Reading input inside assign activity in workflow4.0 - workflow-foundation-4

I am new to Workflow. I am creating a guessing game using sequence and flowchart. Inside the sequennce I have a Flowchart Activity.I invoked the flowchart activity inside the .completed event of sequence activity. But this code giving me unpredictable outputs,means after entering the input it is again showing me the new console line in prompt, if i enter any button it leading to exit. So next flowchart activity is not invoked at all. I found that where i used assign activity with console.readline() at that stage mainly giving me the unintended results. I am new to WF , I don't know main functionality and properties of Assign Activity. Some one please give me the clarity, thanks in Advance.
Sequence activity contains only Welcome writeline and assign activity for asking name and then other write line that's it.
In flowchart there are no. of flow decisions and writelines.Sometimes it is going to flowchart but in flowchart activity also where i have the assign activity with console line , fishy is happening there.
Here my code
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var a = new WorkflowApplication(new Workflow1());
a.Completed = e =>
WorkflowInvoker.Invoke(new Flowchart(){guess=new System.Random().Next(1,100) });


Block FormRun task from executing in DetailsTransaction pattern

I am building a simple journal form based on the form pattern DetailsTransaction. In this pattern it has the standard two view layout, the header/*journalTable grid and a lines/*journalTrans grid.
However, when I click the New button two create a new header/journal, it automatically invokes the taskSwitchToDetailsView task and switches to the lines. I wish to block this from happening, but I am unsure on how to do it. Is there a way to block this task from being invoked?
Have you experimented with the viewEditModeHelper() and other form event handlers?
I don't have an environment in front of me now, but here's a little snip that might give you an idea where to look. I know it's not exactly what you're looking for but the same style is what I would think.
[FormEventHandler(formStr(LogisticsPostalAddress), FormEventType::Initialized)]
public static void MyForm_OnInitialized(xFormRun sender, FormEventArgs e)
// Subscribe event handlers
FormRun formRun = sender as FormRun;
formRun.viewEditModeHelper().EditModeSwitched += eventhandler(MyEventHandler.ViewEditModeSwitched);
There is a lot of complexity around the OOTB journals, and if I needed a robust journal implementation I would have created classes that derived from JournalFormController and JournalFormTable/JournalFormTrans which provide number sequence generation, blocking/locking, validation, and much more very useful and powerful functionality to a journal form + table structure.
However, I don't need any of that. So to solve my specific problem I added this to the create method of the *journalTable datasource's create method (which the super call changes the context of the form to the lines by calling task(#taskSwitchToDetailsView). To counter this, I simply call task(#taskSwitchToGridView) immediately after the super.
class CustomJournalTable
public void create(boolean _append = false)

refresh label not working correctly javafx

I have a problem with a refresh on a Label.
I have an function like this :
public void majMontantPaye(Double montantPaye) {
System.out.println("montant paye : "+montantPaye);
Platform.runLater(() -> labelMontantPaye.setText(String.format("%.2f", this.montantPaye)+Messages.getMessage("0052")));
And My function is call by an API. This API communicate with a machine who allow to insert coin. And my function must to show the sum insert in the machine.
The problem is, when I insert a lot of coin in the same time in the machine, my function is correctly call every coin detected, so the System.out.println("montant paye : "+montantPaye); is correctly show every coin detected, BUT the Label "labelMontantPaye" is not refresh to every coin detected. Just on finish with the total sum.
I guess that the UI is not correctly refresh but I don't know how refresh correctly my Label.
Help please and sorry for mistake, i'm french.
You can follow the logic below:
As mentioned in the comments:
Using Platform.runLater(...) you queue the task into the JavaFXThread. But when you have many "events" you will only see the last result. (And maybe previous ones for a short time).
🍄Use a BlockingQueue to store each coin that is inserted.Use the method below(also have a look at the tutorial for the available methods,here i am using put which is blocking the current thread if a maximum of coins are inserted into the Queue,if you don't want this set the maximum to something like 500.000):
public void insertCoin(//maybe the kind of coin){
//add the coin into the BlockingQueue
Use a Thread which is running an infinity loop.The Thread is waking up
every time a new coin is inserted and when that is done , that Thread
waits JavaFXThread to refresh the Label Text:
new Thread(() -> {
//Run an infinity Thread
while (true) {
// Blocks until the queue has really any coins inserted
// Synchronize with javaFX thread
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
Platform.runLater(() -> {
// Block the Current Thread until the text is refreshed from
// JavaFX Thread

