What would cause wicket page to load with page version of 1? - wicket-6

I am working on a wicket web Application using wicket 1.6.
Upon initial load of application I see page version in URL is set to 1 instead of 0.

Put a breakpoint at org.apache.wicket.Session#nextPageId() and see why it is called twice.


asp.net Run code when session is available but page has not been loaded?

Is there any way to run code when session is available but page has not been loaded?
The closest thing i have found is Global.asax AcquireRequestState.
But it seems to run right after the constructor for the page.

Site.Master Changes

I started out with a basic site.master. After I laid out several pages, I have found that I need to make changes to the site.master. The changes show up while I am working in Visual Studio, but when I run the application, they don't take effect. What do I need to do to have them show up?
When you make changes to CSS or javascript (or any other static content, for that matter), you need to clear out the browser cache to ensure the latest version is loaded from your server.
You can force a reload from the server by using Ctrl + F5 on most browsers.

Using devexpress HtmlEditor control has DXR.axd throwing 404

I am using a dev express control: ASPxHtmlEditor version 10.1. I am trying to create a simple that only has this control. Unfortunately the control does not render with any of its styles or images loaded. This happens over 20 times. The control does not have any of its styles and all of its images do not load on the control.
I am getting 404 exceptions similar to: "Failed to load source http://localhost:11238/DXR.axd?r=5_0"
The cause of this issue is that the web.config file did not contain our http handler registration. So, such requests were not properly handled and scripts and images did not come to the client. Once you open the page in the designer, the http handler was registered and the problem disappeared :)
The solution was to restart my machine and open the page the control was on in design mode to have it create all the controls it needs to render properly.

Silverlight in aspx page not loading

I have developed a simple Silverlight control. I created this by using the Silverlight application project template in VS 2008, adding a test page to my existing website.
Now, my control works perfectly in the auto-generated aspx, where I have now got it functioning as required. However, when I try to put the control in a new page it does not load. Debugging suggests that the code is all executing, however the UI I expect to see simply isn't appearing.
I tried this initially in a content page using the correct master page for my site layout, and then just in a standard ASPX which doesn't use MPs...same problem.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Am I missing something simple!?
So frustrating, any help appreciated!
You can use Firebug or Internet Explorer's developer toolbar (and Fiddler) to see if the xap file is being requested and the rendered object tag has the proper size. If using the control check for any JavaScript errors.
Right-click the region where the Silverlight control should be to see if you get a Silverlight options prompt. That will tell you if the problem is in the loading of your Silverlight object into the page, or after the Silverlight plugin has loaded.

AJAX Toolkit AutoCompleteExtender with a *PAGE* service?

I have an application currently using the AJAX Toolkit AutoCompleteExtender to extend a textbox. It is using a webservice to select and retrieve the data. The docs for the toolkit say that you can also use a page service and I have been trying for days to get that to wrok - both in the vs2005 and the 2.0 framework version and vs2008 and the 3.5 framework version (the attrubutes for the page service are slightly different in each version). I cannot get either version to work with a page service - both work just fine with a web service.
Has anyone had any luck with this?
Have You checked the following:
Your page method is (You really mean page method, not page service?) is static.
The method return a List or string[].
The parameters are (string prefixText, int count). Order and case matters.
You can also look at http://allwrong.wordpress.com/2007/03/13/ms-ajax-autocomplete-extender-using-a-page-method/ .
Have you had a look at your page with either Firebug in FireFox or Fiddler with IE to actually see what (if anything) is going on with the scripts and network calls? Firebug's script tab will show you nicely what script methods have been loaded, and will show you network traffic between the browser and server on the Net tab, while Fiddler will mostly allow you to analyse and edit network traffic.
Are you using master pages, and is the control on the master page or the page itself - you can't have page methods on a masterpage?
Have +1'd Zalph as his answer tipped me off. The method must be in a page. I had mine in a user control!
