Hierarchical Cluster using dissimilarity matrix R - r

I have mixed data type matrix Data_string size (947 x 41) that contain numeric and categorical attributes.
I produced a distance matrix (947 x 947) using the daisy() function and Gower distance measure in Rstudio.
d <- daisy(Data_String, metric = "gower", stand = FALSE,type = list(symm = c("V1","V13") , asymm = c("V8","V9","V10")))
I applied hierarchical Cluster using dissimilarity matrix (d).
# hclust
hc <- hclust(d, method="complete")
rect.hclust(hc, 4)
cut <- cutree(hc, k = 1:5)
d_as <- as.matrix(d)
DianaCluster <- diana(d_as, diss = TRUE, keep.diss = TRUE)
The following is the plots I had.
** Note: I couldn't upload the image here since I do not have enough reputation's points.
I am struggling to understand the results, can anyone please
1- suggest any solution that I can apply in R to simplify the understanding of my results.
2- how I can link it to my source data, since all the results are based on the dissimilarity matrix.

Please take a look at -
It explains how to use gower dissimilarity matrix with hclust. Hope this helps!


How can I compute T2 Hotelling after PCA?

I need to compute Hotelling T2 and SPE (Q), after the PCA analysis. I did it using the pca function from library mdatools, but I see the PC computed are different from the one computed by prcomp or princomp functions. Why?
NF4.3.pca4 <- pca(NF4.3, ncomp = 15, center = T, scale = T)
res <- NF4.3.pca4$calres
NF4.3.pca <- prcomp(NF4.3, center = T, scale. = T) #different eigenvalues
Is there another way to calculate T2 and SPE from principal components?
I will explain on an other dataset, as I do not have access to what you are analysing. The two methods that you applied on my dataset are identical. What can be confusing though is that if you look at stats_pca$sdev it is a root square of the vector of eigenvalues, whereas mdatools_pca$eigenvals reports eigenvalues themselves.
stats_pca <- prcomp(mtcars, center=TRUE, scale.=TRUE)
mdatools_pca <- mdatools::pca(mtcars, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)
all.equal(sqrt(mdatools_pca$eigenvals)[1:length(stats_pca$sdev)], stats_pca$sdev)
If you want to go on with Hotelling's T2 I would recommend this read: PCA and Hotelling's T^2 for confidence intervall in R.

How to predict cluster labeling using DBSCAN object and Gower distance matrix for new data in R

