Sails js 2:n relation - associations

I recently started working with SailsJS, and I found the process of defining attributes and associations very elegant. However, there is one thing I cannot find out:
I have a model Couple(person1, person2). I'd like to create an association in Person, that lists every couple they are a member of. Something along the lines of:
//other attributes,
collection: 'couple',
via: 'person1, person2'
My current method is:
//other attributes,
collection: 'couple',
via: 'person1'
collection: 'couple',
via: 'person2'
getCouples: function() {
return this.couples1 + this.couples2;
But this doesn't seem very pretty, is there a way to do it more elegantly?

If i get your question correctly, you want a person and its couple, i'm assuming you have a monogamous relationship in your couples (meaning one person belongs to the other and vice-versa) you can make an association with the same model, like this.
var Person = {
attributes: {
name: {type:'string'},
couple: {model: 'Person', via: 'couple'}
module.exports = Person
Then you can create and associate them like this. (Assuming sails console)
Person.create({name: 'John Doe', couple: {name: 'Jane Doe'} }).exec(console.log)
Person.update(2, {couple:1}).exec(console.log)
And retrieving them is as easy as
Person.find({name:'John Doe'}).populate('couple').exec(console.log)
You can try to associate them with .add and .save but i'm not sure if it works when the association points to the same model, so check that out.
Another option is to have it like this:
var Person = {
attributes: {
name: {type:'string'},
couple: {model: 'Couple', via: 'persons'}
module.exports = Person;
Couple model holds a collection of persons, so you can add persons to the
couple model, and associate them later with the person.couple attribute.
var Couple = {
attributes: {
persons: {collection: 'Person', via: 'couple'}
module.exports = Couple;
Or you could use what you have, which is not ideal in this case, but it works.


Sequelize Create a new instance and add association

I've looked at the documentation and read through some issues related to this on the sequelize github repo but so far haven't found any solutions to this, IMHO, simple operation.
I have two models: Users and Cards. They are associated with a one-to-one relationship.
card: req.body.card //FK to a card ID
req.body.card is the id of the card. When I get the created object back though card is null.
I also tried creating the order first and then adding an association after but haven't had any luck with that either. I found some stuff about a set function that would set the association but I only saw examples of it with hasMany relationships.
I'm not trying to do anything fancy - just want to set the card id in the card field on an Order.
There are a few issues with your model definition:
Orders.hasOne(models.Cards, { foreignKey: 'id', as: 'card', });
In your definition, the foreign key will be placed on the cards table.
Naming the foreignKey as id will collide with the models own id field.
Try the following:
const Card = sequelize.define('card', {
name: { type: Sequelize.STRING }
const Order = sequelize.define('order', {
name: { type: Sequelize.STRING }
Order.hasOne(Card, { foreignKey: 'order_id' }); // if foreignKey is not included, will default to orderId
const order = await Order.create({
name: 'first order'
const card = await Card.create({
name: 'first card',

