Is PersistenceContext allowed in RequestScoped bean? - ejb

With following class,
public class SomesResource {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "some")
private EntityManager entityManager;
private SomeService someService;
public class SomeService {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "some")
private EntityManager entityManager;
Question 1: Is it O.K. to be injected with #PersistenceContext in #RequestScoped bean?
Question 2: Is entityManager in SomesResource need to be worked with an UserTransaction in any modification job?
Question 3: Are two entityManagers effectively same instance?


#Value not visible inside #component filter during tests

I created filter which logging and saving all requests, this is part of this:
public class RequestFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private String requestMapping;
private final RequestRepository requestRepository;
public RequestFilter(RequestRepository requestRepository) {
this.requestRepository = requestRepository;
When app is running requestMapping is properly readed from spring context, but
when I created test for that filter requestMapping is null
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(connection = EmbeddedDatabaseConnection.H2)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {MyApplication.class})
public class FilterTest {
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
private RequestRepository requestRepository;
protected MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setup() {
RequestFilter rpmRequestFilter = new RequestFilter(this.requestRepository);
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext)
And of course in I have configured this property:
Does someone know where the problem can be? Why this is doesnt work in tests?
As M. Deinum pointed out, the problem is that you are creating an instance of RequestFilter and if you want Spring to inject components (#Autowired) or propoerties (#Value) in it, you have to let Spring handle the instantiation as follow :
public class FilterTest {
RequestFilter requestFilter;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext)

Java batch - inject ejb to batchlet

I have a startup bean. I want to start some batchlet job in this.
I annotated the batchlet class by use #Nemed and #Dependent . I want to use some ejb like ReportService in batchlet but Injection not work. How can I inject EJB to my batchlet?
I deployed below example on wildfly 11.0.0.Alpha1 and got empty reference in service object.
public class BatchletTest extends AbstractBatchlet{
public BatchletTest() {
ReportService service;
public String process() throws Exception {
return null;
<job id="test-job" xmlns="" version="1.0">
<step id="testStep">
<batchlet ref="com.test.BatchletTest" />
public class StartupBean {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StartupBean.class);
private void startup() throws Exception {
long executionId = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator().start("test-job", new Properties());
System.out.println("myJob started, execution ID = " + executionId);
public class ReportService {
You are no implementing any interface with #Local anntotaion on your class ReportService.
Try this:
public class ReportService {
public class ReportService implements ReportServiceLocal{
public interface ReportServiceLocal {
Please check this link

Mockito and EJB

Good evening everybody,
I have a EJB class. This class has 2 attributes are EJB, with private access, and "injected" with EJB annotation #EJB. This class has no defined constructor.
I want to test this class by using Mockito.
I have 2 problems :
1) the 2 attributes are with private access
2) Even when i want to put a defined constructor with the 2 EJB attributes as parameters, it does not work in my TestNG class
In my TestNG class,
i only want instantiate my class of course,
and also her 2 EJB attributes as 2 mocks.
And i do not succeed.
Thank you very much,
This is the class.
package fr.nomenclature.service;
public class TraitementNomenclaturesImpl implements TraitementNomenclatures {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TarificationFactureImpl.class);
#EJB(name = "AccesNomenclatures-interne-ebx")
private transient AccesNomenclatureEBX accesEbx;
#EJB(name = "AccesElementFacturation-interne-ebx")
private transient AccesElementFacturationEBX accesRefEbx;
* (non-Javadoc)
* #see
* fr.atom.referentiel.sante.nomenclature.service.TraitementNomenclature#extraireNomenclaturesDesPrestations(java
* .util.List, java.util.Date, fr.atom.configuration.SoapContext)
public ContenusNomenclatures extraireNomenclaturesDesPrestations(
final List<PrestationDeSante<? extends Identifiant>> pPrestations, final Date pDateTraitement,
final SoapContext pContext) {

autowiring selective beans into a list reference

I have a service interface I with implementaions I1,I2,I3...I10 out of which I want to use I1-I5 to be autowired as a List<I> in controller class C. The I6-I10 should not be be autowired. How can I achieve this. Moreover the I implementations are annotated #Service beans. I do not want to move them to xml declarations.
Based on the comment by mvb13 I have tried to weave a solution for the problem....
So I write a class extending ArrayList and mark it a Component
public class MyList extends ArrayList implements ApplicationContextAware
private String eligibles;
private ApplicationContext appCtx;
public void init()
Map allBeans = appCtx.getBeansOfType(I.class);
for(Object bean:allBeans.values())
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext appCtx)
this.appCtx = appCtx;
Now I can autowire the above bean in my required class definition as:
public class MyService
private List<I> myReqdBeans;
*Please ignore the generics related implications in the code.
You should use #Qualifier. It defines any subset that you need.
private List<I> list;
But I think you should move your bean definitions in xml to use <qualifier ... /> property. I think you haven't another option to specify qualifier.
The #Qualifier annotation should give you what you need. You need to apply it in two places:
On the #Service beans that you wish to include in the sub-list
On the #Autowired list injected into your controller
So addressing the #Service beans first:
public class MyService implements IMyService
And then within your Controller:
public class MyController
private List<IMyService> myServices;
This instructs Spring to #AutoWire all IMyService implementations #Qualified as "MySubList"

Produce an Entitymanager with extended persistence context via CDI

We are trying to build a system, which "produces" an entitymanager depending on the logged-in user (kind of multitenancy). Therefor we implemented a stateless ejb like this:
public class CustomEntityManagerFactory {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "EM1")
private EntityManager em1;
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "EM2")
private EntityManager em2;
public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
// check which entitymanager to return
The entitymanager is injected like this:
public class EmployeeService {
private EntityManager em;
This producer works as long as only an entitymanager without extended persistence context is needed (in stateless ejb). Unfortunately we also have some stateful ejbs, which need the extended persistence context. Is there a way to implement a CDI producer for this purpose or does this approach only work for stateless ejb with transactional entitymanager?
My guess is you need this:
Create two factories here:
public class EntityManagerFactoryProducer {
private static EntityManagerFactory factory;
private static EntityManagerFactory factory2;
public EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory(InjectionPoint ip) {
// if the field is named exactly factory2 then factory2 is produced
if (ip.getMember().getName().equals("factory2")) {
if (factory2 == null) {
factory2 = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("EM2");
return factory2;
else {
if (factory == null) {
factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("EM1");
return factory;
Use factories to createEntityManagers
public class EntityManagerProducer {
private EntityManagerFactory factory;
private EntityManagerFactory factory2;
public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return factory.createEntityManager();
public EntityManager getEntityManager2() {
return factory2.createEntityManager();
The qualifier used to differ between entitymanagers
#Target({FIELD })
public #interface MyCustomQualifier {
public String value() default "";
end usage:
EntityManager em;
EntityManager em2;
Of course you can use the qualifier to differ between factories instead of checking the name of the field. I just wanted to get some more depth into the answer.