Solution for asynchronous notification upon future completion in GridGain needed

We are evaluating Grid Gain 6.5.5 at the moment as a potential solution for distribution of compute jobs over a grid.
The problem we are facing at the moment is a lack of a suitable asynchronous notification mechanism that will notify the sender asynchronously upon job completion (or future completion).
The prototype architecture is relatively simple and the core issue is presented in the pseudo code below (the full code cannot be published due to an NDA). *** Important - the code represents only the "problem", the possible solution in question is described in the text at the bottom together with the question.
//will be used as an entry point to the grid for each client that will submit jobs to the grid
public class GridClient{
//client node for submission that will be reused
private static Grid gNode = GridGain.start("config xml file goes here");
//provides the functionality of submitting multiple jobs to the grid for calculation
public int sendJobs2Grid(GridJob[] jobs){
Collection<GridCallable<GridJobOutput>> calls = new ArrayList<>();
for (final GridJob job : jobs) {
calls.add(new GridCallable<GridJobOutput>() {
#Override public GridJobOutput call() throws Exception {
GridJobOutput result = job.process();
return result;
GridFuture<Collection<GridJobOutput>> fut = this.gNode.compute().call(calls);
fut.listenAsync(new GridInClosure<GridFuture<Collection<GridJobOutput>>>(){
#Override public void apply(GridFuture<Collection<GridJobOutput>> jobsOutputCollection) {
Collection<GridJobOutput> jobsOutput;
try {
jobsOutput = jobsOutputCollection.get();
for(GridJobOutput currResult: jobsOutput){
//do something with the current job output BUT CANNOT call jobFinished(GridJobOutput out) method
//of sendJobs2Grid class here
} catch (GridException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return calls.size();
//This function should be invoked asynchronously when the GridFuture is
//will invoke some processing/aggregation of the result for each submitted job
public void jobFinished(GridJobOutput out) {}
//represents a job type that is to be submitted to the grid
public class GridJob{
public GridJobOutput process(){}
The idea is that a GridClient instance will be used to in order to submit a list/array of jobs to the grid, notify the sender how many jobs were submitted and when the jobs are finished (asynchronously) is will perform some processing of the results. For the results processing part the "GridClient.jobFinished(GridJobOutput out)" method should be invoked.
Now getting to question at hand, we are aware of the GridInClosure interface that can be used with "GridFuture.listenAsync(GridInClosure> lsnr)"
in order to register a future listener.
The problem (if my understanding is correct) is that it is a good and pretty straightforward solution in case the result of the future is to be "processed" by code that is within the scope of the given GridInClosure. In our case we need to use the "GridClient.jobFinished(GridJobOutput out)" which is out of the scope.
Due to the fact that GridInClosure has a single argument R and it has to be of the same type as of GridFuture result it seems impossible to use this approach in a straightforward manner.
If I got it right till now then in order to use "GridFuture.listenAsync(..)" aproach the following has to be done:
GridClient will have to implement an interface granting access to the "jobFinished(..)" method let's name it GridJobFinishedListener.
GridJob will have to be "wrapped" in new class in order to have an additional property of GridJobFinishedListener type.
GridJobOutput will have to be "wrapped" in new class in order to have an addtional property of GridJobFinishedListener type.
When the GridJob will be done in addition to the "standard" result GridJobOutput will contain the corresponding GridJobFinishedListener reference.
Given the above modifications now GridInClosure can be used now and in the apply(GridJobOutput) method it will be possible to call the GridClient.jobFinished(GridJobOutput out) method through the GridJobFinishedListener interface.
So if till now I got it all right it seems a bit clumsy work around so I hope I have missed something and there is a much better way to handle this relatively simple case of asynchronous call back.
Looking forward to any helpful feedback, thanks a lot in advance.
Your code looks correct and I don't see any problems in calling jobFinished method from the future listener closure. You declared it as an anonymous class which always has a reference to the external class (GridClient in your case), therefore you have access to all variables and methods of GridClient instance.

Automatically read a file - easy

This should be a really easy question, but I just cant seem to get it done, I have a section of code calculating X Y points on a graph, then saving them to file.
If a certain condition is met I want to plot the values on a graph, I am using this code to plot the graph-
But I don't want it to ask for the user to point to the file location, I just want it to open a file which has a directory hard coded in, and plot it automatically. So basically remove the buttons at the top and carry out the commands of the buttons automatically.
Would be fantastic if somebody could point me in the right direction, I'm a physicist not a coding expert so as much help as possible would be excellent.
Hope I can help one of you in return sometime.
1) Inside public static void main, just above frame.setVisible(true); insert openButton.setVisible(false);
2) Inside class GraphPanel, inside the method public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) insert datapanel.actionPerformed(e); as the first line.
3) Inside class DataPanel inside public void actionPerformed comment out from the beginning JFrame fileFrame = new JFrame(); to initialized = readFile(datafile);
4) Just after the comment, insert initialized = readFile(new File("path_to_data_file"));
Now if you open, and press plot, the hard coded file will be read and plot will be drawn.
Heck,, I don't care if this gets downvoted :). I've never touched Java. After reading your problem, specially I'm a physicist not a coding expert first i searched in google how to compile and run a java file. Then started reading the java program. I even made another version which does not need the button press also, Just open and your graph will be drawn. But that's only if needed, then provided. "Welcome to my java attempt" :)
For doing without pressing plot, in GraphPanel and DataPanel, and rename the actionPerformed methods to something else like GraphPanel::start_working and DataPanel::start_working Now inside GraphPanel::start_working call DataPanel::start_working instead of earlier datapanel.actionPerformed(e); . If compiler cribs, add some empty actionPerformed for compilation. (perhaps we can remove the implements ) Now your flow is ready without any user action. you just need to start it. So you set plotButton.setVisible(false); to hide the plot button and call graphpanel.start_work(); to start the flow in main.
Inside GraphPanel
public void start_working() {
if (!datapanel.isInitialized()) {
frame.setSize(700, 600);
And inside DataPanel
public void start_working(ActionEvent e) {
initialized = readFile(new File("PATH_TO_FILE");
in main last 5 lines