4 level subscription nesting in meteor

I am using meteor and this is my schema, each is a separate collection:
Courses has many lectures
Lectures have many questions
Questions have many answers
I want 1 page where I can display a given course's lectures, questions, and answers. I can display a course's lectures no problem but I have issues with displaying further nested items. I'd ideally like to have:
Lecture has courseId
Answer has lectureId (but not courseId)
Question has answerId (but not lectureId or courseId)
Is that wise or should I embed courseIds and lectureIds in all child components? This is my iron router, I tried to extend the same idea that worked with nesting lectures with questions but I hit a stumbling block with how to feed the subscriptions the lecturesId:
Router.route('/courses/:_id', {
name: 'CoursePage',
waitOn: function(){
return [
Meteor.subscribe('singleCourse', this.params._id),
Meteor.subscribe('lectures', this.params._id),
Meteor.subscribe('questions', this.params._id)
data: function() {
return Courses.findOne(this.params._id);
This is the subscriptions for the course page, again with my stumbling block of not really knowing how to feed in a lectureId:
Lectures: function() {
return Lectures.find({courseId: this._id});
Questions: function(lectureId) {
return Questions.find({courseId: this._id, lectureId: lectureId});
Can anyone recommend a good way to do this 4 level nesting for a single page? I think that I am missing something obvious but I can't quite find a good example with google searching.
You can Publish Composite package for this. See the following sample code and edit as per your collection schemas,
Meteor.publishComposite('singleCourse', function (courseId) {
return [{
find: function() {
return Courses.find({ id: courseId});
}, {
find: function() {
return Lectures.find({ courseId: courseId});
children: [{
find: function(lecture) {
return Questions.find({ lectureId: });
children: [{
find: function(question) {
return Answers.find({ questionId: });
Then in your router, you can simply make one subscription call,
Router.route('/courses/:_id', {
name: 'CoursePage',
waitOn: function(){
return [
Meteor.subscribe('singleCourse', this.params._id)
data: function() {
return Courses.findOne(this.params._id);
This is one of the best packages (if not the best) as of now to reactively publish set of related documents from different collections.
There are some known issues while doing these kind of reactive joins but for smaller datasets, this works without any problem.
Hope it helps.
Mongo can support using aggregation. $lookup will let you connect and gather data between your collections like an SQL join.
Using this in meteor requires using an external mongo ($lookup is new as of Mongo 3.2, meteor's Mongo is still 2.6.7) and a package such as the meteorhacks:aggregate package. There are other packages that address this, as mentioned in the comments, aggregate is just what I've used; with it you call Courses.aggregate(...) per the mongo aggregation documentation to produce the data that you require.
In my use, I had a Meteor method defined that took filter parameters as arguments
'aggregateReport':function(filterPersonnel, filterCourse, filterQuarter){
return Personnel.aggregate([{$match: filterPersonnel}, {$unwind: "$courses"},
{$lookup: {from: "courses", localField: "courses", foreignField: "_id",
as: "course_docs"}}, {$unwind: "$course_docs"}, {$match: filterCourse},
{$match: filterQuarter}]);
The Personnel have: country, course date, lastname, fullname, ..., course #, course. (The ellipses covers non-relevant to the query). The above queries Personnel per the filter, spools it out to one record per course (this is a transcript type of view for many people in a program), then adds the information from Courses as course_docs to the returned Personnel, and then filters by course parameters and date parameters. code and dependencies were meteor 1.2; Feb 2016

Meteor Framework Subscribe/Publish according to document variables

I have a game built on Meteor framework. One game document is something like this:
participants : [
"weapon" : "sword"
"weapon" : "book"
I want Fighter character not to see the character of the "b" user. (and b character not to see the a's) There are about 10 fields like character and weapon and their value can change during the game so as the restrictions.
Right now I am using Session variables not to display that information. However, it is not a very safe idea. How can I subscribe/publish documents according to the values based on characters?
There are 2 possible solutions that come to mind:
1. Publishing all combinations for different field values and subscribing according to the current state of the user. However, I am using Iron Router's waitOn feature to load subscriptions before rendering the page. So I am not very confident that I can change subscriptions during the game. Also because it is a time-sensitive game, I guess changing subscriptions would take time during the game and corrupt the game pleasure.
My problem right now is the user typing
to the console and see fields of other users. If I change my collection name into something difficult to find, can somebody discover the collection name? I could not find a command to find collections on the client side.
The way this is usually solved in Meteor is by using two publications. If your game state is represented by a single document you may have problem implementing this easily, so for the sake of an example I will temporarily assume that you have a Participants collection in which you're storing the corresponding data.
So anyway, you should have one subscription with data available to all the players, e.g.
Meteor.publish('players', function (gameId) {
return Participants.find({ gameId: gameId }, { fields: {
// exclude the "character" field from the result
character: 0
and another subscription for private player data:
Meteor.publish('myPrivateData', function (gameId) {
// NOTE: not excluding anything, because we are only
// publishing a single document here, whose owner
// is the current user ...
return Participants.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId,
Now, on the client side, the only thing you need to do is subscribe to both datasets, so:
Meteor.subscribe('players', myGameId);
Meteor.subscribe('myPrivateData', myGameId);
Meteor will be clever enough to merge the incoming data into a single Participants collection, in which other players' documents will not contain the character field.
If your fields visibility is going to change dynamically I suggest the following approach:
put all the restricted properties in a separated collection that tracks exactly who can view which field
on client side use observe to integrate that collection into your local player representation for easier access to the data
Data model
For example, the collection may look like this:
PlayerProperties = new Mongo.Collection('playerProperties');
/* schema:
userId : String
gameId : String
key : String
value : *
whoCanSee : [String]
Publishing data
First you will need to expose own properties to each player
Meteor.publish('myProperties', function (gameId) {
return PlayerProperties.find({
userId: this.userId,
gameId: gameId
then the other players properties:
Meteor.publish('otherPlayersProperties', function (gameId) {
if (!this.userId) return [];
return PlayerProperties.find({
gameId: gameId,
whoCanSee: this.userId,
Now the only thing you need to do during the game is to make sure you add corresponding userId to the whoCanSee array as soon as the user gets ability to see that property.
In order to keep your data in order I suggest having a client-side-only collection, e.g. IntegratedPlayerData, which you can use to arrange the player properties into some manageable structure:
var IntegratedPlayerData = new Mongo.Collection(null);
var cache = {};
added: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.upsert({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
changed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$set: _.object([ doc.key ], [ doc.value ])
removed: function (doc) {
IntegratedPlayerData.update({ _id : doc.userId }, {
$unset: _.object([ doc.key ], [ true ])
This data "integration" is only a draft and can be refined in many different ways. It could potentially be done on server-side with a custom publish method.

