protothread jump a thread to the beginning in the external main function - protothread

I have a protothread set up and blocking ...
static int mythread(struct pt *pt){
static int k;
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, eventA == 1); // blocked at lineA
//do something
PT_YIELD(pt); //blocked at lineB
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(pt, eventB == 1); //block at lineC
After a while, mythread can be blocked at "lineA", "lineB", or "lineC".
How could an external function, like main() reset mythread to be blocked at the beginning "lineA" again.
By running the macro PT_RESTART(&pt_mythread)? The compiler doesn't like it. Because my main() function isn't inside PT_BEGIN, PT_END block, so the return inside that macro is bad, bad.
Or running PT_INIT(&pt_mythread) again? Any suggestions?

Yes, calling PT_INIT from outside the protothread will restart it. If you look at the source for PT_RESTART:
#define PT_RESTART(pt) \
do { \
PT_INIT(pt); \
return PT_WAITING; \
} while(0)
This is exactly what it does, but then also returns (like a yield) out of the thread. As you say it's designed to be called from inside the protothread.
The protothread struct is basically just a number representing where it was in the thread:
struct pt {
lc_t lc; // where lc_t is an unsigned short;
So the only thing we need to do is reset that number to zero, which is exactly what PT_INIT does.


When I invoke an asynchronous CUDA kernel, how are its arguments copied?

Say I want to invoke a CUDA kernel, like this:
struct foo { int a; int b; float c; double d; }
foo arg;
// fill in elements of `arg` here
my_kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(arg);
Assume that stream was previously created using a call to cudaStreamCreate(), so the above will execute asynchronously. I'm concerned about the required lifetime of arg.
Are the arguments to the kernel copied synchronously when I invoke it (so it would be safe for arg to go out of scope immediately), or are they copied asynchronously (so I need to ensure that it stays alive until the kernel runs)?
Arguments are copied synchronously at launch. The API exposes a call stack onto which execution parameters and function arguments are pushed in order, then a call finalises those arguments into a CUDA kernel launch on the drivers internal streams/command queues.
This process isn't documented, but as of CUDA 7.5, a runtime API kernel launch like this:
dot_product<<<1,n>>>(n, d_a, d_b);
becomes this:
(cudaConfigureCall(1, n)) ? (void)0 : (dot_product)(n, d_a, d_b);
where the host stub function dot_product is expanded into this:
void __device_stub__Z11dot_productiPfS_(int __par0, float *__par1, float *__par2)
if (cudaSetupArgument((void *)(char *)&__par0, sizeof(__par0), (size_t)0UL) != cudaSuccess) return;
if (cudaSetupArgument((void *)(char *)&__par1, sizeof(__par1), (size_t)8UL) != cudaSuccess) return;
if (cudaSetupArgument((void *)(char *)&__par2, sizeof(__par2), (size_t)16UL) != cudaSuccess) return;
volatile static char *__f __attribute__((unused)); __f = ((char *)((void ( *)(int, float *, float *))dot_product));
(void)cudaLaunch(((char *)((void ( *)(int, float *, float *))dot_product)));
void dot_product( int __cuda_0,float *__cuda_1,float *__cuda_2)
__device_stub__Z11dot_productiPfS_( __cuda_0,__cuda_1,__cuda_2);
cudaSetupArgument is the API call which is pushing arguments onto the call stack. Interestingly, this is actually deprecated in the API documentation for CUDA 7.5, even though the compiler is using it. I would, therefore, expect this to change in the future, but the idea will be the same.
The parameters of the kernel call are copied prior to execution, so the scope schould be of no concern. But please note that the size of all kernel parameters cannot exceed a maximum size in bytes. If you want larger structs or blobs of data you need to allocate the used memory on the device using cudaMalloc, then copy the content of the host struct to the device struct using cudaMemcpy and call the kernel with a pointer to the new device struct.
Your code would look something like this:
struct foo { int a; int b; float c; double d; }
foo arg;
foo *arg_d;
// fill in elements of `arg` here
cudaMalloc(&arg_d, sizeof(foo));
// check the allocation here
cudaMemcpy(arg_d, &arg, sizeof(foo), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
my_kernel<<<grid_size, block_size, 0, stream>>>(arg_d);