I'm having issue with predicting cluster labeling for a test data, based on a dbscan clustering model on the training data.
I used gower distance matrix when creating the model:
> gowerdist_train <- daisy(analdata_train,
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = c(5,6)))
Using this gowerdist matrix, the dbscan clustering model created was:
> sb <- dbscan(gowerdist_train, eps = .23, minPts = 50)
Then I try to use predict to label a test dataset using the above dbscan object:
> predict(sb, newdata = analdata_test, data = analdata_train)
But I receive the following error:
Error in frNN(rbind(data, newdata), eps = object$eps, sort = TRUE,
...) : x has to be a numeric matrix
I can take a guess on where this error might be coming from, which is probably due to the absence of the gower distance matrix that hasn't been created for the test data.
My question is, should I create a gower distance matrix for all data (datanal_train + datanal_test) separately and feed it into predict? how else would the algorithm know what the distance of test data from the train data is, in order to label?
In that case, would the newdata parameter be the new gower distance matrix that contains ALL (train + test) data? and the data parameter in predict would be the training distance matrix, gowerdist_train?
What I am not quite sure about is how would the predict algorithm distinguish between the test and train data set in the newly created gowerdist_all matrix?
The two matrices (new gowerdist for all data and the gowerdist_train) would obviously not have the same dimensions. Also, it doesn't make sense to me to create a gower distance matrix only for test data because distances must be relative to the test data, not the test data itself.
I tried using gower distance matrix for all data (train + test) as my new data and received an error when fed to predict:
> gowerdist_all <- daisy(rbind(analdata_train, analdata_test),
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = c(5,6)))
> test_sb_label <- predict(sb, newdata = gowerdist_all, data = gowerdist_train)
ERROR: Error in 1:nrow(data) : argument of length 0 In addition:
Warning message: In rbind(data, newdata) : number of columns of
result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
So, my suggested solution doesn't work.
I decided to create a code that would use KNN algorithm in dbscan to predict cluster labeling using gower distance matrix. The code is not very pretty and definitely not programmaticaly efficient but it works. Happy for any suggestions that would improve it.
The pseydocode is:
1) calculate new gower distance matrix for all data, including test and train
2) use the above distance matrix in kNN function (dbscan package) to determine the k nearest neighbours to each test data point.
3) determine the cluster labels for all those nearest points for each test point. Some of them will have no cluster labeling because they are test points themselves
4) create a count matrix to count the frequency of clusters for the k nearest points for each test point
5) use very simple likelihood calculation to choose the cluster for the test point based on its neighbours clusters (the maximum frequency). this part also considers the neighbouring test points. That is, the cluster for the test point is chosen only when the maximum frequency is largest when you add the number of neighbouring test points to the other clusters. Otherwise, it doesn't decide the cluster for that test point and waits for the next iteration when hopefully more of its neighboring test points have had their cluster label decided based on their neighbours.
6) repeat above (steps 2-5) until you've decided all clusters
** Note: this algorithm doesn't converge all the time. (once you do the math, it's obvious why that is) so, in the code i break out of the algorithm when the number of unclustered test points doesn't change after a while. then i repeat 2-6 again with new knn (change the number of nearest neighbours and then run the code again). This will ensure more points are involved in deciding in th enext round. I've tried both larger and smaller knn's and both work. Would be good to know which one is better. I haven't had to run the code more than twice so far to decide the clusters for the test data point.
Here is the code:
#calculate gower distance for all data (test + train)
gowerdist_test <- daisy(all_data[rangeofdataforgowerdist],
metric = "gower",
stand = FALSE,
type = list(asymm = listofasymmvars),
weights = Weights)
Then use the code below to label clusters for test data.
# find the k nearest neibours for each point and order them with distance
iteration_MAX <- 50
iteration_current <- 0
maxUnclusterRepeatNum <- 10
repeatedUnclustNum <- 0
unclusteredNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
previousUnclustereNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
nn_k = 30 #number of neighbourhoods
while (anyNA(all_data$Cluster) & iteration_current < iteration_MAX)
if (repeatedUnclustNum >= maxUnclusterRepeatNum) {
print(paste("Max number of repetition (", maxUnclusterRepeatNum ,") for same unclustered data has reached. Clustering terminated unsuccessfully."))
nn_test <- kNN(gowerdist_test, k = nn_k, sort = TRUE)
# for the TEST points in all data, find the closets TRAIN points and decide statistically which cluster they could belong to, based on the clusters of the nearest TRAIN points
test_matrix <- nn_test$id[1: nrow(analdata_test),] #create matrix of test data knn id's
numClusts <- nlevels(as.factor(sb_train$cluster))
NameClusts <- as.character(levels(as.factor(sb_train$cluster)))
count_clusters <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(analdata_test), ncol = numClusts + 1) #create a count matrix that would count number of clusters + NA
colnames(count_clusters) <- c("NA", NameClusts) #name each column of the count matrix to cluster numbers
# get the cluster number of each k nearest neibhour of each test point
for (i in 1:nrow(analdata_test))
for (j in 1:nn_k)
test_matrix[i,j] <- all_data[nn_test$id[i,j], "Cluster"]
# populate the count matrix for the total clusters of the neighbours for each test point
for (i in 1:nrow(analdata_test))
for (j in 1:nn_k)
if (!is.na(test_matrix[i,j]))
count_clusters[i, c(as.character(test_matrix[i,j]))] <- count_clusters[i, c(as.character(test_matrix[i,j]))] + 1
count_clusters[i, c("NA")] <- count_clusters[i, c("NA")] + 1
# add NA's (TEST points) to the other clusters for comparison
count_clusters_withNA <- count_clusters
for (i in 2:ncol(count_clusters))
count_clusters_withNA[,i] <- t(rowSums(count_clusters[,c(1,i)]))
# This block of code decides the maximum count of cluster for each row considering the number other test points (NA clusters) in the neighbourhood
max_col_countclusters <- apply(count_clusters,1,which.max) #get the column that corresponds to the maximum value of each row
for (i in 1:length(max_col_countclusters)) #insert the maximum value of each row in its associated column in count_clusters_withNA
count_clusters_withNA[i, max_col_countclusters[i]] <- count_clusters[i, max_col_countclusters[i]]
max_col_countclusters_withNA <- apply(count_clusters_withNA,1,which.max) #get the column that corresponds to the maximum value of each row with NA added
compareCountClust <- max_col_countclusters_withNA == max_col_countclusters #compare the two count matrices
all_data$Cluster[1:nrow(analdata_test)] <- ifelse(compareCountClust, NameClusts[max_col_countclusters - 1], all_data$Cluster) #you subtract one because of additional NA column
iteration_current <- iteration_current + 1
unclusteredNum <- sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))
if (previousUnclustereNum == unclusteredNum)
repeatedUnclustNum <- repeatedUnclustNum + 1
else {
repeatedUnclustNum <- 0
previousUnclustereNum <- unclusteredNum
print(paste("Iteration: ", iteration_current, " - Number of remaining unclustered:", sum(is.na(all_data$Cluster))))
if (unclusteredNum == 0)
print("Cluster labeling successfully Completed.")
I guess you can use this for any other type of clustering algorithm, it doesn't matter how you decided the cluster labels for the train data, as long as they are in your all_data before running the code.
Hope this help.
Not the most efficient or rigorous code. So, happy to see suggestions how to improve it.
*Note: I used t-SNE to compare the clustering of train with the test data and looks impressively clean. so, it seems it is working.