Firebase querying grandchildren / multilevel querying

From everything I have read, it doesn't seem possible to query a multilevel value.
My data structure looks like the following:
"dinosaurs": {
"bruhathkayosaurus": {
"appeared": -70000000,
"height": 25
"lambeosaurus": {
"appeared": -76000000,
"height": 2.1
Without knowing the key name of the dinosaurs, is there anyway to query the meta node retrieving only items added by John.
In JS Something like:
var ref = new Firebase('');
.on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
There are hacky solutions but none are scaleable, should I just flatten this data?
I need a code review... would this be an acceptable solution?
var ref = new Firebase('');
.on('child_added', function(snap2) {
Edit Jan 2016: Since this answer, Firebase has Deep Queries so you can query deeper than 1 level.
Queries can only be 1 level deep. There are a number of solutions but flattening your data and linking/referencing is an option.
In the example above you could create another node that links the user names (parent) to the dinosaurs (children) they added. Then John node can be read and immediately know which dinosaurs he added. Then be able to access other relevant data about that dino; date added, appeared,height etc.
You will probably want to use uid's instead of names but you get the idea.
Also, it's not clear why there is a meta node in the example listed so it could be flattened thusly:
"dinosaurs": {
"bruhathkayosaurus": {
"appeared": -70000000
"height": 25

Query for multiple records in firebase

I'm implementing an orbit.js adapter for firebase, orbit-firebase.
I'm looking for an efficient way to query for multiple records so that I can resolve relationships between objects e.g. course.participants
course: {
'c1': {
participants: ['p1', 'p2']
participant: {
'p1': {
name: "Jim"
'p2': {
name: "Mark"
Given I have the ids 'p1' and 'p2' what's an efficient way to query for both of them?
I can't use a query because I'm using security rules with the participants i.e. the user that's trying to resolve course.participants doesn't have access to all of the participants (bear in mind this is a contrived example).
I'd recommend that you move away from arrays in your JSON structures. These are nothing but pain in real-time, distributed data and don't work particularly well with security rules and situations like this.
Given this structure:
course: {
'c1': {
participants: {
'p1': true, 'p2': true
I could join these fairly easily. You can get a normalized ref that behaves just like a Firebase ref by using Firebase.util's NormalizedCollection:
var ref = new Firebase(...);
var coll = new Firebase.util.NormalizedCollection(
coll.on('child_added', function(snap) {
console.log('participant ' + snap.key(), snap.val());
Note that this data structure (sans the array) will also make it simpler to enforce read rules on participant data and the like by allowing you to directly reference the user ids under $courseid/participants/, since they are now keys that can match a $ variable.
