How to change the default width and height of a dialog in Magnolia 5.3? - magnolia

I need to change the default width and height of a dialog. I have tried in a way, that i have added two properties width, height to my dialog.But still not updated with the given width and height. Could you please suggest me?

Dialog width is 720px by default. To open a dialog in wide mode, set the wide property to true in the dialog definition. The dialog then uses all available horizontal space. The user can toggle between normal and wide modes by clicking the expand/collapse button in the top right corner.
Dialog height automatically adapts to fit the contents. You cannot set a fixed height. However, some form fields such as text and rich text allow you to set a height so you have some control over the height of the dialog.


How change width for edit window

I have a content type with some fields, but the width for edit window is not enought.
Is there any option to change the width for edit window. I noticed style have max-width:800px!important value, but it should be nice to have an option to change the size for the window.

How to Resize Properties Window in TinyMCE 4.x?

I would like to resize the property window (e.g. when we click on "Table Properties") of TinyMCE 4.x. In the image shown below, the table properties window gets squeezed in terms of width and the labels get overlapped. I looked at the DOM nodes, and most of the widths and heights properties of the container windows, labels and inputs are set dynamically using javascript. Is there a way for us to change the size of these property windows?

How to restrict growth (size) of layout in Qt Designer?

When I maximize my window, I want to restrict a vertical layout (and the entire row below it also) so that it has a specific size (lets say a width of 200). How can I achieve this? Below is what I get now. The buttons are stretched too far. I want them to keep a width of 200.
To stop the buttons stretching, use the following steps in Qt Designer:
click on scrollArea in the Object Inspector
click on Break Layout on the toolbar
click on scrollArea in the Object Inspector
click on Lay Out in a Grid on the toolbar
click on scrollAreaWidgetContents in the Object Inspector
scroll down to the bottom of the Property Editor
change layoutColumnStretch to 0,1
These steps should remove an empty column from the scroll-area grid-layout, and make the second column stretch to take up the available space when the window is resized.
You just need to restrict the maximum width of all widgets (in this case the buttons) within the layouts of this grid column to the expected size, else they'll just keep expanding. You may also have to fiddle the horizontal size policy; I seem to remember that buttons were a bit tricky in this regard (or was that the height?), but can't test it right now.
The layout size contraint you tried only applies to the layout's direct parent widget, if it has one, which isn't the case for the vertical layouts here.

scrollbar on dynamically rendered component in Flex

I'm trying to display a custom component i made inside a panel but when it renders the content is displayed outside of the panel box and there's no scrollbar.
In the designer i have this:
a panel
an instance of myComponent inside the panel
a button that calls a method on myComponent that adds some controls into it
When i run the application and press the button the following is displayed:
See that the controls added dynamically in myComponent get over the panel's bottom line instead of showing only the visible part of the component and a scrollbar.
Any ideas how to fix it?
You should fix your component custom component height according to your panel if you are using text area in your component for displaying text then you should the text area size
I had your problem exactly gigkent. Turns out that it's to do with height settings. Apparently, setting the height to 100% is what messes it up.
I had an Accordion, a (several) NavigatorContent inside the accordion, a panel inside the navigator content, a scroller inside the panel with the scroller's viewport set to a VGroup declared outside all of that. The VGroup had clipAndEnableScrolling set to true.
Inside the VGroup, I had a form where I was dynamically adding radio buttons and my radio buttons were going off the screen. Setting the height of the VGroup to the height of the navigator content fixed the problem for me. I then had to set the width of the VGroup to the width of the Navigator Content -17 to compensate for the width of the scrollbar itself.
Here's the link that led me in the right direction.

Dynamically re-size RadSplitter to displayed panes

Need to re-size the RadSplitter control on my WebUserControl to the total size of the displayed (not collapsed) panes.
For instance, I have 2 panes displayed within a RadSplitter. Each of these panes has a height of 250px. If one of these panes is collapsed, I only want the RadSplitter to take up space for 250px in height. If both panes are opened (none collapsed), I want the RadSplitter to take up space for 500px in height. This needs to be able to change in a live environment so that, if the user opens or closes a pane it makes the appropriate adjustments to the RadSplitter's height property.
Any idea's...?
Thanks for your help!
What I would do is listed to the OnClientCollapsing event of the splitter and within it change the height of the main splitter div with javascript.
Check the below link:
They have good solution for this problem.
