Compiler for SASS - css

I just started using SASS in my project and I want a script to compile them and convert them to CSS files. Im planning to run this script only when I build.
I installed SASS in my system and SASS --watch doesn't seem to be the right approach here; as I told, I want a script that runs only when I build. I used to have one such script for LESS compiling, but couldn't find any for SASS.
Does anyone know of any such scripts?

Looking at the documentation, just run sass from the command line as part of your build script. An example for a one time use on a single file:
sass input.scss output.css

From the command line, you can just do sass --update for a one-time compile from Sass to CSS. This will use whatever settings already exist in config.rb.


Can anyone tell me how to compile sass into css automatically?

I had to rewrite this every time I want to see a live preview.
sass stylesheet.scss stylesheet.css
I use sass --watch stylesheet.scss:stylesheet.css. When saving your .scss file, it'll automatically update the .css file.
You might also consider sass --watch stylesheet.scss:stylesheet.css --style expanded --sourcemap=none to keep the .css file readable.
I'd recommend the Sass Workflow class on Udemy.
Try out Grunt or Gulp with Sass: A great tutorial:
You need something to compile it automatically. As an example, there are solutions that use node.js to automatically compile for you on your computer. One tool is Foundation for Websites by Zurb.
You can install the application which will automatically compile sass for you.
For more information, check out:
you can use this code
sass --watch file.sass:file.css
sass --watch foldersass:foldercss
Sass can be compiled automatically using below command:
sass --watch SASS_SOURCE_PATH:CSS_BUILD_PATH --style=expanded --no-source-map
SASS_SOURCE_PATH: Path of sass file
CSS_BUILD_PATH: Path of build CSS file. Where do you want to save CSS file
--no-source-map: will not output a map file, which is not readable.
--style=expanded: will expand CSS to human readable.

How to recompile less files on existing project

So I have been using SCSS and Compass on all my projects. Super happy with it. However, just now I got an existing site built by a different team that needs to be updated and uses LESS. (The project also uses .ftl files which is also new to me)
Less syntax seems pretty similar and straight forward so I don't have an issue updating .less files, however how do I get it to "compile" to css so I can see my updates on the browser?
[You] can invoke the compiler from the command-line, as such:
$ lessc styles.less
This will output the compiled CSS to stdout. To save the CSS result to a file of your choice use:
$ lessc styles.less styles.css
To output minified CSS you can use the clean-css plugin. When the plugin is installed, a minified CSS output is specified with --clean-css option:
$ lessc --clean-css styles.less styles.min.css
This is assuming that you have less installed through node. Additionally, the previous developer could have been using a gulp file to compile it, so you will want to look at that as a possibility.
If you just want to quickly convert it without installing any tools:
Personally I use for less, sass, compass and coffeescript. I especially like the auto compile option, just working on less files and the css file will be updated in the same folder at the same time.

Compiling Stylus Files while scaffolding with Yeoman

I've got my own generators which work like charms.
One thing I'd like to add to them that would make my work faster is to compile stylus file once they have been copied to the new project folder. Is there a way to achieve this with Yeoman without the user being forced to launch grunt after the yo command?
Thank you!
Can't you just have the compiled CSS in this case anyway? If the Yo process can install npm dependencies then you should be able to execute a script that will compile the stylus files.

Sass force compile using terminal

Is there a way to force sass to overwrite css files already generated. I already know compass does this but I really don't want to install compass for this simple setup.
What I'm trying to do is minify all my files in one go.
I was using this before. But with the watch command I would have to go into all 40 sass files and make a change in each one for it to update and compress. I'm hoping there is a command to update all or overwrite all. Can't find it in the sass docs.
sass --watch sass:../web-app/css --style compressed
You simply want to use 'update' with 'force'
sass --update --force path/to/sass:path/to/css

Sass not compiling in textmate

I'm trying to use SASS for the first time with textmate. I seem to have installed it correctly by following the instructions on the git page -
but I can't find any information on how I can now use it.
When I make a .sass file the new Sass syntax is highlighted but when I save it is not compiled. Am I missing something?
Make sure to open up Terminal and in the command line, navigate to your project folder and run this command:
sass --watch style.scss:style.css
Name your working file style.scss, and it will compile and generate and update the style.css file that you reference in your document head.
Also make sure you have installed the Sass gem within your project directory :)
gem install sass
The bundle is only for installing syntax highlighting in Textmate. Sass is a precompiler for CSS, so it generates CSS from what you write in Sass. This is done through the sass --watch command above in the command line.
Read more on how to use and install Sass.