Passing data between views and models in Flex MVC framework

I have never used Flex/Actionscript before so excuse me if I'm asking anything obvious but I have been working on this for 3 days (includes searching google and stackoverflow) before writing this post.
I have been asked to modify a game written in Flex 4 made with a mini-IoC-based MVC framework. Two mods I have been asked to make is a game over screen, which displays the final score and a difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have made the game over screen, and successfully managed to get the controller to bring it up when the game timer runs out.
So for now, the game structure goes:
Intro View -> Game View -> Game Over View
^ |
|__________ (retry?) ________|
The first problem is getting the score to be passed from the mainGame ActionScript file to the game over screen.
Things I have tried:
Importing mainGame in the gameOverViewBase and calling the mainGame.score variable in the gameOverView mxml file.
-EDIT!!! = the above method works if I change the score variable in mainGame to a constant, but if it remains a variable, the controller won't load the gameOverView and the game sits at an empty mainGame view.
Making a function that adds to a new score variable in the gameOverViewBase whenever the player scores during the game.
Passing the score as a parameter to the GameOverView when the MainGame ends
This seemed like the most logical way to go about it. So I followed the function through the other components of the game setting the loadGameOver to take an integer as a parameter until I got to the main game actionscript file:
public function loadGameOver(score:int) : void
The loadView function (shown below) is where I get stuck because I can't see where to pass the 'score' parameter. It looks like this:
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, modelClass:Class = null) : void
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
view.controller = this;
The second problem is the difficulty selection on the introduction screen. I have done this with 3 buttons (easy, normal, hard) in the mxml file and for every button in the ActionScript:
protected function onEasyButtonClick() : void
set = "easy"
Once again, I end up at the above loadView function.
To sum up: I need to know how to pass the data between the views and models. If that's not the ideal method, I am open to any other methods that you think are better.
Thank You!
P.S. I can send my source code to anyone who would like to help :)
You don't specify which MVC framework you're using which would be helpful. However, score should definitely be a property of a model and the model data should be accessible to the view either directly, perhaps via binding (thanks weltraumpirat), or via some intermediary class.
I would suggest you have a look at some of the existing view classes and try to figure out how they are fed the model data. You can use this approach to get the data you need for your view.
The mainGame property is not being set on your GameOverView instance so you're unable to access its score property either through binding or through trace. The loadView method of your controller class accepts a Model class reference which it uses to construct a new Model instance to be used by the new View. Unfortunately this is no use to you as your GameOverView needs the instance of MainGame which was created for the MainGameView (and which contains the current score).
I don't know if the following fits into the philosophy of the framework you're using. However, I would change the loadView method to accept an instance of a Model rather than a class reference, and create and cache a reference to an instance of MainGame when your controller is instantiated. That way you can pass the same Model reference to both the MainGameView and GameOverView when these are created.
public class WhackAMoleBase extends Application implements IGameController
public var viewContainer:Group;
private var mainGame:MainGame
public function WhackAMoleBase() : void
// Create and cache an instance of the main game Model
mainGame = new MainGame();
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onCreationComplete);
public function loadIntroduction() : void
public function loadMainGame() : void
loadView(MainGameView, mainGame);
public function loadGameOver() : void
// Use the same instance of MainGame which the MainGameView
// has been using as the Model for the GameOverView
loadView(GameOverView, mainGame);
// Accept a Model instance rather than a class Reference
private function loadView(viewClass:Class, model:Model = null) : void
//Create a new instance of the supplied view
var view:View = new viewClass();
if(!view) throw new Error("Could not load view");
//Clear any previous views in the container and add
//Property based dependency injection
view.controller = this;
//There may or may not be a model required for the
//requested view; check and instantiate appropriately
//Give model reference to the controller
//and link the view up to the model
model.controller = this;
view.model = model;
private function onCreationComplete(event:FlexEvent) : void
//When the application is first created, we want to show the introductory view
