BizTalk 2010 Determine Host Throttle settings for receive locations - biztalk

Because a required pipeline components seems to have trouble hitting a database to details of messages, I am planning to use Host Throttling to limit the amount of files BizTalk is processing at the receive location. I want to be able to indicate that X number of messages should be processed within Y seconds (or any other feasible timespan). Does anyone know which throttling settings can be used to force this behavior?
I know how to set values, however I cannot find the best configuration.
(note: one of the solutions might also adjust the pipeline, but it contains third party components which cannot be adjusted.)

From How BizTalk Server Implements Host Throttling BizTalk looks at
Amount of memory in use (both systemwide and host process memory).
Number of in-process messages being delivered or processed (threshold for outbound throttling).
Number of threads in use. Database size, measured by the number of items in the queue tables for all hosts and the number of items in the spool and tracking tables.
Number of concurrent database connections.
Rate of message publishing (inbound)
and delivery or processing (outbound).
The only one that throttles inbound is the Rate of message publishing, but that is possible after the pipeline/port has processed the message so may not be of any use in this scenario, but you would have to test that.
You will probably want to set up that process under it's own host so if it hits throttling thresholds it does not throttle everything else as well.
If possible you should move the component to a send port pipeline as throttling send ports is much more controllable. One way is to set the send port to ordered delivery, although that can cause a backlog especially if you get a suspended message.

I think your most straightforward approach here would be to write a custom adapter. Unfortunately, the out of the box File Adapter does not directly support throttling/polling intervals, and I don't think the suggestions given already would not directly impact the custom pipeline processing if it's directly hitting the DB through ADO.NET (but it couldn't hurt to try). You can set the BatchSize property on the file adapter settings, but even then there's nothing stopping it from submitting that batchsize as fast as it possibly can over and over again.
A custom adapter could be created to wait for a period before submitting additional files for processing. You could base it on the SDK File Adapter sample.


Reduce the BizTalk receive location file input speed

We have a BizTalk 2010 receive location, which will get a 70MB file and then using inbound map (in receive location) and outbound map (in send port) to produce a 1GB file.
While performing the above process, a lot of disk I/O resource is consumed in SQL Server. Another receive location processes performance are highly affected.
We have tried reduce the maximum disk I/O threads in host instance of that receive location, but it still consumes a lot of disk I/O resource in SQL Server.
In fact this process priority is very very low. Is there any method to reduce the disk I/O resource usage of this process such that other processes performance can be normal?
This issue isn't related to the speed of the file input, but, as you mentioned in a comment, to the load this places on the messagebox when trying to persist the 1gb map output to the MessageBox. You have a few options here to try to minimize the impact this will have on other processes:
Adjust the throttling settings on the newly created host to something very low. This may or may not work the way you want it to though.
Set a service window on the recieve location for these files so that they only run during off hours. This would be ideal if you don't have 24/7 demand on the MessageBox and can afford to have slow response time in the middle of the night (say 2-3am)
If your requirements can handle this, don't map the file in the recieve port, but instead route it to an Orchestration and/or custom pipeline component that will split it into smaller pieces and then map the smaller pieces. This should at least give you more fine grained control over the speed at which these are processed (have a delay shape in the loop that processes the pieces). There'd still possibly be issues when you joined them back together, but it shouldn't be as bad as your current process.
It also may be worth looking at your map. If there are lots of slow/processor heavy calls you might be able to refactor it.
Ideally you should debatch the file. Apply business logic including map on each individual segments and then load them into sql one at a time. Later you can use pipeline or some other .NET component to pull data from SQL and rebatch the data. Handling big xml (10 times size as compared to flat file) in BizTalk messagebox is not a very good practice.
If however it was a pure messaging scenario, you can convert file into stream and route it to destination.

