Mediaelementjs in Wordpress not working - wordpress

alright, I've busted my brain trying to figure this out.
I'm trying to use the mediaelementjs audio player in my Wordpress site and have read a bunch of tutorials saying that mediaelementjs is now part of the Wordpress Core and that a simple [audio] reference will make the player live.
However, every time I try it I just get a blank Soundcloud box that says "url is not a valid soundcloud address".
I've tried the enque method in functions.php for custom js but all it does is break the js that's used for mobile devices.
Is this an issue with the theme I'm using? Or is there a reason Soundcloud seems to randomly be the default (even though I haven't installed the Soundcloud Is Gold plugin)?


Swiper JS for wordpress

as I already found great help here in the community, I thought I'd post my question here, maybe there'd be somebody who could help me.
I am creating my websites in wordpress and found a great tool for creating an image carousel. As I am more of an intermediate in wordpress and mainly working with plugins, I found the swiper JS plugin in the wordpress plugin directory. It works fine but I have the problem that it won't loop and you can't get to the first and last image of the carousel, it always snaps back to the second and second to last image.
This is the one I am using right now.
My question also is how I can use the Swiper JS in wordpress without using the plugin. I want to have it specifically on one page and it should be mobile friendly. All the design that already is on the page should be remain as it is. Would there be a possibility to include the Swiper Js tool even though I am using a wordpress theme?
Thank you so so much, it is really hugely appreciated!
Only worked with the plugin so far, no css helped...
Using WP custom code.
We assume your words "the plugin" are about that exact SwiperJS plugin.
Have you considered using an iFrame? See lower web links.
An iframe will allow you to add a video, audio, images, etc., so presumably even a slider lands in that category. Try this avenue first to see if it works for your needs. Read about WP iframe use in the links below.
<iframe src="test7.html" width="600" height="300" style="border:1px solid black;" title=""></iframe>
Other snippet plugin options exist (read developer docs). There are pro/con to some of those options (i.e. time, etc). Read developer resources (from an WP admin perspective) for more ideas.
wordpress iframe
kinsta article
WP developers articles

Search plugin breaking parts of theme

I've been asked to add a search function to a website. I'm trying this out on a testing site at (the password to view is Entrand0s1).
I've installed a search plugin which works on all pages except the home page. On that page it clashes with the script in the slider plugin and when I tried deactivating the slider plugin I also lost the four large buttons at the bottom of the page which are part of the theme itself. Both the slider plugin and the theme are old but I'm hoping to keep the site going for a little while longer if I can. I asked for advice from the search plugin developer who said it's to do with the slider loading an older version of the jQuery library. I searched on here for jQuery library conflicts - one answer linked to the learn.jquery website with a list of options for avoiding library conflicts. There were a number of options for adding code - I tried adding some of these to the header.php document but each time the site broke completely and truth is I don't know enough about jQuery to know which is the correct piece of code to try. Any advice appreciated - would be great to know if there is a way to get the search plugin to also work on the home page whilst keeping the current slider. Many thanks

Wordpress youtube embed not clickable bootstrap

After I moved a Wordpress website to production server I noticed youtube embeds were no longer clickable. The image and play button show up but nothing more.
Tried to renew the embed code, using the build in embed function, embed via media browser,... Nothing is working and it's making me crazy.
After some trial and error things I noticed that the video does work when the main bootstrap.css file is removed. Can't seem to find a clue to the solution though.
Yes, I tried to disable all the plugins, with no result.
Changing back to the default twenty fifteen theme results in a working video embed. But since that one isn't build on bootstrap it's just a logic fact.
Anyone seen this before?
Web page with video embedded: click here
The website is sending lots of error messages in he consolu use F12 in Chrome, apparently your www-embed-player-new.js is causing the problem. Not even Edge is running the site correctly. I think you need a Chrome extension to make it work.
I would recommend you changing the plugin that imports the videos. Check this enter link description here
The chrome plugin Google Cast stops the error messages but still doesn't work.
The problem was with the wordpress loop on the single.php page.
A wrong code snippet caused the issue.

Previewing Changes in Bigcommerce Mobile Template

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. I've been tasked with giving a mobile template an overhaul on a site that uses BigCommerce.
Does anyone know of an IDE or a windows based browser that would allow me to preview the changes that I make on the fly, preferably via Dreamweaver CC but this isn't a necessity.
Basically I want to completely revamp the homepage so that instead of having a mundane and dreary menu that take up the entire page, I'd like to change it so that I have responsive windows 8 like tiles that one could use to navigate the site.
Since BigCommerce is a paid service you are limited to what is available. You cannot simply download the site and run it on your localhost. I worked on one of those sites before, the best work around I found what to edit in google chrome's inspect element and console "F12" - this way you can make changes directly to the site to see how they render. But keep in mind, F12 is after chrome builds the page and will not match the actual code all the time.

SoundCloud VIsual Player embedded code for Wordpress does not match preview

About a week ago our visual players on our website all changed and the format has a distorted picture across the entire visual player. I went to the soundcloud site and clicked the option to have the picture show in the left side... the preview is correct however when I transfer the Wordpress code into our site it is the same distorted view. If I copy in the iframe short code it works properly. Which I can do going forward if necessary however for the hundreds we already have coded into our site that would take considerable effort. Is there a know issue out on this?
You can change the default setting for SoundCloud embeds in the plugin settings. Go to WordPress Admin > Plugins > SoundCloud Shortcode > Settings > Widget Type and select HTML5.
