R number of times an expression evaluates in a for loop - r

How many times the list.files('dir_path') evaluates in a for loop? Is it equal to the number of files present in a directory? How do we verify it?
for (infile in list.files('dir_path')){
Should I have to create a variable first and then pass it in for loop?
For example:
selected_files = list.files('dir_path')
for (infile in selected_files){

list.files will only be evaluated once when you use it in a for-loop like the one you propose. The easiest way to test this is to wrap the call to list.files in another function call, like this:
f <- function() { print("Calling f"); list.files() }
and use that in the for-loop:
for (infile in f())


loop over unquoted expressions given to a function in R

Let's say I want a function that prints all the expressions it is given:
> foo(abc(def),gh[i],j)
I want to know whether there's a good way to do this. I have worked out how to do it using recursion:
foo <- function(x, ...) {
if (!is.missing(x)) {
But I feel like there must be a better way, using a loop or possibly some way of using list() and lapply() or something.
You can use the special ...() syntax
foo <- function(...) {
exprs <- substitute(...())
foo(abc(def), gh[i], j)
Here exprs will be a list you can iterate over however you like.
It turns out, there are a couple of different ways to achieve this. The way I think I'm going to use is this:
foo <- function(...) {
for (expr in as.list(sys.call()[-1])) {
An alternative way to do the same thing:
Another alternative, with no need for [-1]:

Is it valid to access global variables in R function and how to assign it in a package?

I have a package which provides a script and some functions. Within the script I assign a variable which will be used by the function. This works if the function gets executed within the script but might fail if I just call the function since the variable doesn't exist.
If I use devtools::check() I get warnings, that the variable within the function isn't defined. How can I handle this properly?
I am thinking about to use get() within the function to assign the variable within the function to get rid of this warnings. So the question is, is myp2 the correct way of doing something like this? Maybe some trycatch to handle errors?
ab <- c(1,2,3)
myp1 <- function() {
myp2 <- function() {
ab <- get('ab')
You could do something like
if(!exists("your variable")){
stop("You have not defined your variable")}
This would check to see if what you are looking for exists. A better practice would be to define the variable in the function and have the default value be the name of the thing for which you are looking.
myp <- function(x) {
ab <- c(1,2,3)
myp(x = ab)
If possible, it would be also better to substitute the script with a function.

How to call a result from a function in another one in R

can please somebody tell me how I can call my output which are two matrices as an input into another function?
input1=input$output1 ??? How to specify the output that I can call it this way? output1 and output2 are matrices!
I tried return() and data.frame but both didn't work. Any tipps?
You can't use c as some might otherwise expect because you'll lose the structure of the matrices. Instead, use list when you want to return multiple objects from an R function.
X1 <- function(y,z)

Find parent environment within call stack by function name

I'm working in a call stack of variable depth that looks like
-> <SomeOtherFunction(s), 1 or more>
-> AssignmentFunction
Now, my goal is to assign a variable created in AssignmentFunction, to the environment of TopLevelFunction. I know I can extract the stack with sys.calls, so my current approach is
# get the call stack and search for TopLevelFunction
depth <- which(stringr::str_detect(as.character(sys.calls()), "TopLevelFunction"))
# assign in TopLevelFunction's environment
assign(varName, varValue, envir = sys.frame(depth))
I'm more or less fine with that, though I am not sure if that's a good idea to convert call objects to character vectors. Is that approach error-prone? More generally, how would you search for a specific parent environment, knowing only the name of the function?
A fn like this
get_toplevel_env <- function(env) {
if (identical(parent.env(env), globalenv())) {
} else {
And use it within any level of your nested-functions like this?
I'm not sure if I understood correctly what you want to do, but, woulnd't it work to use parent.env(as.environment(-1))?
In this example it seems to work.
fn1 <- function() {
fn1.1 <- function(){
assign("parentvar", "PARENT",
envir = parent.env(as.environment(-1)))
Maybe other possibility is to use <<-, which assigns in the global environment, I think. But maybe that's not what you want.

output from "for" loop

based on Roland's suggestion from Plot titles in R using sapply(), I have created the following loop to make boxplots out of every selected variable in my dataset.
all.box=function(x) {
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
boxplot(x[,i], main = names(x)[i])
It does the job nicely in that it provides the graphs. Could someone point out to me how to make the loop to return some output, say the $out from the boxplot to be able to see the number of outliers calculated by it?
Thanx a lot!
Using lapply here is better to avoid side-effect of the for:
all.box=function(x) {
res <- lapply(seq_along(x),function(i){
boxplot(x[,i], main = names(x)[i])$out
PS: you can continue to use for, but you will need either to append a list as a result within your loop or to allocate memory for the output object before calling boxplot. So I think it is simpler to use xxapply family function here.
If you want to return something from a for loop, it's very important to pre-allocate the return object if it's not a list. Otherwise for loops with many iterations will be slow. I suggest to read the R inferno and Circle 2 in particular.
all.box=function(x) {
result <- list()
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
result[[i]] <- boxplot(x[,i], main = names(x)[i])$out