Process reads data before writing into pipe

I am trying to create pipe and use it with fork(). But I m confused in the order of execution.
Process reads data from pipe before anything is written into pipe. Sometimes it runs correctly. But sometimes, reads before writing but still gives correct output.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
int main(void)
int fd[2], nbytes,ret;
pid_t childpid;
char string[] = "Hello, world!\n";
char readbuffer[80];
write(fd[1], string, (strlen(string)+1));
nbytes = read(fd[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));
printf("Received string: %s", readbuffer);
return 0;
It happens because scheduler schedules the parent process before the child and thus
it results in the read operation before write. On the other hand, the output may be
as expected sometimes when scheduler will schedule the child first.
1. you need to use synchronisation techniuqes like semaphores in order to synchronise the
parent and the child.
2. or you can make the parent process wait until the child has finished. Consider the
following code :
int child_status; // declare this variable
/* add the following line to the else clause */
// rest of your code
Explanation :
If the parent process is scheduled before the child, then its execution will halt when
it finds the 'wait(&child_status)' statement and will wait for the child to finish
its execution and then proceed further.

Difficulty in redirecting output in a dup2 and pipe code in Unix

I am new in unix. In the following code, I pass three arguments from the command line "~$ foo last sort more" in order to replicate "~$ last | sort | more". I am trying to create a program that will take three argument(at least 3 for now). The parent will fork three processes. The first process will write to the pipe. The second process will read and write to and from the pipe and the third process will read from the pipe and write to the stdout(terminal). First process will exec "last", second process will exec "sort" and third process will exec "more" and the processes will sleep for 1,2 and 3 secs in order to synchronize. I am pretty sure I am having trouble creating a pipe and redirecting the input and output. I don't get any output to the terminal but I can see that the processes have been created. I would appreciate some help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define FOUND 1
#define NOT_FOUND 0
#define FIRST_CHILD 1
#define LAST_CHILD numargc
#define PATH_1 "/usr/bin/"
#define PATH_2 "/bin/"
#define DUP_READ() \
if (dup2(fdes[READ], fileno(stdin)) == -1) \
{ \
perror("dup error"); \
exit(4); \
#define DUP_WRITE() \
if (dup2(fdes[WRITE], fileno(stdout)) == -1) \
{ \
perror("dup error"); \
exit(4); \
#define CLOSE_FDES_READ() \
#define CLOSE_FDES_WRITE() \
#define EXEC(x, y) \
if (execl(arraycmds[x], argv[y], (char*)NULL) == -1) \
{ \
perror("EXEC ERROR"); \
exit(5); \
#define PRINT \
printf("FD IN:%d\n", fileno(stdin)); \
printf("FD OUT:%d\n", fileno(stdout));
READ, /* 0 */
int cmdfinder( char* cmd, char* path); /* 1 -> found, 0 -> not found */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
int numargc=argc-1;
char arraycmds[numargc][150];
int i=1, m=0, sleeptimes=5, numfork;
int rc=NOT_FOUND;
pid_t pid;
int fdes[2];
if(pipe(fdes) == -1)
perror("PIPE ERROR");
while(i <= numargc)
memset(arraycmds[m], 0, 150);
rc=cmdfinder(argv[i], arraycmds[m]);
if (rc)
printf("Command found:%s\n", arraycmds[m]);
i=0; //array index
numfork=1; //fork number
while(numfork <= numargc)
if ((pid=fork()) == -1)
perror("FORK ERROR");
else if (pid == 0)
/* Child */
if (numfork == FIRST_CHILD)
EXEC(i, numfork);
else if (numfork == LAST_CHILD)
EXEC(i, numfork);
EXEC(i, numfork);
/* Parent */
printf("pid:%d\n", pid);
printf("i:%d\n", i);
printf("numfork:%d\n", numfork);
return 0;
int cmdfinder(char* cmd, char* path)
DIR* dir;
struct dirent *direntry;
char *pathdir;
int searchtimes=2;
while (searchtimes)
pathdir = (char*)malloc(250);
memset(pathdir, 0, 250);
if (searchtimes==2)
if ((dir = opendir(pathdir)) == NULL)
perror("Directory not found");
exit (1);
while (direntry = readdir(dir))
if (strncmp( direntry->d_name, cmd, strlen(cmd)) == 0)
strcat(path, pathdir);
strcat(path, cmd);
return FOUND;
printf("%s: Not Found\n", cmd);
return NOT_FOUND;
