Do MIME types REQUIRE the subtype to be specified - rss

The question is clear enough, but let me flesh it out with the actual example I am encountering:
In interpreting an RSS feed, there is an image specified sometimes where it is not known what kind of image it is, but it is nonetheless clear that the link type is an image, such as in this example:
<itunes:image href="" />
That iTunes spec does not enter the image type attribute for the image. So then let's say I am taking this image link (with others) and re-syndicating it, but now as a standard ATOM link. To specify it is an image, the type attribute of the link needs to start with image (as an image MIME type), and yet what should I do about the subtype:
<link href="" type="image" /> //??
I'm guessing MIME types can never do this, but is that the case? Can the subtype ever be left off? Another solution is not so happy either: to enter a FALSE but common subtype (e.g.: "image/jpeg").
--- update ---
Thanks to Julien for that research. So one solution just occurred to me: using a generic subtype of a given value such as: unknown, or none.
Maybe just go with 'unknown', but 'none' has it's benefits as well. This might be especially useful if a lot of people started using one (or both) of these values when they don't know the subtype.
I would love to hear in the comments how that idea strikes you guys, yea or nea? Good idea or bad?

Yes, in theory, the RFC4287 says:
Whatever a media type is, it contains at least one slash
atomMediaType = xsd:string { pattern = ".+/.+" }
Now, from experience, there are many feeds out there which do not include the sub-type. Be robust: if you publish a feed, make sure you include both... and if you consume feeds, be ready to handle feeds where it's missing!


Symfony PHPUnit integration test not able to check full body text

My use case is simple: I am sending text emails, i am trying to make integrations tests in order to check the full text body of the message, please note I don't want to check if message contain a string, i am looking for format and structure. No fancy check since it is just text.
The current public API, as in documentation, and as I see in code allows me to check only whether the message contains a string assertEmailTextBodyContains().
I did read:, from MailerAssertionsTrait can only get a RawMessage, i tried, but did not get a strait way to wrap it within an Email.
What am I missing?
Is there any technical/non technical issue preventing to have such Constraint implemented?
Something like: assertEmailTextBodySameAs() for example.
Just for the sake of documentation.
After informing my self more, i realise that in my ignorance i was looking for an idiomatic syntax in the MailerAssertionsTrait instead what i needed was just to use the IsIdentical constraint from phpunit.
$this->assertThat($email->getTextBody(), new IsIdentical($expectedText), 'Mail body are not the same');
Why such assertion is not built in in trait i did assume it is just to keep it simple allowing others like me to extend later on easily, it is just an speculation though.

Explanation for url() function Drupal 8

I'm very new to drupal and have to do some real quick small work. While going through the documentation at, I saw string parameter to url() function.
{{ 'View all content'|t }}
what is the value that url() is taking?
Infact, i'm trying to get relative path. I used
But, it didn't work for me because {{directory}} changed each time and led to url append. Is there any best practices? Thank you for suggestions.
When adding a URL into a string, for instance in a text description, core recommends we use the \Drupal\Core\Url class. This has a few handy methods:
Internal URL based on a route - Url::fromRoute(), Example: Url::fromRoute('acquia_connector.settings')
Internal URL based on a path - Url::fromInternalUri(), Example: Url::fromInternalUri('node/add')
External URL - Url::fromUri, Example: Url::fromUri('')
The last two methods are very similar, the main difference is, that fromInternalUri() already assumes an 'internal:' prefix, which tells Drupal to build an internal path. It's worth reading up on what prefixes are supported, for instance the ':entity' prefix can help in building dynamic URIs.
When you need to constrict and display the link as text you can use the toString() method: Url::fromRoute('acquia_connector.settings')->toString().
If you need additional information please ask.

ashx - get all the possible items of QueryString

Looking at this
I might have bits of code like this:
string file = context.Request.QueryString["file"];
if (file == "logo")
That should allow me to see different things depending on URL that I enter in a browser, for example:
The problem I am facing now is how, knowing just can I read what the all the assumed options of the file variable are? In this case it would be "logo" and anything else.
What I have in reality is I can Google up the string to get few results (i.e. or thus I know it exists and is somehow searchable. I just would like to know all the other "abcde" and "xyz". If I try just I get a singe line error saying that I am giving a wrong variable and I cannot see anything important in the source of the site.
What might be important here - I have zero knowledge about web technologies.
You can't get this information. Its all hidden in the code implementation. There is no published format (by default) that will show you all of the available options the code is looking for.

