Squid - the request or reply is too large - squid

I am trying to download spring framework and i face the error that is displayed below. Anyone know how to solve this?
The requested URL could not be retrieved
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://repo.spring.io/release/org/springframework/spring/4.2.1.RELEASE/spring-framework-4.2.1.RELEASE-dist.zip
The request or reply is too large.
If you are making a POST or PUT request, then the item you are trying to upload is too large.
If you are making a GET request, then the item you are trying to download is too large.
These limits have been established by the Internet Service Provider who operates this cache. Please contact them directly if you feel this is an error.

If you are behind a proxy, Check the maximum file upload/download size configured for you parent proxy server.


How to make a request to a site with reCAPTCHA with Python Requests

I want to make a request to a website with Python requests to scrape some information for containers location and time.
This is the website I'm trying to get data from : https://www.cma-cgm.com/ebusiness/tracking by inserting the container number.
I'm trying something simple, like :
import requests
url = "some_url_i_cant_find"
tracking_number = ABCD1234567
requests.post(url, payload=tracking_number)
I cannot find in the Network tab how the request to get the container's data is being processed.
I assume this has something to do with reCAPTCHA, but I don't know much about this or how to handle it.
Some other answer or topic regarding this issue
How to make a request to this website and read the response.

How can I get the source of a HTTP request?

The referer header does not always provide the full url of the site spawning the http request, and I would like to know if there is any way I could figure out the source url of the site that is making the request.
I am currently using OWASP ZAP as a proxy, but am unable to trace some of the http requests back to the source site due to the incomplete referer.
Try searching for the full URL in the ZAP Search tab. If that doesnt work try searching for just the path.
If the URL is generated by JavaScript then that might not work.
Depending on how you are exploring the app you may be able to work back through the history and work it out by a process of elimination, but that could take a while...

tomcat and springMVC

Like the tutorial, I deployed the tomcat server step by step, and then used postman to test the back-end login function interface, but kept reporting errors, and at the end of the terminal it printed out :
Having failed to acquire a resource, com.mchange.v2.resourcepool. BasicResourcePool#2bda742d is interrupting all Threads waiting on a resource to check out. Will try again in response to new client requests.
The complete output in the terminal in idea is:
enter image description here
the error on postman show that:
enter image description here
it was just download all the time and have no result, and I can ensure the url is right.
I will appreciate it if you can answer me.
It seems that the password of the database root account was wrong, maybe you should check your configuration file.

Need help to build http request for yoututbe video upload

Let me mention it first that I am a learner at building HTTP Requests. I am trying to examine HTTP traffic and how it works. I had some luck with loging in successfully by getting the values of various tokens from the page and passing them as parameters :
GALX, dsh, and bgresponse
to :
with parameters:
continue=$continue&service=youtube&dsh=$dsh&hl=en_US&GALX=$GALX&pstMsg=1&dnConn=&checkConnection=youtube:1000:1&checkedDomains=youtube&timeStmp=&secTok=&_utf8=$_utf8&bgresponse=$bgresponse&Email=$Email&Passwd=$Password&signIn=Sign in&PersistentCookie=yes&rmShown=1
Now I am stuck at trying to build the HTTP Request to upload a video to Youtube. Apart from the video file what parameters do I need to pass to upload a video to Youtube?
Can anyone please help me build the HTTP Request?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I would recommend to use Google's Resumable Upload guide. It shows the HTTP requests you need, with a simple example. It was enough for me to get it working, but since Friday evening I am encountering a "503 : Service Unavailable" error, which should mean the Youtube API service is having some issues (although it might be because I did something wrong).

Weblogic server: Why response sent prior to post completion

When analyzing traffic with a packet sniffer, we are seeing an http response from a weblogic server prior to the completion of the http post to that server.
In this case, the jsp page on the server is basically a static page, no logic to do anything with the contents of the post at this time.
But why would the server send the response prior to completion of the post?
I found Weblogic documentation about how to configure the server to ignore a denial-of-service attack using Http post. Maybe that is what is happening?
No one I know has seen this behaviour before. Maybe some weblogic-savvy person will know what is going on.
I don't think that Weblogic is analyzing the JSP to determine whether it is static or not.
My guess is that either
someone else was accessing the server at the same time
you saw the answer to a previous request
[EDIT] To determine what is going on, I suggest to set a breakpoint in the JSP. If you still get an answer without hitting the breakpoint, something further up the stack must be intercepting the request (for example, a cache).