All your macros are making this harder to read than if you just wrote it straight. Especially when they refer to local variables. To find out what's going on with EXEC my eyes have to jump up from where it's used to where it's defined, find out which local arrays it uses, then jump back down to see how that access fits in the flow of main. It's a maze of macros.
And wow, cmdfinder? Your very own $PATH lookup, only it's hardcoded /usr/bin:/bin? And double wow, readdir, just to find out if a file exists whose name is already decided? Just stat it! Or don't do anything, just exec it and handle the ENOENT by trying the next one. Or use execlp that's what it's there for!
On to the main point... you don't have enough pipes, and you're not closing all the unused descriptors.
last | sort | more is a pipeline of 3 commands connected by 2 pipes. You can't do it with one pipe. The first command should write into the first pipe, the middle command should read the first pipe and write to the second pipe, and the last command should read the second pipe.
You could create both pipes first, then do all the forks, which makes things simple to follow, but requires a lot of closes in every child process since they'll all inherit all the pipe fds. Or you can use a more sophisticated loop, creating each pipe just before forking the first process that will use it, and closing each descriptor in the parent as soon as the relevant child process has been created. I'd hate to see how many macros you'd use for that.
Every successful dup should be followed by a close of the descriptor that was copied. dup is short for "duplicate", not "move". After it's done, you have an extra descriptor left over, so don't just dup2(fdes[1], fileno(stdout) - also close(fdes[1]) afterward. (To be perfectly robust you should check whether fdes[1]==fileno(stdout) already, and in that case skip the dup2 and close.)
You can't use one pipe for 3 processes because there would be no way to distinguish which data should go to which destination. When the first process writes to the pipe, while both of the other processes are trying to read from it, one of them will get the data but you won't be able to predict which one. You need the middle process to read what the first process writes, and the last process to read what the middle process writes.
You're halfway right about file descriptors being shared after a fork. The actual pipe object is shared. That's what makes the whole system work. But the file descriptors - the endpoints designated by small integers like 1 for standard output, 0 for standard input, and so on - are not coupled the way you suggest. The same pipe object may be associated with the same file descriptor number in two processes, the associations are independent. Closing fd 1 in one process does not cause fd 1 to become closed in any other process, even if they are related.
Sharing of the fd table, so that a close in one task has an effect in another task, is part of the "pthread" feature set, not the "fork" feature set.

Error passing pointer in QT

In QT have the following code that starts a thread to send out commands. The thread takes a char * and int as arguments. In the "run" I use the pointer that is given by the constuctor. The code is:
MyThread::MyThread(char * payld, int payld_size)
payload_size = payld_size;
payload_p = payld;
void MyThread::run()
sendCommand(payload_p, payload_size);
Unfortunately this doesn´t work and my application crashes when I try to use thread.start(). But when I change it to:
MyThread::MyThread(char * payld, int payld_size)
payload_size = payld_size;
payload_p = payld;
for(int i=0; i<payload_size; i++)
payload[i] = payld[i];
void MyThread::run()
sendCommand(payload, payload_size);
The code does run and only crashes sometimes (looks pretty random to me). Can anybody Explain me why version one doesnt work and version two does? And any ideas on why the second code sometimes crashes? Could it be because the size of payload is not predefined (in the header file I defined it as
char payload[];
When I define it as:
char payload[10];
it seems to work better, but it is annoying to test since the crashes are pretty random.
instead of fiddling with char*, I would switch to QString (since you're using Qt). It takes a bit of learning, but it's almost mandatory to get code working smoothly in this framework. Then declare
QString payload;
and depending on sendCommand implementation, use one of the member functions QString to get the char*, like payload.toLatin1()

