make shure that string is correctly created (2,5,10,3) and not (10,3)
Try letters instead of numbers to make shure that they are shown
Try use 3digits nuber alongside with 2digits and see what is happened
May be workaround this by using 01,02 numbers?
Try resizeColumnsToContents() instead of setColumnWidth. If that doesn't work, try calling resizeColumnsToContents() before resizeRowToContents(0).
By the way, is there any reason for calling resizeRowToContents(0) instead of resizeRowsToContents() (note the different name)?
