Viewport width issue on responsive mobile template - css

I am trying to convert a poorly designed template to a responsive design, found here:
Im having an issue where on desktop browser sized to mobile the template looks and works great, but on android and iphone, the page is larger than the viewport. i know i must be missing something, but as you can see, i have outlined the elements just to get try and see if i can find out whats in there that is stretching it outside the viewport and cause mobile phones to scroll from side to side but not desktop browsers.
i set the body up for 300px width just to see if i could find the rogue element, but put it back because it did not work. there are a few tables in the content, but all set to 100% width.
for some reason, it almost looks like the width in the desktop and on mobiles or not actually the same.

Do you actually think it is the viewport? Do you have the viewport set with the right content?
Maybe this link could help.
Or is it just the CSS? In that case I would recommand you searching for width and such. Trying to find big numbers..
Setting a specified width should be for specified screen sizes. Otherwise make it max-width.


Mobile site going slightly outside the device screen width

I made this single web page and when I view it my mobile device, and I thumb to the left, the width of the website shifts over slightly, like the left and right edges are not completely contained within the device screen. It doesn't shift around on the DuckDuckGo browser, but it does on Safari. Is anyone aware of how to correct this?
I've used Bootstrap Grid and tried to set the correct element width specifications with CSS.
i think it's about the width of you div with the ID "spinningDial".
She's to big on small device.
Remove it for a test. Then the page width will be perfect on mobile device.
Or you can juste try to change the width of this div for a test (100px for example).
Thanks for the help, everyone. I changed the width of the spinning image and everything seems to be working. I had also forgotten that the corners of the transparent div extend further than the circle... whoops.

Responsive Web Design: How to get header image to be fully responsive when re-sizing window browser?

I'm using media queries to properly align the header image to the container div underneath it. It looks great when in large desktop or mobile mode, however when I re-size to other sizes and change browser window it moves. Should I be setting more breakpoints and more specific ones for the media queries? I've tried also placing it as a background-image: cover but that does not seem to work either.

Do we have to consider Browser Zoom when building a WebSite.?

I am building a site for my friend, He specified a bug for me. He said,"When I Zoom in/out the browser, the Website layout “breaks apart” but it is working fine in 100% Browser Zoom."
Please let me know the Standard for web development for Browser Zooming
In CSS there is something called "em". Different from pixels, they adjust themselves to screen settings. With most CSS elements, zooms should not be a problem, but if you are really having trouble, I would recommend using em as units
usually I don't consider zooming but if you want a good website that shows ok with different screen resolutions like in mobile browsers or tablet you'd better use responsive style sheets.
you do not need to write it by your own. you can use style sheets like twitter bootstrap which already supports responsive web pages
you can download it from here enter link description here
The webpage should be responsive enough like to work for "smaller screens" that is more or less how it will work for your CSS when they zoom in.
Make sure you have min-width or min-height set to your body or general container so, when it gets to this minimums it just stais as it looks.
For example, for the SO webpage, you have the div with id "content" inside the general div.container that has a width of 980px, so if you zoom in a lot it just shows the bottom scrollbar.

On responsive site, DIV covers slider but not on desktop

This site I've built at is doing something odd when I try and view it on a mobile device. I'm using some media queries to make it responsive and what happens when I view on a mobile #sitehead seems to be covering up most of #homepage_slider below(see image below).
From looking at the CSS on #homepage_slider I don't see any absolute positioning making it be in a particular place in this instance.
Does anyone know how I can make #homepage_slider position itself below #sitehead rather than behind it?
#sitehead is position fixed so you either need padding at the top of the body (matching the height of your header) to push you slider down or not have your header fixed (make it relative). It works on the desktop as your sitehead is relative.

Best way to dynamically change the resolution of an HTML5 video

What is the best way to dynamically change the width and height of an HTML5 video within a webpage? The kind of behaviour I'm referring to is the same thing in the intro video of
When the window is resized, the video still takes up 100% of the viewable size (without scrolling). I noticed that the video gets resized to a certain degree, but stops resizing and gets cropped at some point.
What is the best way to get the same behaviour? I want to have a video take up the entire viewable area of the browser without scroll bars. This is only on a desktop/laptop, I am not considering any mobile devices ATM.
What I have in mind right now is to dynamically change the width/height properties of the video to fit the viewable area using javascript, but also set a minimum size such that the video doesn't get distorted. The video can be placed in a container that is always centered, so if the browser gets to a size that is too small, it effectively gets cropped. I'm not sure if this is too long-winded and if there is an easier way.
Thank you.
It looks like they have the css properties of height and width set to 100%. If you use an element inspector like the one built into chrome or firebug for Firefox, you should be able to see exactly how they structured the html/css for the video element as well as the div its nested in. Then, as you said, also set a min-width/min-height property.
Unless I'm misreading your question, it should be that simple. Hope this helps!
you could do it with "Responsive CSS", there are some ways to do that,
you could set the viewport, max-width, min-width, etc.
This link have a nice explanation how to do that :