Different results when performing PCA in R with princomp() and principal ()

I tried to use princomp() and principal() to do PCA in R with data set USArressts. However, I got two different results for loadings/rotaion and scores.
First, I centered and normalised the original data frame so it is easier to compare the outputs.
trans_func <- function(x){
x <- (x-mean(x))/sd(x)
A <- USArrests
USArrests <- apply(USArrests, 2, trans_func)
princompPCA <- princomp(USArrests, cor = TRUE)
principalPCA <- principal(USArrests, nfactors=4 , scores=TRUE, rotate = "none",scale=TRUE)
Then I got the results for the loadings and scores using the following commands:
Could you please help me to explain why there is a difference? and how can we interprete these results?
At the very end of the help document of ?principal:
"The eigen vectors are rescaled by the sqrt of the eigen values to produce the component loadings more typical in factor analysis."
So principal returns the scaled loadings. In fact, principal produces a factor model estimated by the principal component method.
In 4 years, I would like to provide a more accurate answer to this question. I use iris data as an example.
data = iris[, 1:4]
First, do PCA by the eigen-decomposition
eigen_res = eigen(cov(data))
l = eigen_res$values
q = eigen_res$vectors
Then the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue is the factor loadings
We can treat this as a reference or the correct answer. Now we check the results by different r functions.
First, by function 'princomp'
res1 = princomp(data)
# compare with
No problem, this function actually just return the same results as 'eigen'. Now move to 'principal'
res2 = principal(data, nfactors=4, rotate="none")
# the loadings of the first PC is
# compare it with the results by eigendecomposition
sqrt(l[1])*q[,1] # re-scale the eigen vector by sqrt of eigen value
You may find they are still different. The problem is the 'principal' function does eigendecomposition on the correlation matrix by default. Note: PCA is not invariant with rescaling the variables. If you modify the code as
res2 = principal(data, nfactors=4, rotate="none", cor="cov")
# the loadings of the first PC is
# compare it with the results by eigendecomposition
sqrt(l[1])*q[,1] # re-scale the eigen vector by sqrt of eigen value
Now, you will get the same results as 'eigen' and 'princomp'.
If you want to do PCA, you'd better apply 'princomp' function.
PCA is a special case of the Factor model or a simplified version of the factor model. It is just equivalent to eigendecomposition.
We can apply PCA to get an approximation of a factor model. It doesn't care about the specific factors, i.e. epsilons in a factor model. So, if you change the number of factors in your model, you will get the same estimations of the loadings. It is different from the maximum likelihood estimation.
If you are estimating a factor model, you'd better use 'principal' function, since it provides more functions, like rotation, calculating the scores by different methods, and so on.
Rescale the loadings of a PCA model doesn't affect the results too much. Since you still project the data onto the same optimal direction, i.e. maximize the variation in the resulting PC.
ev <- eigen(R) # R is a correlation matrix of DATA
ev$vectors %*% diag(ev$values) %*% t(ev$vectors)
pc <- princomp(scale(DATA, center = F, scale = T),cor=TRUE)
p <-principal(DATA, rotate="none")
#eigen values
#eigen vectors - loadings
p$weights %*% diag(p$values^0.5)
pc$loading %*% diag(pc$sdev)
ee <- diag(0,2)
for (j in 1:2) {
for (i in 1:2) {
ee[i,j] <- ev$vectors[i,j]/p$values[j]^0.5
s <- as.matrix(scale(DATA, center = T, scale = T)) %*% ev$vectors

