Where to find public DICOM files online? - dicom

I know there are libraries online where you can upload a DICOM file and view it from a computer but I need public access to a DICOM file that I can download to my computer.

There is an on-line PACS here is this URL: http://www.dicomserver.co.uk/ it is a nice project. You can query/retrieve, store, get, ...
Here there are some links with sample DICOM images:
UPMC Breast Tomography and FFDM Collection http://www.dclunie.com/pixelmedimagearchive/upmcdigitalmammotomocollection/index.html
Display shutters in fluoroscopy image test case http://www.dclunie.com/images/FluoroWithDisplayShutter.dcm.zip
Full field digital mammography (FFDM) sample images and CAD objects
and IHE Mammo Profile test cases, now in MESA tests http://ihedoc.wustl.edu/mesasoftware/10.15.0/dist/data/MESA-storage-B_10_11_0.zip
Signed range test DICOM images http://www.dclunie.com/images/signedrange/
JPEG, JPEG-LS and JPEG 2000 compressed transfer syntax test DICOM
images at NEMA ftp://medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Dicom/DataSets/WG04
Enhanced CT and MR Multi-frame test DICOM images at NEMA ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/Multiframe/
Hope it helps!


How to build Face/ Image Classifier in Azure ML like Google Photos

I need to build an image classification model in Azure ML- which initially takes an input from Phone (A check in app which takes information like ID and also we will capture the image of the person- Here ID is used to tag the image) which will be redirected to data storage. once it's done, we will upload the n number of images of person to the data storage, it should able to classify the image based on facial recognition and should categorize as separate image folder for different person( Just like Google Photos). In short, If there's a 100 unique people come for check in and during the event if we click random images of these 100 unique persons, when we load this data to blob - it should categorize the persons separately.
Can I go with approach-
1.Check in app-- Loads image with tag
2.Blob- store the image
3. custom vison- ML classifier
4.Loding n number of images to blob
5. comparing the image with check in app loaded image and categorizing as album just like google photos
6. Loading albums to app to make attendees to see the images
Please guide me with the solution and services need to be considered to make this possible in azure
Thanks in adavance
Within Azure you need to look into Cognitive Services, with more information located here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/
Azure Cognitive Services is substantially surfaced as a series of API endpoints. In your example, you can post images from the mobile device to the Azure endpoint, where you can train the services to recognize individuals and have it return a JSON package of the people in the picture, or have it place rectangles around those people in a picture, etc. Other Cognitive Services include those related to images, speech, video, etc.
The Face API maps to your scenario well: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/cognitive-services/face/

Extract music metadata (music title, album title, artist name...) using react-player

I'm building a simple web app that plays music streams.
The constitution of the web app is
audio.m4a -> ffmpeg -> nginx + rtmp module -> frontend browser
In the frontend browser, use react-player.
The audio data is published as HLS audio data.
So, I want to extract the metadata(music title, album title, artist name ...) from the data and display it in the browser. However, I could not find the way to that.
Anyone who knows this?
use javascript and this library, that read that all you want,
explore it! it works

Howto decode GE Logiq E9 Ultrasound Volume Images in Private DICOM Tags

I would like to access and display ultrasound images captured with a GE Logiq E9 and exported as a dicom directory.
The images sequence captured are normally used for Volume Navigation overlay. This is used for overlaying captured images (e.g. MR, CT or UV) over a live ultrasound session. But no available Framework or Viewer I tried was able to access the stored slices.
According to the DICOM Conformance Declaration
The sequences are saved in this private Tag:
Can anybody shine some light on the format and decoding ?
The information in these tags is saved in a GE proprietary format, that is meant to be decoded by GE Healthcare software only. I doubt, that GE Healthcare has released or plans to release any information regarding these private tags.

DICOM OB-GYN measurements

I'm a new in dicom area. I have to create small tool, that convert dicom file to simple pdf report. This report should contains just patient info, some measurement and picture(s). In documentation I found that all information in dicom file stores based on tage, like tag1-value1, tag2-value2. Using external library, I found the way how to pull patient info and pixel data. But I stuck with measurement. I didn't find tags that I need or may be there is a different way how data stores in dicom file.
So my questions are:
Does the dicom file that comes from ultrasound machine contain ob-gyn measurements like HC (Head circumference), AC (Abdominal circumference), BPD (Biparietal diameter) and others?
In what tag/section is this information contained?
Thanks for any help or useful links to read.
If there is a DICOM Structured Reporting (SR) object coming from the ultrasound machine, the measurements will probably be stored according to the SR Template TID 5000. You should have a look at the DICOM Conformance Statement of the machine to check this out.
You can make the content of such an SR document "human-readable" by a tool like dsrdump.
The files contain the information if the sonographer entered the measurments.
Look at the documentation about Structured Reporting to see how the data is accessed. (eg - http://www.dclunie.com/pixelmed/DICOMSR.book.pdf)

DICOM viewer - viewing segmented images

Hi I am using Papaya to view DICOM images. I have a segmented set of DICOM images whose segmented structures I can view using this software called dicomplyer( http://www.dicompyler.com/).
I can see the segmented structures on that software by clicking the structure names. Is this possible using papaya? When I upload the DICOM image set, it says no pixel data found.
Or is it a problem due to the formatting of the segmented images itself?
Can someone help me ?
I think you the segmented data you are referring to is a DICOM RT Structure Set. This type of file is segmented as a series of contours in patient coordinate space and does not consist of any voxel data.
According to the papaya forum, it isn't currently supported:
