Crashes and strange behaviour when manipulating strings - arduino

My chip just stop doing anything. sometimes it prints good results, sometimes its not, i just cant understand whats wrong with this code( and generally any time you using Strings it happens )
void ParseGetRequest(char* data)
String parseGET=data;
String from="GET /";
String to="HTTP";
int ind1 = parseGET.indexOf(from);
int ind2 = parseGET.indexOf(to);
parseGET=parseGET.substring(ind1+from.length(), ind2-1);
strcpy(data, parseGET.c_str () );
And calling it with :
void readWifDataAsSever(char* reqData)
uint8_t buffer[128] = {0};
uint8_t mux_id;
uint32_t len = wifi.recv(&mux_id, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 100);
char serverData[100]={0};
if (len > 0)
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
ParseGetRequest( serverData ); ///****** the call
Serial.println(serverData); // prints only part of the values
//here the chip just freeze and stop the main loop

NULL termination !!!!
serverData[len ] = '\0';


Getting junk data when trying to retrieve elements from a PROGMEM array on Arduino

My code looks something like this:
#define SIZE_OF_ARRAY 1000
const long myArray[SIZE_OF_ARRAY] PROGMEM = {
... // All the way to 1000 elements
void setup() {
for( int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_ARRAY; i++){
long currentNumber = myArray[i];
// These also do not work:
//long currentNumber = pgm_read_word_near(myArray + i);
//long currentNumber = pgm_read_dword_near(myArray + i);
But when I run this code, I get completely random junk data:
... all the way up to 1000
How can I access that array to get the data I put in it? I am not very familiar with C and the difference between variables and pointers, but it works without the PROGMEM flag so I assumed it would work with it as well.
Looks like the answer was to use:
void setup() {
for( int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_ARRAY; i++){
unsigned long currentNumber = pgm_read_dword_near(myArray + i);
And to redefine the long array as:
const unsigned long myArray[SIZE_OF_ARRAY] PROGMEM = {
Because I was also running into long overflow errors

memmove implementation throws segmentation fault while copying a character array

Hi I tried to write my own version of memmove and I find the following code resulting in a segmentation fault. It would be great if someone could help me figure out why this behavior would occur!
However, when I use something like:
char source[20] = "Hello, this is Piranava", the code works fine!
void *memmoveLocal(void *dest, const void *src, unsigned int n)
char *destL = dest;
const char *srcL = src;
int i = 0;
if(dest == NULL || src == NULL)
return NULL;
// if dest comes before source, even if there's an overlap, we should move forward
// because if there's an overlap (when dest < src) and we move backward, we'd overwrite the overlapping bytes in src
if(destL < srcL)
while(i < n)
destL[i] = srcL[i];
else // in all other cases (even if there's overlap or no overlap, we can move backward)
i = n - 1;
while(i >= 0)
destL[i] = srcL[i];
return dest;
void main()
char *source = "Hello, this is ABC";
char *destination = malloc(strlen(source)+1);
memmoveLocal(source+5, source, 5);
printf("Source: %s \nDestination: %s, size: %d\n", source, destination, strlen(destination));
However, if I replace
char *source = "Hello, this is ABC";
char source[20] = "Hello, this is ABC";
, it works fine!
memmoveLocal(source+5, source, 5);
You are trying to overwrite a string literal, which is not writable.
Did you intend to memmoveLocal(destination, source+5, 5) instead?
char source[20] = "Hello, this is ABC";
That turns source from a string literal into a char[] array initialized with a string literal. The array is writable, so your program no longer crashes.