How do I weight variables with gower distance in r

I am new to R and am working on a data set including nominal, ordinal and metric data.
Therefore I am using the gower distance. In the next step I use this distance with hclust(x, method="complete") to create clusters based on this distance.
Now I want to know how I can put different weights on variables in the gower distance.
The documentation says:
daisy(x, metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan", "gower"), stand = FALSE, type = list(), weights = rep.int(1, p))
So there is a way, but I am unsure about the syntax (weights = ...).
The documentation of weights and rep.int, did not help.
I also didn't find any other helpful explanation.
I would be very glad, if some one can help out.
Not sure if this is what you are getting at, but...
Let's say you have 5 variables, e.g. 5 columns in your data frame or matrix. Then weights would be a vector of length=5 containing the weights for the corresponding columns.
The notation weights=rep.int(1,p) in the documentation simply means that the default value of weights is a vector of length p that has all 1's, eg. the weights are all equal to 1. Elsewhere in the documentation it explains that p is the number of columns.
Also, note that daisy(...) produces a dissimilarity matrix. This is what you use in hclust(...). So if x is a data frame or matrix with five columns for your variables, then:
d <- daisy(x, metric="gower", weights=c(1,2,3,4,5))
hc <- hclust(d, method="complete")
EDIT (Response to OP's comments)
The code below shows how the clustering depends on the weights.
clust.anal <- function(df,w,h) {
d <- daisy(df, metric="gower", weights=w)
hc <- hclust(d, method="complete")
clust <- cutree(hc,h=h)
plot(hc, sub=paste("weights=",paste(wts,collapse=",")))
df <- read.table("ExampleClusterData.csv", sep=";",header=T)
df[1] <- factor(df[[1]])
df[2] <- factor(df[[2]])
# weights increase with col number...
# weights decrease with col number...

applying the pvclust R function to a precomputed dist object

I'm using R to perform an hierarchical clustering. As a first approach I used hclust and performed the following steps:
I imported the distance matrix
I used the as.dist function to transform it in a dist object
I run hclust on the dist object
Here's the R code:
distm <- read.csv("distMatrix.csv")
d <- as.dist(distm)
hclust(d, "ward")
At this point I would like to do something similar with the function pvclust; however, I cannot because it's not possible to pass a precomputed dist object. How can I proceed considering that I'm using a distance not available among those provided by the dist function of R?
I've tested the suggestion of Vincent, you can do the following (my data set is a dissimilarity matrix):
# Import you data
distm <- read.csv("distMatrix.csv")
d <- as.dist(distm)
# Compute the eigenvalues
x <- cmdscale(d,1,eig=T)
# Plot the eigenvalues and choose the correct number of dimensions (eigenvalues close to 0)
type="h", lwd=5, las=1,
xlab="Number of dimensions",
# Recover the coordinates that give the same distance matrix with the correct number of dimensions
x <- cmdscale(d,nb_dimensions)
# As mentioned by Stéphane, pvclust() clusters columns
If the dataset is not too large, you can embed your n points in a space of dimension n-1, with the same distance matrix.
# Sample distance matrix
n <- 100
k <- 1000
d <- dist( matrix( rnorm(k*n), nc=k ), method="manhattan" )
# Recover some coordinates that give the same distance matrix
x <- cmdscale(d, n-1)
stopifnot( sum(abs(dist(x) - d)) < 1e-6 )
# You can then indifferently use x or d
r1 <- hclust(d)
r2 <- hclust(dist(x)) # identical to r1
r3 <- pvclust(x)
If the dataset is large, you may have to check how pvclust is implemented.
It's not clear to me whether you only have a distance matrix, or you computed it beforehand. In the former case, as already suggested by #Vincent, it would not be too difficult to tweak the R code of pvclust itself (using fix() or whatever; I provided some hints on another question on CrossValidated). In the latter case, the authors of pvclust provide an example on how to use a custom distance function, although that means you will have to install their "unofficial version".