Need help in IPC through Pipes

I am Working On a lab.
A father process will create two son processes A and B.
Son A will send some string to son B through pipe.son B will Invert the String case of the String Got from Son A and will send back the Inverted string to son A.after receiving the inverted string son A will print it to the screen.
here is the code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void process_A(int input_pipe[], int output_pipe[])
int c;
char ch;
int rc;
while ((c = getchar()) > 0) {
ch = (char)c;
rc = write(output_pipe[1], &ch, 1);
if (rc == -1) {
perror("A_TO_B: write");
rc = read(input_pipe[0], &ch, 1);
c = (int)ch;
if (rc <= 0) {
perror("A_TO_B: read");
void process_B(int input_pipe[], int output_pipe[])
int c;
char ch;
int rc;
while (read(input_pipe[0], &ch, 1) > 0) {
c = (int)ch;
if (isascii(c) && isupper(c))
c = tolower(c);
else if (isascii(c) && islower(c))
c = toupper(c);
ch = (char)c;
rc = write(output_pipe[1], &ch, 1);
if (rc == -1) {
perror("B_TO_A: write");
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
/* 2 arrays to contain file descriptors, for two pipes. */
int A_TO_B[2];
int B_TO_A[2];
int pid;
int rc,i,State;
/* first, create one pipe. */
rc = pipe(A_TO_B);
if (rc == -1) {
perror("main: pipe A_TO_B");
/* create another pipe. */
rc = pipe(B_TO_A);
if (rc == -1) {
perror("main: pipe B_TO_A");
if((pid=fork()) <0){perror("fork failed\n");};
if((i==0) && (pid ==0))
process_A(A_TO_B, B_TO_A);
else if((i==1)&&(pid==0))
process_B(B_TO_A, A_TO_B);
else if(pid>0)
wait( &State );
return 0;
the problem is When i run the program the Son B gets Block.
I need u guys help.
Thanks in advance.
OK, diagram:
initially: parent process: has
B_TO_A[0] and [1] open,
has A_TO_B[0] and [1] open
fork (makes copy)
parent: child (pid==0):
B_TO_A both open, A_TO_B both open call process_A: close unwanted pipe ends, loop
call wait(), wait for one child loop reads stdin, writes one pipe, reads other pipe
if we ever get here:
fork (makes copy)
parent: child (pid==0):
B_TO_A both open, A_TO_B both open call process_B: close unwanted pipe ends, loop
parent: both ends of both pipes open
call wait(), wait for one child loop reads one pipe, writes other pipe
First, you will usually not get to "if we ever get here" because the child running process_A() runs in a loop until either EOF on stdin (if that occurs first) or one of the pipe read/write calls fails (e.g., due to EOF on input_pipe[0]). Since the parent is still waiting in a wait() call, and has both ends of both pipes open, there's no EOF on the pipe (EOF on a pipe occurs after you read all the data written by all writers, and all dups of the write end have been closed). So the only way to get there is to hit EOF on stdin, so that the while loop does not run.
Second, if you do get around to forking again and doing process_B(), that child will also wait forever, because one write end of the pipe it's reading from is still open... in the parent! The parent won't close it, because the parent will be waiting forever in wait.
In general, what you need to do here is:
create two pipes (like you do now)
fork once, and run process_A() in the child
fork again (in the parent), and run process_B() in the (new) child
close both ends of both pipes (in the parent)
wait for both children now, after both have gotten started
The error handling gets a bit messy since you have to do something (such as kill() the first child) if you can't start the second child. So you need to know how far along you have gotten. You can still loop to fork twice but you can't wait inside the loop, and with just two trips around the loop, each of which do rather different steps, you might as well just write it all out without a loop.
