Unknown option: -bitcode_verify - watchkit

So, I managed to get my iOS App and WatchKit app running fine but when I (first clean) run Archive, the compiler throws the following error:
ld: unknown option: -bitcode_verify
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
It relates to the WatchKit Extension but I'm completely blank on where to start.
(Xcode 7.0.1 / Deployment target iOS 8.2 / WatchOS 2.0)
Thanks again!

When I realized the only thing left to do was to create a brand new project and start copy pasting, I created a new iOS project and added a WatchKit target. Without adding any code I tried to build and archive the project and I got the same compiler error which led me to the conclusion that the problem laid with Xcode itself. After a complete uninstall (all associated files removed) and then a new install, voila! It compiles normally.


WinUI - Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll'

used uno-check to install all the needed prerequisites.
after this i have installed the Uno Platform dotnet templates :
dotnet new -i Uno.ProjectTemplates.Dotnet
and created a new project with this command :
dotnet new unoapp-winui -o MyUnoApp
who give me some errors about failed restoration (MSBUILD : error MSB1009 - project file not exist -)
After that i load the solution in visual studio (2019/2022), select MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop as starting project (x86) and start the debug session but i got this error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in UNO.Windows.Desktop.dll
Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll' or one of its dependencies
Any hint?
I had the exact same problem, but after fiddling around a bit I found a solution.
Set the '.Windows.Package' project as startup instead of '.Windows.Desktop'
Also make sure you are have the same Platform selected for both Package and Desktop project.
It's my understanding that MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop is the building target for the Windows desktop, whereas MyUnoApp.Windows.Package is the building target for the UWP app (pls correct me if I'm wrong). Hence, the original poster still would not have the problem of being unable to build the desktop app - which is the same problem I'm facing right now.

How to fix 'No rule to make target `project-name'. Stop.'

I'm trying to build my qt project after macOS 10.15 Catalina update. Always get en error:
:-1: error: No rule to make target 'AircraftAlgorithmPack'. Stop.
And recommendations:
make: *** No rule to make target 'AircraftAlgorithmPack'. Stop.
The platform SDK has been changed from version 10.14 to version 10.15.
This requires a fresh build. Please wipe the build directory completely,
including any .qmake.stash and .qmake.cache files generated by qmake.
/Users/arseniyspiridonov/Qt/5.13.1/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac/sdk.mk:22: *** ^. Stop.
19:01:49: The process "/usr/bin/make" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project AircraftAlgorithmPack (kit: Desktop Qt 5.13.1 clang 64bit)
When executing step "qmake"
I've already checked that my SDK version is 10.15.
I've tried to clean project, to delete build directory, to rerun qmake, to make context change in make file (from 10.14 to 10.15), to write some mantras not to check SDK version. All advices from google.
Nothing happens.
Make sure to erase all .qmake.stash files - they might also be located in your project's folder. Completely delete your build directory. The .qmake.stash files are hidden from Finder, so you might need to use the command shell to locate them.

error: library not found for -lUAirship-1.3.3

For adding push notifications functionality to my iphone app I use Urban Airship, but the build failed with this error:
ld: library not found for -lUAirship-1.3.3
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
what should I do?
IUAirship-1.3.3 needs to be loaded into your project.
Drag IUAirship-1.3.3 into your project. (be sure to check off the option: Copy items into destination group's folder).
Also be sure to link it to your framework by:
Selecting the Target, Click the general tab (at the top), scroll to Linked Frameworks and Libraries, click the + button, add IUAirship-1.3.3
Clean and build:
Next under the Project Menu, select clean. Try building it now. It should be found.
Hope this helps.

PLCrashReporter in XCode 4 - won't compile in Simulator

I must be doing something totally stupid here, but I can't get the PLCrashReporter framework included in my project. Here are the steps I took to get the framework:
Downloaded the .dmg file from the official project site on google code
Copied the CrashReporter.framework folder to the root directory of my project
Added the framework by going to my project, selecting the target, going to the Build Phases tab, opening the Link Binary With Libraries section, clicking the plus sign, and adding the CrashReporter.framework folder
I am pulling in the framework in my class file by using
#import <CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h>
When I try to compile under 4.3 simulator, I get the following errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReporter", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReport", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
When I compile under the device, everything is fine. Is there some sort of header or library search path I need to include?
The app compiles under XCode 3 without issues under all configurations.
I had the same issue and was able to resolve it. Here are the steps I completed...
Download the PLCrashReporter source release and unzip.
Open the PLCrashReporter xcode project. This project is setup to use an old SDK, update all the required SDKs for each target to get rid of the warnings. This is also required to compile in the next step.
Navigate to the CrashReporter-iPhoneSimulator Target. Under the Build Settings: a) set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to "No", b) set "Mach-O Type" to "Static Library".
Select CrashReport-iPhoneSimulator : [IOS simulation (ie iPhone 4.3 Simulator)] and click build.
Navigate to your build directory for the PLCrashReporter. For me, it was /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CrashReporter-(random characters)/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Copy the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a from the build directory in step 5 to the iphone application project directory you want to add the crash reporter to.
Open the your iphone application project in xcode.
Download the PLCrashReporter binary release and extract the framework to a local directory.
Add the CrashReporter framework to your project using this SO post.
Following the same procedure as step 9, add the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a static library to the "Link Binary with Libraries" section of the build phases. No *.framework directory is needed when adding a static library.
Review the "Link Binary with Libraries" in the Target. Make sure the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a is listed above the CrashReporter framework. You can drag and drop to reorder.
I hope this helps.
For anyone else looking for this information:
I followed the same steps given above however I was getting errors. I deleted the static library and only included the framework (which you can get from their dmg).
It worked perfectly for me. I think the process of creating static library by building the project was old (before they created a framework).
Don't forget to include
in "Link Binary With Libraries".

Imagemagick Linking to QT and mingw32-make: *** [debug] Error 2

I created an application using Imagemagick library with Qt on Mac.
Now that I want to deploy the application for windows:
I installed the imagemagick library
on my pc,
I installed the SDK version of QT 4.7
I added my include and lib paths
And when I go run the application I'm getting errors that I think they are related to mingw32.
here are the build issues:
and here is the compile output:
Can someone Identify the error ?
What do I have to do to deploy the application for windows?
I also tried to use a Mingw32 version of my library but again, It didnt work:
When I put -lmagick after the lib it says file lmagick cannot ne found
and when I try to build unticking the shadow build checkbox in the build settings, it give me the errors in the first screenshoot. Thank you
See the answer to this question.
