Setting Vendor Number in X++ General Journal - axapta

I'm posting to a general journal in ax 2012. I'm able to create the journal and enter most line information from x++ code. Now i'm having an issue with some vendor numbers.
When I use this code most of the time it works. But there are a few vendor numbers that are not able to be found from this table and of course throws an error. Weird thing is if I actually go into ax and type in the vendor number it does accept it because it has been setup in the system but by this code it is not working (for some).
Just wondering if there is something wrong with how the vendor number is setup, properly not linked with something, or if there is another way to properly set this parameter.
It looks like parmledgerDimension uses a RecId for vendors and only pulls it from DimensionAttributeValueCombination.
Any ideas?
DimensionAttributeValueCombination davc;
firstonly RecId from davc where davc.DisplayValue == account; //could be 010-000001

Try using
DimensionStorage::getDynamicAccount(account, LedgerJournalACType::Vend);
Edit: the first line I posted was to get the default dimension. I'll leave it in case you need it
LedgerJournalEngine::getAccountDefaultDimension(account, curext(), LedgerJournalACType::Vend);


Function SalesTable2LineField.lineUpdateDescription has been used incorrectly

In Dynamics AX 2012, when trying to update the value of the field DlvMode or adding a new delivery address in the sales order (through the Header view), I keep getting this error:
Function SalesTable2LineField.lineUpdateDescription has been used
There's no customization in this method or this class.
This is something that could be debugged in 15 minutes if you had a developer. My guess would be that you are using one of these country codes:
BR (SalesTable_BR)
IN (SalesTable_IN)
In \Classes\SalesTable2LineField\lineUpdateDescription at the very end, immediately above the throw error... line add this:
info(strFmt("Offending table is %1 (%2)", tableId2name(tableId), tableId));
You should also add a breakpoint if that alone doesn't help and figure it out.
Then repeat the operation, and you will know the table. It's possible it's just a Microsoft bug or if \Forms\SalesTable has been modified, it could be that. You just need to debug it.

Filter at event viewer by data

I want to get event entries by their description (data).
I know how to get the event entry with a certain description, however I want to get an entry whith a description which contains a string (not equals to it).
That, I don't know how to do.
Please help :)
According to my answer here: you should be able to retrieve EventRecords.
Dealing with these events is a quite complex issue... Each event has its own internal structure. The common properties are bundled in EventRecord, but the specific data must be taken from the internal details. Use the ToXml() method of an EventRecord...
In order to get the right events you must define an EventLogQuery. You must know the Provider's name and specify the filter.
Try the following: Open eventvwr and there the Windows-System queue. Right click one event, open the "Details" and choose the "XML-View". Look over different events and you will find, that they are quite differing.
But: You'll find everything you need there: First the "Provider Name" and the "EventId", these two are most important for the `EventLogQuery'.
Now go to the "define a user filter on the current protocoll"-action and type in some values. Then switch to the filter's XML and you'll learn how to define the correct query.
I'm sorry, there is no "easy and general" approach :-)

NVelocity template error in c#

I am fairly new in using NVelocity. I am trying to edit some of the old templates for my company and i ma getting this error which i dont understand. OK so in template, if order has multiple shipments then show multiple shipment name and if only one then show only one shipment name. when there is multiple shipments, it works fine BUT when there is only one then somehow template does not renders the required shiment name instead printout the class name.
#if($order.Shipments.Count > 1)
#foreach($shipment in $order.Shipments)
$shipment.ShipMethodName <strong>|</strong>
$order.Shipments[0].ShipMethodName // in emails it renders "Orders.OrderShipmentCollection[0].ShipMethodName"
Please help.
I know this is an old question, but in case someone is looking for a solution later I thought I'd post an answer as I was going through old questions that don't have accepted answers. I don't how I didn't notice the error when I posted that comment in September last year.
$order.Shipments[0].ShipMethodName is giving you Orders.OrderShipmentCollection[0].ShipMethodName because NVelocity doesn't support indexers like C#, you need to use the get_Item() method, i.e. $order.Shipments.get_Item(0).ShipMethodName that is the underlying method the C# compiler creates for indexers.
What is happening is $order.Shipments prints out the type name (Orders.OrderShipmentCollection) and the rest [0].ShipMethodName just gets printed verbatim.

Invalid field/related field combination

I'm trying to make an entity like vendor in ax 2012. When I click the "new" button I get following error;
Invalid field/related field combination.
I have looked for it on search engines and found out that it might be due to wrong joins used in data sources of the form. I have gone through the joins and links, they all are fine but I'm still getting the same error.
Any one, any idea?
Put a breakpoint in the info.add method to catch AX in the deed.

How to find which menu a node belongs to in drupal

I currently have nodes setup on my site, and each node belongs to a particular menu (not primary or secondary prebuilt menues).
How can i find out which menu a node belongs to?
Maybe this is what you mean:
$trail = menu_get_active_trail();
$lastInTrail = end($trail);
$menu_name = $lastInTrail['menu_name'];
menu_get_active_trail() returns a breadcrumbs like array, the last breadcrumb represents the current node.
Laurens Meurs, Rotterdam
I'm a noob, so don't bash me if what I'm going to write is worthless babbling.
I think you can't do that directly, unless there's some smart module out there that would do all the nasty SQL queries necessary to check this.
Node info is stored in the SQL table "node", and is identified merely by NID (node ID, which is the node number that appears after /?q=node/ in the address). Their aliases, if any, are stored in "url_alias" table, where you can find columns "src" and "dst", identifying the original and the aliased path (for instance, src='node/123', dst='my/url/alias'). The menu links can be found in the table "menu_links", where you can find the columns "menu_name" (the machine-radable name of a menu) and "link_path" (either the node/... or the alias).
So, what you'd need to do is the following:
get the current node's NID
query "url_alias" if there's an alias for node/NID and retrieve it, otherwise leave node/NID
query the "menu_links" table for the path you've determined and retrieve "none" or the menu's machine-readable name
You could then also query the table "menu_custom" to check what's the human-readable name of the menu you've determined.
Anyway, that's a complicated query (several queries?) and I'm a MySQL ignorant, so I can't help you with the actual code you'll need to use to check all that :P.
This isn't a direct solution and I see from your reply to a previous answer that you didn't wanted the simplest solution possible, but I thought I'd mention this option. The Menu Node API module maintains a table which Drupal lacks, a node-menu relationship table.
The module does nothing on its own, but there seems to be contributed modules which build on this, so depending on how complex your problem is it might be a starting point.
Updated: Sorry guys, didn't even realize I had posted this link. I think I intended it as a draft and simply posted it when closing tabs. That said, mingos (above) is right on.
My link is to a function menu_get_active_menu_name() that appears to provide you with an array containing the active menu for the current page. As I presume that is what you are using it for, it would be a nice way to abstract yourself away from the database calls that might cause problems down the line.
I myself have never tried it, which is probably why I didn't elaborate and post. well... at least didn't post on purpose.
