Reduce the BizTalk receive location file input speed - biztalk

We have a BizTalk 2010 receive location, which will get a 70MB file and then using inbound map (in receive location) and outbound map (in send port) to produce a 1GB file.
While performing the above process, a lot of disk I/O resource is consumed in SQL Server. Another receive location processes performance are highly affected.
We have tried reduce the maximum disk I/O threads in host instance of that receive location, but it still consumes a lot of disk I/O resource in SQL Server.
In fact this process priority is very very low. Is there any method to reduce the disk I/O resource usage of this process such that other processes performance can be normal?

This issue isn't related to the speed of the file input, but, as you mentioned in a comment, to the load this places on the messagebox when trying to persist the 1gb map output to the MessageBox. You have a few options here to try to minimize the impact this will have on other processes:
Adjust the throttling settings on the newly created host to something very low. This may or may not work the way you want it to though.
Set a service window on the recieve location for these files so that they only run during off hours. This would be ideal if you don't have 24/7 demand on the MessageBox and can afford to have slow response time in the middle of the night (say 2-3am)
If your requirements can handle this, don't map the file in the recieve port, but instead route it to an Orchestration and/or custom pipeline component that will split it into smaller pieces and then map the smaller pieces. This should at least give you more fine grained control over the speed at which these are processed (have a delay shape in the loop that processes the pieces). There'd still possibly be issues when you joined them back together, but it shouldn't be as bad as your current process.
It also may be worth looking at your map. If there are lots of slow/processor heavy calls you might be able to refactor it.

Ideally you should debatch the file. Apply business logic including map on each individual segments and then load them into sql one at a time. Later you can use pipeline or some other .NET component to pull data from SQL and rebatch the data. Handling big xml (10 times size as compared to flat file) in BizTalk messagebox is not a very good practice.
If however it was a pure messaging scenario, you can convert file into stream and route it to destination.


uWSGI and Flask: keep objects in memory between requests

My stack is uWSGI, flask and nginx currently. I have a need to store data between requests (basically I receive push notifications from another service about events to the server and I want to store those events in the server memory, so client can just query server every n milliseconds, to receive latest update).
Normally this would not work, because of many reasons. One is a good deployment requires you to have several processes in uwsgi in production (and even maybe several machines to scale this out). But my case is very specific: I'm building a web app for a piece of hardware (You can think of your home router configuration page as a good example). This means no need to scale. I also do not have a database (at least not a traditional one) and probably normally 1-2 clients simultaneously.
if I specify --processes 1 --threads 4 in uwsgi, is this enough to ensure the data is kept in the memory as a single instance? Or do I also need to use --threads 1?
I'm also aware that some web servers clear memory randomly from time to time and restart the hosted app. Does nginx/uwsgi do that and where can I read about the rules?
I'd also welcome advises on how to design all of this, if there are better ways to handle this. Please note that I do not consider using any persistant storage for this - this does not worth the effort and may be even impossible due to hardware limitations.
Just to clarify: When I'm talking about one instance of data, I'm thinking of my executing exactly one time and keeping the instances defined there for as long as the server lives.
If you don't need data to persist past a server restart, why not just build a cache object into you application that can do push and pop operations?
A simple array of objects should suffice, one flask route pushes new data to the array and another can pop the data off the array.

Web load testing - what does a wavy response time graph indicate?

I am running a load test on an API using JMeter. When I host the API on the same pc as the test (the database is remote though) I get ok results.
However, when I tried running the load test through the same API but hosted on a different pc on the same network, I got this wavy pattern in my test results.
Each of the four grouped lines are response times for a particular API endpoint and the blue line is active thread count.
The question is: does this wavy pattern mean anything? This pattern isn't visible when the API is hosted on the same machine as the test.
The results are very different and I am thinking this pattern might be correlated to the problem.
I used 200 active threads and no specific configuration which would produce the requests in this pattern.
You need pay attention to the following points:
Connect Time and Latency metrics, Elapsed Time is a sum of Connect Time, Latency and the actual server response time so these "waves" might be caused by networking issues.
It might be indicating the application under tests is doing i.e. garbage collection or using swap file which is much slower than memory due to lack of resources Make sure that it has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network and Disk IO. These metrics can be checked using i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin. The same is applicable for JMeter, if JMeter will not be able to send requests fast enough - you will see throughput dropdowns.
The most efficient way to get to the bottom of the issue is running your application under profiling tool telemetry, this will allow you to
identify the heaviest functions, largest objects in heap, etc.
Consider checking your database as well and detect slow queries as the issue might be caused by database issues (including networking layer)

Deeply control orchestration throttling and dispatching in BizTalk based on message batch size

