Jira Need to Add Button to Comment Toolbar - button

So we currently have Jira in our workplace and no Jira Administrator. I'm feeling up to the task and would like to know if Jira has the functionality I'm looking for.
So when you have comments in Jira or even in the body of a Jira ticket. You can italicize the text from the comment ribbon
As you can see I am interested in being able to have the same functionality as bold or italicize or underline
but I want to be able to highlight some code that i insert in a ticket comment and click a button and make it into a code block. Or add curly brackets and make it a quote... Exactly like how StackOverflow does it.
Anyone know how I can accomplish this?

This is quite old question but it might help someone else looking for an answer later...
If you're familiar with JavaScript, simply inject a button via JS onto the toolbar. I've done this for a couple of custom fields. Such JS can be included in the custom field's description.
In my case, I've added two buttons on two custom fields to copy original content from Summary/Description. You can adjust the code to do a whatever action on any custom field or comment field.
Code to be included in the custom field's description. Adjust your code to place the JS into appropriate elements.
var cfAltDescription = 14705;
var elAltDescription = AJS.$("#customfield_" + cfAltDescription);
function addDescriptionButton() {
var buttonHTML = ' <button type="button" class="aui-button" style="font-size: 11px;padding: 1px 5px;" title="Paste original description into this field" onclick="copyDescription()">< Description</button>';
AJS.$(".jira-wikifield[field-id=customfield_" + cfAltDescription + "] ~ .wiki-button-bar").append(buttonHTML);
function copyDescription() {
var origDescription = AJS.$("#description").attr("value");
elAltDescription.attr("value", origDescription);
// set focus in the input box after copying...
elAltDescription.focus()[0].setSelectionRange(0, 0);
For comments, you cannot inject JS into the custom field description (comments are not a custom field). You will need to include your JS either via Announcement Banner (this would be global JS for any Jira page). Alternatively, you can utilize simple yet powerful JsIncluder add-on to inject your own JS code only for certain project/issuetype or globally and/or for edit/transition screens only.

I think you can use plugin for this. jeditor plugin gives you more options in text editors. all information you need is provided in above link.after installing this plugin you can change the text renderer as "JEditor Renderer".
Marketplace: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.jiraeditor.jeditor
or you can use.....
Note:-I guess this is not the exact answer you need but I think you can use macros inside the comment field. ex:if you want to add panel in inside of comment you can simply use
{panel}Some text{panel}
{panel:title=My Title}Some text with a title{panel}
{panel:title=My Title| borderStyle=dashed| borderColor=#ccc| titleBGColor=#F7D6C1| bgColor=#FFFFCE}
a block of text surrounded with a *panel*
yet _another_ line
and if you want to add code you can use...
--- Java example ---
// Some comments here
public String getFoo()
return foo;
*--- XML example ---*
<another tag="attribute"/>
here is a example screenshot..
follow this link for more information..
with the plugin you can get something like this..I think this will helps you.


SwiftUI, How to set a word as a button in the paragraph?

I would like to make "here" a button on this note. Anyone could you tell me how to do that?
A possible approach is to use mark-down text with link and handle link by intercepting url.
Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5
Here is main part:
Text("All your information are confidential. For more information please refer to [here](conf_info)")
.environment(\.openURL, OpenURLAction { url in
if url == URL(string: "conf_info") { // << intercept key
return .handled
return .systemAction
Test module on GitHub
You can create a link in any Text view using Markdown's standard syntax, e.g.
Text("...For more information refer to [our privacy policy](https://example.org/privacy)")
If your destination is a public URL then that is all you need to do – clicking on it will open the relevant page in Safari.
However, if you want the click to be handled inside your app, you will need to pass the text view a custom OpenURLAction. See this answer to a previous question on how to start going about that.

How to render additional checkbox at Gutenberg?

I want to add an additional checkbox next to Crop Image but I can't understand what need to write in javascript for rendering it and handling then. I couldn't find documentation with explaining that. I've tried to write code like that but it didn't work:
function addListBlockClassName (settings, name) {
if (name !== 'core/gallery') {
return settings
// new checkbox
settings.attributes.enableVoting = {
default: false,
type: 'boolean',
return settings
You can add the additional checkbox on sidebar by using InspectorControls and Checkbox Control
Have a look at gallery block and learn how the are implementing things on sidebar via using InspectorControls. This can be complex so for easier implementation you can look at other core blocks of Gutenberg.
And this link can help you about how to use CheckboxControl.
In your above code you are just adding a hook which is changing the default class name of block gallery and that is not what you are asking. Please note that as per my knowledge you can't edit default core blocks (apart from very few things) unless you copy whole core block and add additional functionality into it.

How to change the Apache Wicket's CSVDataExporter's link type to a button?

I have a Grid, which have a TopToolbar and BottomToolbar. In the BottomToolbar, I added a CSVDataExporter:
CSVDataExporter csvDataExporter = new CSVDataExporter();
csvDataExporter.setDataFormatNameModel(new ResourceModel("csv.export.link.name"));
addBottomToolbar(new ExportToolbar(this).addDataExporter(csvDataExporter));
I have the link, so I can export the table to CSV fine!
BUT! How could I change the CSV export link to be a Button, but do the same and be at the same place as it was? Thank you!
The Link is generated by your ExportToolbar using the createExportLink method. To generate something else (as in any other component) you can extend the ExportToolbar to override this method. If this is the only place where you need this functionality, you can do so by implementing an anonymous inner class.
Generally you'll want this method to return a Component that has it's own markup, like a Panel, that contains whatever you want to display as your Exportlink or -button.