Handling http query string inside PWP HTML Page in Prolog

I'm currently working on a project that demand a few web application written in Prolog, and I choosed to use the famous SWI-Prolog PWP library. Which parses a script with prolog queries inside an HTML file.
I have a page responding to the following request example:
Where N is a integer value.
But I'm having trouble to read the query string ID of the request inside the HTML file.
I have the .pl file:
showUser(UserId, Request) :-
reply_pwp_file(mydir('user_page.html'), [mime_type('text/html')], Request).
I don't know how I can read the UserId or the Request to retrieve again the UserId in the query strings.
I tried this way in the HTML markup:
<span pwp:ask="http_parameters(Request, [id(UserId, [optional(true)])])." pwp:use="UserId" />
Someone had this kind of trouble before?
Thank you very much.
Here's some interesting links that may help us:
SWI-Prolog HTTP Library
It took to me some time, but at least I've been able to run the that I found in ~/pl-devel/packages/http/examples. Now, after
?- server(1234).
I open the URL
where I wrote in ~/pl-devel/packages/http/examples/pwp/user_id.pwp file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:pwp="">
<title>Context variables for PWP scripts</title>
<p>This PWP demo lists the context-parameters that are passed into
the script.
<li pwp:ask="member(Name=Value, CONTEXT)">
<span class=name pwp:use="Name"/>
<span class=value pwp:use="writeq(Value)"/>
<!-- here is the specific part for my answer -->
<p pwp:ask="memberchk('QUERY'=Q, CONTEXT),memberchk(user_id=UID,Q),memberchk(user_name=NAME,Q)">
UID : <span pwp:use="UID"/> / NAME : <span pwp:use="NAME"/>
<!-- nested access is well thought -->
<p pwp:ask="member('QUERY'=Q,CONTEXT)">
UID : <span pwp:use="UID" pwp:ask="member(user_id=UID,Q)"/>
/ NAME : <span pwp:use="NAME" pwp:ask="member(user_name=NAME,Q)"/>
(that's a copy of context.pwp, with added my info at bottom)
and I get
This PWP demo lists the context-parameters that are passed into the script.
- QUERY = [user_id='1',user_name=carlo]
UID : 1 / NAME : carlo
UID : 1 / NAME : carlo
Then I can confirm that the guidelines that Giulio suggested are ok.
This is really out of the blue, since I've not churned Prolog in a long time, but I'm slightly amused at the effort of writing web applications in Prolog, and because I sympathize (long story short: I tried myself years ago, but it wasn't pure Prolog) I figured I could just take my chance at pointing you what I noticed by reading the documentation. Its clarity and extensivity, by the way, are not the reason why PWP is "famous", I presume.
However, buried somewhere in the PWP page you linked there is a blurb about the attribute pwp:use, that's said to take a Term as its value.
Term is a Prolog term; variables in Term are bound by the context. An empty Term is regarded as a missing value for this attribute. The Prolog variable CONTEXT refers to the entire context, a list of Name = Value, where Name is a Prolog atom holding the name of the context variable and Value is an arbitrary Prolog term.
Buried somewhere else, namely the documentation page for reply_pwp_page/3 (oh, there's no reply_pwp_file/3 up there in the page you linked, really, even if you used it) there's another interesting snippet listing the contents of the so-called initial context, and in particular:
QUERY [is a] Var=Value list representing the query-parameters
Since there is no hint or suggestion or even example about the use of the query parameters list - but that's hardly the worst problem for one that's forced to write web applications in Prolog anyway - my personal take is that the name for query parameter id is just id (hoping that Var is just a misname for Param, not a real Prolog variable) and that the value is, well, just the value, but then again we know nothing about conversions or whatever may happen automatically during the parsing of the query string, since in the query string everything is, well, a string, but you may need a numeric id, and you are probably left on your own converting that string to a number. I guess there's some magical predicate doing exactly that, somewhere. Ain't Prolog wonderful?
So, without any other clue, and with lots of thanks for those writing the documentation of this... stuff, my wild guess is that you need somewhere the following element, an empty span nonetheless, which is illegal in any reasonably valid HTML document:
<span pwp:ask="..."/>
where, as the ask value, you should provide a query that traverse the CONTEXT list (by means of member/2, maybe?) until it finds a term of the form 'QUERY'=QueryParameters; then in QueryParameters you should have the actual query parameters list, so you need to traverse it in the same fashion as the CONTEXT list before, and when you find a term of the form id=N here you finally are, N should contain the value of your hardly earned user id.
Now, I really hope it's way simpler that what I have outlined. Remember, it's just a wild guess by looking at the documentation you pointed to. But, while others will be quite probably busy down-voting this answer for a number of reasons (and hopefully because it's plain wrong, and the solution is way simpler), my last, parting suggestion is for you to discuss the constraints of your project again with whoever is in charge of them, because writing web applications in Prolog is really an unreasonable thing to do when there are plenty of frameworks (frameworks, I say, not just some module thrown into the standard library for the "greater good") written in other languages that are incredibly well documented, much simpler to understand and, of course, to use.

Is there an enum for the ContentType property on a HttpWebResponse ("text/plain", "application/octet-stream" etc.)?

The closest thing I could find was System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames but that doesn't seem to have everything (like json) since it seems to be more focused around email attachments.
An enum doesn't make much sense. MIME types are open-ended. That is, the list is not finite: new types are added from time to time.
See RFC4288: Media Type Specifications and Registration Procedures
In 2022, with .NET Core and .NET5+, this is now available via MediaTypeNames. For example:
Microsoft documentation around MediaTypeNames, and each of Application, Image, Text.
IANA's database is most likely to be complete. Currently, they have the list available in CSV format at I am assuming this is a stable URL whose content changes as updates are made. If you want to stay up to date, you'd need to put together a mechanism that is appropriate for your needs.
There is also the mime.types file that comes with Apache which seems to have been derived from the said list.
If like me you wanted to have no hard-coded string in your code you can use something like below
which is essentially