I have a biztalk orchestration which processes a single message. This messages are actually batches of messages. Most of the time, the batch size n is small (<1.000) but once in a while there are very large batches (>50.000). We have a high throughput of messages as well.
The orchestration takes a linear O(n) amount of system memory depending on the batch size and I know by observation that a single server can process up to an accumulated batch size of ~250k in parallel before it runs out of system memory and only returns OutOfMemoryExceptions. (Which will kill the BizTalk host instance and the orchestrations will startup on another host which will ultimately break again leaving our BizTalk group in a broken state which can currently only be recovered by manual intervention)
Small batches are common, large batches are rare but kind of deadly if there is more than one at the same time.
I know the batch size in advance so I could tell biztalk about it. But I see no way to interact with throttling. When throttling detects a lack of system memory it is already too late.
Do I have to build my own queueing and dispatching on top of biztalk to achieve my goals?
Our current solution is to use a semaphore with a value of 8 and every large message n>1000 needs to get a semaphore slot before it is allowed to start processing. We had an edge case the other day where even this was too much. We reduced 8 to 4 to resolve this but now, we impacted the general throughput noticeably.
Any idea or hint is welcomed!
Don't use XmlDocument within your processing. It will further exacerbate your memory issues. Prefer XmlReader for sure here. However, I'd still try to move processing outside of your orchestration. Even if you can get the streaming working in a .NET component called from the orchestration, you can still end up with an orchestration instance that runs for a long time and consumes lots of memory, which should be avoided whenever possible. Therefore...
Avoid letting the orchestration get messages that large to begin with. It may be possible to debatch the message using the OOB XmlDisassembler if you can mark the schema as an envelope schema; if not, you may need to create a custom disassembler component to do your debatching (just remember to promote/write the proper context properties to the newly created messages from the original). If you use some streaming techniques (see in the pipeline, you can greatly reduce the memory footprint and have much greater control there. Again, use XmlReader to actually parse and debatch the message (it shouldn't be super difficult - look into the ReadToFollowing and ReadSubTree, as in this Splitting large xml files in to sub files without memory contention). You might get away with doing this in an orchestration rather than a pipeline component, but in a pipeline component it should be easier to control memory usage. You may also look into promoting things like a batch ID if you need to correlate the messages back together.
If you get a large batch, you will still need to throttle the number of concurrent orchestrations; you could do so as Richard Seroter suggests here, which uses multiple convoys that correlate on instance IDs to prevent too many from running at once. Alternatively, you could use ordered delivery on the receive shape (see MSDN), which would probably be my preferred option as it takes significantly less work and won't face the concerns around zombie messages that are possible with convoys.
Basically: try to think small and lean as much as possible and BizTalk will be happier. BizTalk would much rather process 1000 small messages in a second than 1 very large message in a minute.

BizTalk 2010 Determine Host Throttle settings for receive locations

Because a required pipeline components seems to have trouble hitting a database to details of messages, I am planning to use Host Throttling to limit the amount of files BizTalk is processing at the receive location. I want to be able to indicate that X number of messages should be processed within Y seconds (or any other feasible timespan). Does anyone know which throttling settings can be used to force this behavior?
I know how to set values, however I cannot find the best configuration.
(note: one of the solutions might also adjust the pipeline, but it contains third party components which cannot be adjusted.)
From How BizTalk Server Implements Host Throttling BizTalk looks at
Amount of memory in use (both systemwide and host process memory).
Number of in-process messages being delivered or processed (threshold for outbound throttling).
Number of threads in use. Database size, measured by the number of items in the queue tables for all hosts and the number of items in the spool and tracking tables.
Number of concurrent database connections.
Rate of message publishing (inbound)
and delivery or processing (outbound).
The only one that throttles inbound is the Rate of message publishing, but that is possible after the pipeline/port has processed the message so may not be of any use in this scenario, but you would have to test that.
You will probably want to set up that process under it's own host so if it hits throttling thresholds it does not throttle everything else as well.
If possible you should move the component to a send port pipeline as throttling send ports is much more controllable. One way is to set the send port to ordered delivery, although that can cause a backlog especially if you get a suspended message.
I think your most straightforward approach here would be to write a custom adapter. Unfortunately, the out of the box File Adapter does not directly support throttling/polling intervals, and I don't think the suggestions given already would not directly impact the custom pipeline processing if it's directly hitting the DB through ADO.NET (but it couldn't hurt to try). You can set the BatchSize property on the file adapter settings, but even then there's nothing stopping it from submitting that batchsize as fast as it possibly can over and over again.
A custom adapter could be created to wait for a period before submitting additional files for processing. You could base it on the SDK File Adapter sample.

EDI Receive Pipeline performance issue

I have a file receive location with edireceive pipeline configed to receive incoming HIPPA 5010 837 files.
The normal incoming file size is 4 to 6 megabytes, contains 3K to 5K records. The 837 schema deployed is the "multiple" version which have the subdocument_break="yes". So the file been processed will generate 3K to 5K messages per file.
The pipeline works fine and can split the file into multiple messages as expected. for 1 single file, BizTalk takes less than 5 mins to process.
The problem is when more than 10 files was put to the incoming folder at same time, Biztalk will start process these files parallel. But it will take hours to process these files and the BizTalk Host consumes more than 10G memory.
Some other info:
The BizTalk host is a dedicated 64bit receive host
No file lock by other applications found
Batching setting in file adapter is Num of Msgs in a batch = 1; Max batch size = 10240000
Rename file while reading is checked.
My question is: Is this performance normal? how can I improve it?
You are correct, 5K message is not really the issue, it 5 batchs of 5K message at the same time that's causing the problem.
To serialize the debatching you can use an Ordered Delivery Two Way Send Port with an Loopback Adapter which debatches the EDI on the Receive Side. In this case, the initial Receive Location would be a PassThrough.
You can find several Loopback Adapters here:
BizTalk isn't really made to process multiple large files at once, and the file adapter doesn't have any built in way to limit how many files it will pull at once.
There's a commercial solution available to help handle this (disclosure: I work for Tallan and work on this solution) called the T-Connect EDI Splitter ( The use case is splitting the files on a pipeline into more manageable chunks to be consumed elsewhere. This is not a trivial task, unfortunately.
If your files are small enough to process without splitting them before they hit the EDI recieve pipeline (you don't need to split them further, you just need to process them one at a time), you'll have to come up with a more complicated messaging flow to deal with that - receive them using PassThrough transmit, send them somewhere that can just consume them, then poll them using a second receive location that offers more precise control of polling.
You could also just write your own adapter that offers polling and interval settings, but that's much more complicated and messy.