Forcing a Biztalk Host to Throttle for Debugging Purposes

we're currently having issue in our production servers and would like to try to replicate the issue in our dev. I'm currently awaiting access to our Performance Monitoring Tool, and while waiting would like to play with it a little.
I'm thinking of, since I suspect a host throttling in prod, forcing hosts to throttle in dev and see if it will recreate the issue.
Is there a way to do this?
As others have mentioned, monitoring of the throttling counters and other counters like memory and WIP messages is a must to see what is going on in your production server. Also would recommend that set up a SCOM alert on throttling states of 3+ (publishing + delivery states), if you have SCOM.
Message throughput can grind to a halt on especially the memory (4, 5) and Queue Size (6) states. States 1+2 are generally short lived (e.g. arrival of a large batch of messages) and Biztalk recovers within a few seconds.
Simulating the memory state in your Dev environment should be straightforward by tweaking the throttling thresholds (obviously not something to be taken lightly in production!)
e.g. to trigger the Memory threshold states - AFAIK the lowest memory usage threshold you can set is 101MB. Running a load test in dev should then be able reproduce the throttle.
There is also apparantly a user-based throttling override to set states 10 and 11 although haven't actually tried this.
Some other experience on avoiding throttling:
(Caveat - I don't have an active BizTalk 2006/R2 setup - this is for 2009 / 2010)
If you do a lot of asynchronous processing (e.g. Queue receives), ensure that you have split functionality into separate Hosts for Receive, Processing and Send hosts. This way you can adjust the throttling for asynch Receive hosts to trigger much earlier than the processing and sending hosts - this should have the effect of constricting new incoming messages to the messagebox but allowing existing messages to complete processing.
On 64 bit hosts, the default 25% memory host usage throttling level is usually an unnecessary liability - we increased this using Yossi Dahan's recommendation of 50% on a 4GB server
Note that suspended messages count toward throttling state 6 - ensure that you have a strategy for dealing with suspended messages (and obviously ensure that the Sql Agent jobs are running!).

Can ordered message delivery be implemented with BizTalk scaling out using sequential convoy?

I have a BizTalk receive port connected to a queue (using MQ Series adapter) which is used to receive ordered messages. I need to scale out this port with multiple BizTalk host instances (I'm using BizTalk Server 2006 R2).
According to MSDN this cannot be done since ordered message delivery works against scale-out techniques.
Is there any other way to achieve ordered message delivery with scaling out with multiple BizTalk host instances? Is it possible to achieve this with sequential convoy pattern?
Appreciate your feedback.
This won't work - scaling out isn't going to help you if you need to process messages in sequence. How can you process the next item in the queue from another host instance if the current host instance hasn't completed. You are basically asking how can I make my sequential delivery parallelizable?
As per answers to your post on MSDN, turning on 'Ordered' your MQ Receive Location will prevent parallel throughput from multiple receive hosts, but you should still receive the benefits of reliability, failover and 'maintenance' slots without downtime.
FWIW, we are using the MQSC adapter on 2 servers - there are many performance 'knobs' (polling interval, maximum batch size, and ?threads) on the receive location (admittedly, we aren't using ordered) which can be used to improve ordered throughput from just the one listener (exactly how many messages do you need to process per second?).
As an alternative to ordered delivery across the receive location (and assuming the documents needed for a unit of work have been split and can be correlated back together / and documents have some kind of sequence number), you might look at aggregation patterns on a per-message basis such as this one from Seroter

How to make a Windows Service listen for additional request while it is already processing the current request?

I need to build a Windows Service in under Visual Studio 2003. This Windows service should read the flat file (Huge file of about a million records) from the local folder and upload it to the corresponding database table. This should be done in Rollback mode (Database transaction). While transferring data to table, the service should also be listening to additional client requests. So, if in between client requests for a cancel operation, then the service should rollback the transactions and give feedback to the client. This windows service also keeps writing continuously to two log files about the status and error records.
My client is ASPX page (A website).
Can somebody help me explain how to organize and achieve this functionality in a windows service(Processing and listening for additional client requests simultaneously. Ex. Cancellation request).
Also could you suggest me the ideal way of achieving this (like if it is best to implement it as web service or windows service or just a remote object or some other way).
Thank you all for your help in advance!
You can architect your service to spawn "worker threads" that do the heavy lifting, while it simply listens for additional requests. Because future calls are likely to have to deal with the current worker, this may work better than, say, architecting it as a web service using IIS.
The way I would set it up is: service main thread is listening on a port or pipe for a communication. When it gets a call to process data, it spawns a worker thread, giving it some "status token" (could be as simple as a reference to a boolean variable) which it will check at regular intervals to make sure it should still be running. Thread kicks off, service goes back to listening (network classes maintain a buffer of received data so calls will only fail if they "time out").
If the service receives a call to abort, it will set the token to a "cancel" value. The worker thread will read this value on its next poll and get the message, rollback the transaction and die.
This can be set up to have multiple workers processing multiple files at once, belonging to callers keyed by their IP or some unique "session" identifier you pass back and forth.
You can design your work like what FTP do. FTP use two ports, one for commands and another for data transfer.
You can consider two classes, one for command parsing and another for data transfer, each one on separate threads.
Use a communication channel (like a privileged queue) between threads. You can use Syste.Collections.Concurrent if you move to .NET 4.0 and more threading features like CancellationTokens...
WCF has advantages over web service, but comparing it to windows service needs more details of your project. In general WCF is easier to implement in compare to windows service.

