Compiling Stylus Files while scaffolding with Yeoman - gruntjs

I've got my own generators which work like charms.
One thing I'd like to add to them that would make my work faster is to compile stylus file once they have been copied to the new project folder. Is there a way to achieve this with Yeoman without the user being forced to launch grunt after the yo command?
Thank you!

Can't you just have the compiled CSS in this case anyway? If the Yo process can install npm dependencies then you should be able to execute a script that will compile the stylus files.


Can anyone tell me how to compile sass into css automatically?

I had to rewrite this every time I want to see a live preview.
sass stylesheet.scss stylesheet.css
I use sass --watch stylesheet.scss:stylesheet.css. When saving your .scss file, it'll automatically update the .css file.
You might also consider sass --watch stylesheet.scss:stylesheet.css --style expanded --sourcemap=none to keep the .css file readable.
I'd recommend the Sass Workflow class on Udemy.
Try out Grunt or Gulp with Sass: A great tutorial:
You need something to compile it automatically. As an example, there are solutions that use node.js to automatically compile for you on your computer. One tool is Foundation for Websites by Zurb.
You can install the application which will automatically compile sass for you.
For more information, check out:
you can use this code
sass --watch file.sass:file.css
sass --watch foldersass:foldercss
Sass can be compiled automatically using below command:
sass --watch SASS_SOURCE_PATH:CSS_BUILD_PATH --style=expanded --no-source-map
SASS_SOURCE_PATH: Path of sass file
CSS_BUILD_PATH: Path of build CSS file. Where do you want to save CSS file
--no-source-map: will not output a map file, which is not readable.
--style=expanded: will expand CSS to human readable.

map for using sass in bootstrap for bower project

I'm kind of confused. This is my project structure
installing bootstrap using bower and some file and directory what direction should I follow to using sass in this kind of structure: for example I mean
install grunt
grunt to your project
add sass file what ever your want
I see a lot of ways and you know many of them do not match with my project structure. some one said grunt some one else said bootstrap sass and compile your project and more.
this article by css tricks is the MAP
Gulp for Beginners
1-install gulp globally
2-install gulp in your project
note-gulp is very very flexible with paths and project structures
3-you need two folder app-dist
4-add file gulpfilel.js
5-install sass plugin in gulp
6-write a task and run it !
7-just simple ?!!

How to modify CSS style with JHipster?

This may seem like a silly question for front end developers, but how do you modify the CSS stylesheets in JHipster? With Gulp, Nodejs, Bower, Boostrap, Sass, Gradle/Maven and Compass all intermingled, some pointers to get started would be appreciated. I'm using Gradle.
Of course, simply modifying src/main/scss/main.scss, doesn't seem to work!
The solution is:
Install gulp - see: and
any missing npm dependencies not mentioned in the article (if gulp fails in #3 below).
Edit src/main/scss/main.scss as required.
Then, in the project root (where gulpfile.js is), and run gulp - for my configuration, we're using Compass, so the "gulp compass" command updated the css.

How to use Bootstrap with less in an express node js project?

I'm already using bootstrap.css. But i would like to surcharge the less variables without using bootstrap customize editor.
I would like to add a less file in my project. My project is a simple nodejs project with express and harpejs.
Where to find the less file ? Using express it will compile it when i will deploy the project ?
Look at using bower.
npm install -g bower
bower install bootstrap
You will then find all the less files in bower_components/bootstrap/less/*. Copy the bootstrap.less file to your CSS directory and make alterations (make sure the paths are correct).
You can then look at using some Grunt tasks to get the less to build.

Compiler for SASS

I just started using SASS in my project and I want a script to compile them and convert them to CSS files. Im planning to run this script only when I build.
I installed SASS in my system and SASS --watch doesn't seem to be the right approach here; as I told, I want a script that runs only when I build. I used to have one such script for LESS compiling, but couldn't find any for SASS.
Does anyone know of any such scripts?
Looking at the documentation, just run sass from the command line as part of your build script. An example for a one time use on a single file:
sass input.scss output.css
From the command line, you can just do sass --update for a one-time compile from Sass to CSS. This will use whatever settings already exist in config.rb.