How do make a tag cloud link to a specific paragraph or picture in asp.net

I've just started using the tag cloud feature for a new site i'm developing.
but now I've run into some problems
I can set the links in my tag cloud to go to a page, but I have many pages with a tab container.
so for instance, I have a tab container. one of its panels is a sports panel. the tab container has three other panels, say food, travel and drinks.
how do I make a tag that goes directly to that panel in the tab container?
really stuck here.
tried creating a normal a id="something" name="something", and tried creating the tags a href to that name with a #, but that didn't work.
could somebody please help me
would, of course, be greatly appreciated
A # is your best bet. So for example if you set up your link to appear as:
Link text
Then you can bind to the "hash change" event using javascript. jQuery example below.
// on load
// bind window hashchange event
jQuery(window).bind("hashchange", function(){
// get hash selected
var hash = window.location.hash;
// *** now do something with that information *** //
// *** eg, show hide panels where a nested element, attribute or data matches hash *** //
If you're doing it this way you should make all the "tab clicks" simply bound hash changes too, forgetting any previous functionality. Then it will be solid, and consistent.
You could also do the same using query strings. And if you're not a fan of the "hashchange" then do it another way. The key is that you would have a javascript function that looks for something in the url, then does something about it!
Add to the "do something section" assuming all your tabs are of the same class and the hash is the same name as the ID
jQuery("#" + hash).show();

How to prevent a hyperlink from linking

Is it possible to prevent an asp.net Hyperlink control from linking, i.e. so that it appears as a label, without actually having to replace the control with a label? Maybe using CSS or setting an attribute?
I know that marking it as disabled works but then it gets displayed differently (greyed out).
To clarify my point, I have a list of user names at the top of my page which are built dynamically using a user control. Most of the time these names are linkable to an email page. However if the user has been disabled the name is displayed in grey but currently still links to the email page. I want these disabled users to not link.
I know that really I should be replacing them with a label but this does not seem quite as elegant as just removing the linking ability usings CSS say (if thats possible). They are already displayed in a different colour so its obvious that they are disabled users. I just need to switch off the link.
This sounds like a job for JQuery. Just give a specific class name to all of the HyperLink controls that you want the URLs removed and then apply the following JQuery snippet to the bottom of your page:
$(document).ready(function() {
All of the HyperLink controls with the class name "NoLink" will automatically have all of their URLs removed and the link will appear to be nothing more than text.
A single line of JQuery can solve your problem.
I'm curious on what it is you which to accomplish with that. Why use a link at all?
Is it just for the formatting? In that case, just use a <span> in HTML and use stylesheets to make the format match the links.
Or you use the link and attach an onClick-Event where you "return false;" which will make the browser not do the navigation - if JS is enabled.
But: Isn't that terribly confusing for your users? Why create something that looks like a link but does nothing?
Can you provide more details? I have this feeling that you are trying to solve a bigger problem which has a way better solution than to cripple a link :-)
A Hyperlink control will render as a "a" "/a" tag no matter what settings you do. You can customize a CSS class to make the link look like a normal label.
Alternatively you can build a custom control that inherits from System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink, and override the Render method
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if (Enabled)
Could be a bit overkill, but it will work for your requirements.
Plus I find is usefull to have a base asp:CustomHyperlink asp:CustomButton classes in my project files. Makes it easier to define custom behaviour throughout the project.
If you merely want to modify the appearance of the link so as not to look like a link, you can set the CSS for your "a" tags to not have underlines:
a: link, visited, hover, active {
text-decoration: none;
Though I would advise against including "hover" here because there will be no other way to know that it's a link.
Anyway I agree with #pilif here, this looks like a usability disaster waiting to happen.
If you mean to stop the link from activating, the usual way is to link to "javascript:void(0);", i.e.:
This should work:
onclick="return false;"
if not, you could change href to "#" also. Making it appear as a rest of text is css, e.g. displaying arrow instead of hand is:
a.dummy {
Thanks for all the input, it looks like the short answer is 'No you can't (well not nicely anyway)', so I'll have to do it the hard way and add the conditional code.
If you are using databind in asp.net handle the databinding event and just don't set the NavigateUrl if that users is disabled.
Have you tried just not setting the NavigateUrl property? If this isn't set, it may just render as a span.
.fusion-link-wrapper { pointer-events: none; }
Another solution is apply this class on your hyperlink.
.avoid-clicks {
pointer-events: none;
CSS solution to make tags with no href (which is what asp:HyperLink will produce if NavigateURL is bound to null/empty string) visually indistinguishable from the surrounding text:
a:not([href]), a:not([href]):hover, a:not([href]):active, a:not([href]):visited {
text-decoration: inherit !important;
color: inherit !important;
cursor: inherit !important;
Unfortunately, this won't tell screen readers not to read it out as a link - though without an href, it's not clickable, so I'm hoping it already won't be identified as such. I haven't had the chance to test it though.
(If you also want to do the same to links with href="", as well as those missing an href, you would need to add pointer-events:none as well, since otherwise an empty href will reload the page. This definitely leaves screen readers still treating it as a link, though.)
In the OP's use case, if you still have the href being populated from the database but have a boolean value that indicates whether the link should be a 'real' link or not, you should use that to disable the link, and add a:disabled to the selector list above. Then disabled links will also look like plain text rather than a greyed-out link. (Disabling the link will also provide that information to screen readers, so that's better than just using pointer-events: none and a class.)
A note of caution - if you add these sorts of rules globally rather than for a specific page, remember to watch out for cases where an tag has no (valid) href, but you are providing a click handler - you still need those to look/act like links.