Slow BizTalk File Receive

I have an application with a file receive location. After the host instance has been running for a few hours the receive location fails to identify new files dropped into the folder that it is monitoring. It doesn't forget about them altogether, it's just that performance grinds to a crawl. The receive location is configured to poll the target folder every 60 seconds but after host instance has been running for an hour or so, then it seems that the target folder is being polled only every thirty minutes. If I restart the host instance then the files waiting in the target folder are collected right away and performance is fine for the next hour or so.
The same application runs fine in a different environment.
There are now obvious entries in the event log related to the problem.
All the BizTalk SQL jobs are running fine except for Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb).
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Here are some additional tools which may help you identify and diagnose BizTalk database issues.
BizTalk MsgBox Viewer
Here is a tool to repair identified errors:
Use at your own risk... read the glogs and docs. Start with the message box viewer and let us know our results.
Without more details, the biggest tell is that your Backup Job is failing. If the backup job is failing, it may not be properly configured. If it is properly configured and still failing, then you've got other issues. Can you give us some more information about your BizTalk install.
What version are you running?
What are our database sizes?
What are your purge and archive settings like?
Is there any long running blocks in your SQL Server DB coming from BizTalk?
Another thing to consider is the user accounts the send, receive and orchestration hosts are running under. Please check the BizTalk Administration Console. If they are all running the same account, sometimes the orchestrations can starve the send and receive processes of CPU time. I believe priority is given to orchestrations then receive, then send. Even if you are just developing, it is useful to use separate accounts for this. This also improves security.
The Wrox BizTalk Server 2006 will also supply tuning advice.
What other things are going on with the server? Is BizTalk pegged otherwise or is it idle?
You mention that the solution does not have any problems in another environment, so it's likely that there is a configuration problem.
Check the following:
** On SQL Server, set some upper memory limit for SQL Server. By default, SQL Server uses whatever it can get and then hangs onto it, so set a reasonable limit so that your system can operate without spending a lot of time paging memory onto and from your hard drive(s).
** Ensure that you have available disk space - maybe you are running low - this can lead to all kinds of strange problems.
** Try to split up the system's paging file among its physical drives (if you have more than one drive on the system). Also consider using a faster drive, or if you have lots of cash laying around, get a SAN.
** In BizTalk, is tracking enabled? If so, are you also tracking message bodies? Disable tacking or message body tracking and see if there is a difference.
** Start performance monitor and monitor the following counters when running your solution
Object: BizTalk Messaging
Instance: (select the receiving host) %%
Counter: Documents Received/Sec
Object: BizTalk Messaging
Instance: (select the transmitting host) %%
Counter: Documents Sent/Sec
Object: XLANG/s Orchestrations
Instance: (select the processing host) %%
Counter: Orchestrations Completed/Sec.
%% You may have only one host, so just use it. Since BizTalk configurations vary, I am using generic names for hosts.
The preceding counters monitor the most basic aspects of your server, but may help to narrow down places to look further. You can, of course, add CPU and Memory too. If you have time (days...maybe weeks) you could monitor for processes that allocate memory and never release it. Use the following counter...
Object: Memory
Counter: Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Slow decline of this counter indicates that a process is not releasing memory, which affects everything on the system.
Let us know how things turn out!
I had the same problem with, when my orchestration was idle for some time it took a long time to process the first msg. A article of EvYoung helped me solve this problem.
"This is caused by application domain unloading within the BizTalk host process. If an AppDomain is shutdown after idle, the next message that comes needs to wait for the Orchestration to compile again. Depending on the complexity of your design, this can be a noticeable wait. To prevent this in low latency requirement scenario, you can modify the BTSNTSVC.EXE.config file and set SecondsIdleBeforeShutdown property to -1. This will prevent AppDomain shutdown due to idle."
You can find the article in here:
It took me to long to respond but i thought i might help someone. cheers :)
Some good suggestions from others. I will add :
Do you have any custom receive pipeline components on the receive location ? If so perhaps one is leaking memory, calling some external component eg database which is taking a long time ?
How big are the files you are receiving ?
On the File transport properties of your receive location, set "file renaming" on, do the files get renamed within 60s.