AsyncTCP on ESP32 and Odd Heap/Socket Issues w/SOFTAP

I'm struggling with an issue where an ESP32 is running as a AP with AsyncTCP connecting multiple ESP32 clients. The AP receives some JSON data and replies with some JSON data. Without the handleData() function, the code runs 100% fine with no issues. Heap is static when no clients connect and issues only occur when clients start connecting.
Can anyone see anything with my code that could be causing heap corruption or other memory weirdness?
static void handleData(void* arg, AsyncClient* client, void *data, size_t len) {
int i = 0, j = 0;
char clientData[CLIENT_DATA_MAX];
char packetData[len];
char *packetBuf;
packetBuf = (char *)data;
clientData[0] = '\0';
for (i=0;i <= len;i++) {
packetData[j] = packetBuf[i]; //packetBuf[i];
if ((packetData[j] == '\n') || (i == len)) {
packetData[j] = '\0';
if ((j > 0) && (packetData[0] != '\n') && (packetData[0] != '\r')) {
// See sensorData() below...
parseData.function(packetData, clientData);
if (clientData != NULL) {
// TCP reply to client
if (client->space() > 32 && client->canSend()) {
j = 0;
} else
void sensorData(void *data, void *retData) {
StaticJsonDocument<CLIENT_DATA_MAX> fields;
StaticJsonDocument<CLIENT_DATA_MAX> output;
char sensor[15] = "\0";
char MAC[18] = "\0";
char value[20] = "\0";
bool sendOK = false;
memcpy((char *)retData, "\0", 1);
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(fields, (char *)data, CLIENT_DATA_MAX);
if (error) {
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("deserializeJson() failed"));
if (fields["type"])
strcpy(sensor, fields["type"]);
switch (sensor[0]) {
case 'C':
if (fields["value"])
strcpy(value, fields["value"]);
sendOK = true;
case 'T': //DEBUG_PRINT(F("Temp "));
sendOK = true;
case 'N':
output["IT"] = intTempC; //Internal temp
output["B1"] = battLevels[0];
serializeJson(output, (char *)retData, CLIENT_DATA_MAX-1);
if (sendOK) {
output["Resp"] = "Ok";
serializeJson(output, (char *)retData, CLIENT_DATA_MAX-1);
strcat((char *)retData, "\n");
static void handleNewClient(void* arg, AsyncClient* client) {
client->onData(&handleData, NULL);
client->onError(&handleError, NULL);
client->onDisconnect(&handleDisconnect, NULL);
client->onTimeout(&handleTimeOut, NULL);
void startServer() {
server = new AsyncServer(WIFI_SERVER_PORT);
server->onClient(&handleNewClient, &server)
Using AsyncTCP on the ESP32 was having multiple issues. Heap issues, socket issues, assert issues, ACK timeouts, connection timeouts, etc. Swapping to AsyncUDP using the exact same code as shown above with romkey's changes, resolved all of my issues. (Just using romkey's fixes did not fix the errors I was having with AsyncTCP.) I don't believe the issue is with AsyncTCP but with ESP32 libraries.
Either you should declare packetData to be of length len + 1 or your for loop should iterate until i < len. Because the index starts at 0, packetData[len] is actually byte len + 1, so you'll overwrite something random when you store something in packetData[len] if the array is only len chars long.That something random may be the pointer stored in packetBuf, which could easily cause heap corruption.
You should always use strncpy() and never strcpy(). Likewise use strncat() rather than strcat(). Don't depend on having done the math correctly or on sizes not changing as your code evolves. strncpy() and strncat() will guard against overflows. You'll need to pass a length into sensorData() to do that, but sensorData() shouldn't be making assumptions about the available length of retData.
Your test
if (clientData != NULL) {
will never fail because clientData is the address of array and cannot change. I'm not sure what you're trying to test for here but this if will always succeed.
You can just write:
char sensor[15] = "";
you don't need to explicitly assign a string with a null byte in it.
memcpy((char *)retData, "\0", 1);
is equivalent to
((char *)retData)[0] = '\0';
What's the point of declaring retData to be void * in the arguments to sensorData()? Your code starts out with it being a char* before calling sensorData() and uses it as a char* inside sensorData(). void * is meant to be an escape hatch for passing around pointers without worrying about their type. You don't need that here and end up needing to extra casts back to char* because of it. Just declare the argument to be char* and don't worry about casting it again.
You didn't share the code that calls handleData() so there may well be issues outside of these functions.

timerfd mysteriously set int to 0 when read()

I am doing an timerfd hello world in ubuntu 14.04, but got a strange situation: the int count is reset after read timerfd but uint64_int not.
int main(int agrc, char **argv) {
unsigned int heartbeat_interval = 1;
struct itimerspec next_timer;
struct timespec now;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now) == -1)
err_sys((WHERE + std::string("timer error")).c_str());
next_timer.it_value.tv_sec = now.tv_sec;
next_timer.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
next_timer.it_interval.tv_sec = heartbeat_interval;
next_timer.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
int timefd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0);
if (timerfd_settime(timefd, TFD_TIMER_ABSTIME, &next_timer, NULL) == -1) {
uint64_t s;
int exp;
int count = 1;
uint64_t count1=0;
while (1) {
s = read(timefd, &exp, sizeof(uint64_t));
if (s != sizeof(uint64_t)) {
int exp;
s = read(timefd, &exp, sizeof(uint64_t));
^^^ ^^^^^^^^
Unless your int and uint64_t types are the same size, this is a very bad idea. What's most likely happening is that the 64 bits you're reading are overwriting exp and whatever else happens to be next to it on the stack.
Actually, even if they are the same size, it's a bad idea. What you should have is something like:
s = read(timefd, &exp, sizeof(exp));
That way, you're guaranteed to never overwrite the data and your next line would catch the problem for you:
if (s != sizeof(uint64_t)) {
It won't solve the problem that an unsigned integral type and an integral type will be treated differently but you can fix that just by using the right type for exp.

Arduino Uno - EEPROM locations not consistant

I was trying to write items to the EEPROM and later read them out. I was finding the reading back I was not getting the same as I put in at times. I narrow down to an example I can show you. Below I read into variables 2 address.
const int start_add_type = (EEPROM.length() - 10);
const int start_add_id = (EEPROM.length() - 4);
I then look at the value (via RS232)
of them at the start of the setup() and see I get
I then look again at the end
and I get
I cannot see why this should change. I did try calling them const e.g. const
const int start_add_type = (EEPROM.length() - 10);
const int start_add_id = (EEPROM.length() - 4);
but this gave the same result. So here I sit very puzzled at what I must have missed. Anyone got any idea?
#include "EEPROM.h"
int start_add_type = (EEPROM.length() - 10);
int start_add_id = (EEPROM.length() - 4);
char ID[7] = "ENCPG2";
char Stored_ID[5];
char Input[10];
//String Type;
void setup()
// start_add = (EEPROM.length() - 10); // use this method to be PCB independent.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Stored_ID[i] = + i); // Read the ID into the EEPROM.
if (Stored_ID != ID) // Check if the one we have got is the same as the one in this code ID[7]
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
EEPROM.write(start_add_type + i, ID[i]); // Write the ID into the EEPROM.
void loop()
You are overwriting your memory in this loop:
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Stored_ID[i] = + i);
Stored_ID array is 5 bytes long, so writing to Stored_ID[5] will rewrite also the start_add_id variable, thus the weird value 818, which equals to 0x0332 HEX and 0x32 is the '2' character of your ID
For fixing this issue, declare Stored_ID in this way:
char Stored_ID[6];
if (Stored_ID != ID)
This is nonsense: You compare two different addresses, which are never equal. If you want to compare the content, you should do it in a loop. (e.g. directly when reading the EEPROM value into Stored_ID[i] )
Alternatively, Stored_ID could be a 0-terminated text as well and you might use
if (strcmp(Stored_ID, ID) != 0)
