I want to test concurrent access, so I need a test to write tests with 2 clients (aka driver in selenium). Does saucelabs support multiple driver in one test ?
If yes, which one will be display on video and screenshot ?
The SauceLabs support gave me the response :
Unfortunately, it would not be possible to run two instances of
RemoteWebDriver on a single test. I am not sure if this would help in
what you are trying to accomplish, but perhaps switching browser tabs
in your test might be useful. Here is a Stack Overflow link I found
that may be helpful:
switch tabs using Selenium WebDriver with Java
I am experienced writing automation tests for web apps using Selenium.
However I now have to automate a Windows Desktop app which I'm new to.
I'm using QTP 11 (old version) and I can get QTP to login type username/password to the desktop app. However when the app loads there are icons like a Windows desktop. I tried using ObjectSpy on the Actions folder icon but it can't find the object ID and it thinks the icon is a WinObject("COMPOSITE")
Also tried using QTP Record feature but the code that it generates uses hardcoded x and y values. I don't want to use x,y values as if the Actions icon moves 3cms left or right in future the test will fail.
Window("Loan IQ").WinObject("COMPOSITE").Click 369,33
Need help finding the object ID in a Win32 app. Thanks
First of all you should make sure that UFT is configured to test your application. In the Record and Run Settings dialog, make sure that either _any windows application__ is selected or your app is explicitly listed.
If this doesn't improve the situation you can try using image based testing (aka Insight).
WIN32 Apps can be a nightmare to automate especially with QTP 11, as it is a kinda outdated version. If you want to get stable automation I propose the following:
Upgrade to a newer version of UFT (14+)
This will most probably not help you indentify the objects but will have a lot of new technologies supported that may help you as described in the following steps
Use Image Based Recognition
Even if your screen resolution changes UFT is still able to identify pictures.IT does not use absolute vectors to compare bitmaps but a different technology which I won't go in detailed (long story short, screen resolution changes are okay)
Provide support for your Widgets
Microsoft has 2 frameworks that can be used to provide UI Automation capabilities (initially for people with accessibility needs, but now is used for RPA and GUI Testing). UFT supports the MSAA and UIA frameworks of Microsoft so if your company is ready to implement support for the UI widgets via one of these Technologies, you are on your way for a smooth Test Automation Experience. Please note: This is mostly a huge investment, so if the tool is something internal and not planned for longer term usage, go with the image based Recognition
We are experimenting with test automation and have found that cucumber-jvm/espresso fits the best. Our next issue is finding a testing service that supports the framework. To run the tests we are currently running 'gradlew connectedCheck' at the command line but from what I have read, AWS Device Farm doesn't support cucumber-jvm/espresso. Any service should work, so long as it supports cucumber-jvm and has a variety of physical devices to test on.
I am hoping that someone out here has experience with this and knows where we should look.
Is it necessary to use Cucumber along with Espresso in that case? You can always implement an entire test suite without the need of Cucumber. All you need is a good reporting tool to report you the passes and failures. There are plenty of solutions out there -- I would recommend using something like Spoon or Composer to run your tests in parallel on multiple devices or emulators or a combination of both. Both of these tools provide decent reporting. As far as a device farm is considered, AWS will support that.
I'm doing Windows based testing using Winium.
How is winium.storeapps different to winium.desktop? How either of these can be integrated with Selenium?
One is for Mobile and the other one is for Desktop applications. Both are based on WebDriver protocol (old spec called JSON Wire Protocol) and can be used with Selenium bindings. One can think of Winium drivers as one of the implementations of WebDriver, just like ChromeDriver or Appium are implementations of WebDriver.
Winium.StoreApps is a selenium-based tool for testing applications on
Windows Phone/Windows Mobile Emulators.
Winium.Desktop is a
selenium-based tool for testings desktop applications on Windows
We are currently finishing merging Winium.StoreApps and winphonedriver, next step will be to rename it into Winium.Mobile, so that there is no confusion.
UPDATE We finished merging drivers. Now we have Winium.Mobile and Winium.Desktop
Disclosure: I am the author of Winium.StoreApps.
I am beginning to study the use of virtual machines with realtime applications, specifically network applications.
While I do understand the limitations and concerns, I'd like to get ideas as to how to get started on this task.
I am going to use a DPDK sample application over Linux, and probably use VMWare for starters. However, I do not know what my first steps with respect to setting up VMWare should be.
First I think it is better to use open source solution like QUEM/KVM for your virtualization platform. Many platform exist for run high performance network functions on virtualized platforms you can see OpenNetVM for example in order to get basic ideas.
I'm using Chrome 5.0.375.86. Can anyone point me to a working example of an HTML page communicating (or at least establishing a handshake) in Chrome with a C# (faux) web server?
The current version of WebSockets in hixons-76 (or whatever) and not -75. What does production Chrome currently support? I think it's -75. Do I need the nightly build for -76?
This is also a nice example (The author says it should work with -76)
Heres a Related Question on SO, Should help you to get started
Maybe you will find useful my demo http://programistka.com/en/websockets-c/ which uses two open source libraries - one for server and one for client. In my opinion it is really worth to check them.