How can You refresh a vaadin grid after data change - grid

How can You refresh a grid, when some new row was added to its datasoruce container or one of its rows has been edited?
I have tried the hacks written about here ( ) and here (deleted link to malicious advertisement) but with no positive result. I add / edit the row in a separate subwindow that 'pop-ups' over the view, where the grid, that should update its contents, is placed.


Grid listens to changed property values. So if you are working on the property level of vaadin everything should be fine.
If you extract your bean out of the BeanItemContainer you directly manipulate the values of the bean. That way the property container can not recognize your manipluating action.
So you have to send your grid implementation a message, the properties have changed manually.
When your BeanItemContainer still has the hard reference to the changed object, grid.markAsDirty() should work.


Flex: Combobox creating dropdown with less values

I have an object that inherits from combobox. This is done so I can use a custom framework for creation and value setting and uses a 'id' / 'description' set for the dataprovider. When I set the value, i set the 'id' and the custom object looks through the dataprovider to find the matching id to find the index. When setting the value, I don't know the 'dscription', that is what the row source is for.
My problem is in that I need to display 'old' values when I first set the value through code, but I don't want to allow the user to see the 'old' value in the dropdown and allow them to select it.
Now, I've been trying to chase down the best way to do this. I'm assuming I need to either interrupt the creation of the dropdown dataprovider and populate it with a smaller list(using my own 'hideFromDropdown' property) or find out if there is a way to add a property to my dataprovider that causes the item to not be rendered by the dropdown. Perhaps eich 'item' in the dropdown has a visible property?
I was able to trace down to the combobox.getDropdown method, which creates a new dropdown from the dropdownfacrory. Unfortunatly, this is private so I can't override it to pass a partial rowsource. Now, all the dropdownfacory seems to do is return a basic list. Unfortunately I keep getting lost tracking down to find the place in the list or listbase objects where the individual item in the dataprovider gets rendered(or not). I believe I have traced to listContent:ListBaseContentHolder in ListBase which contains the data, but am constantly getting lost in the ambiguities.
I am using Flex SDK 3.6A in Adobe Flex Builder 3(built on the Eclipse engine)
You can use filterfunction on the dataProvider like arrayList/arraycollection. Checkout the example here

How to completely initialise a component but not add it to the display? Flex

I need to completely initialize a custom component in my Flex app (i.e. I should be able to access it from action script and get its properties and its children etc), But I do not want to add it to the display or make it visible.
I have tried to add it to my visible component, but keep it visible, but often many of its properties are set only when it is drawn, so i don't get what i need.
Is there a way to add a custom component to some sort of 'Virtual' display, that is not visible to the user?
You could add the component to an invisible Sprite - that way the component itself could both be on the stage and have its own visible property set to true.
Did you try using initialize()? After a view is added to the display list, the initialization stage begins. Calling initialize() before addChild() should let you initialize the view without needing to first add it to the stage.
For more info visit:
Not sure if possible without adding it to the display list, although I'd wish it were to some extent.
I once had to make custom drag proxy, which didn't work with the real component, because of some weird skinning issues. So instead I had PopupMananger add a box as a popup, added my component to the box, called validateNow on the component, drew it in a bitmap data, removed the popup, and used the bitmap data as the proxy.
So what you were trying was missing a call to validateNow most likely.

Flex: accessing child through navigating the hiererachy

I have a generic function to build rows of controls (each row comprising of sliders, radio buttons, reset buttons, text display) etc, and some functionality to change underlying data based on these
As I didn't want to write specific code for each row, I had code written by which I can detect the row on which there has been a mouseevent, and though the row access each individual control
The hierarchy used is titleWindow (part of popup)->skinnable container->HGroup->control
When I trace for a radiobutton, I get the path as follows Electric_Modify.TitleWindowSkin2620._TitleWindowSkin_Group1.contents.contentGroup.0.RadioButton2645
The '0' before the radioButton stands for the first Hgroup id->named as 0
I tried accessing the radio button as follows- 5th element in the HGroup
((this.contentGroup.getChildAt(row)as Group).getChildAt(4) as RadioButton).enabled=false;
and get a message "Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference" on this line. How should I navigate the hierarchy to reach the element?
You should be using getElementAt(...) and not getChildAt(...).
The get element functions represent a "higher level" element hierarchy which is needed to make skinning easier.
((this.getElementAt(row) as IVisualElementContainer).getElementAt(4) as RadioButton).enabled = false;
It should look something like that, but the exact hierarchy depends on what's in your app.
Thanks for your input... I thought of an alternate approach that worked for me...I mapped out the parent of the HGroup via
parent1=hgrp.parent; and then referenced these buttons as follows
((parent1.getChildAt(row)as Group).getChildAt(4) as RadioButton)
This works like a dream...I presume your suggestion would let me jump across the intermediate layers
#J_A_X/ #Constantiner: Thanks for the suggestion. I have no idea why we didn't think through and go down the DataGroup path. Prima facie seems simpler... we got to creating the UI controls in MXML laying out controls serially,and when it came to making it generic, we literally replicated the MXML approach in AS. Started off easy, till it caused problems like above. We will fix this to a better approach, when we upgrade versions. It works for now

Unable to change the column width dynamically in flex datagrid

It's very very frustrating. I am using a singleton class (popup, which means it doesn't forget the last used variables) which contains a datagrid. I am making various columns visible/invisible, setting the widths and headers in accordance to data received from a database call. Everything works fine except that when I put the breakpoints before and after the point where I change width of columns, I do not see the change in width of datagrid at all! Instead I see some values totally out of sync as widths of datagrid column! However, since it is a singleton class, the next time I call this popup, I see widths which I did set up in last call.
I must be messing up in calling the setWidth() function (which is my custom function which changes the width of datagrid in action script). What should be the point where I should call this function? I tried in creationComplete, show and in the setter of dataprovider. Doesn't help...
I have kept horizontal scroll policy as 'off' (turning it on totally messes it up).
If I do datagrid.validateNow(), it doesn't help! And why the hell I don't see the width change reflected immediately if I put the breakpoints before and after the change. Somebody please advise me about what I am doing wrong here.
First of all you are indicating yourself what might be wrong here.
1) When you update the width when the component is visible => no change
2) When you close the popup and reopen this it is ok, this also means that the item has been re-rendered whereas it was not the first time. This means that you indeed have to try and trigger this yourself.
Here are some usefull links concerning flex component lifecycle. These should help you figure out which methods to call and / or override.
Furthermore, you should never call validateNow() directly, but use invalidation methods instead.
I guess in this case you need to trigger the measurement of your component so a call to
invalidateSize() should do just fine.
The key is to set the horizontalScrollPolicy="on" before you set the widths. See
fixed row width in DataGrid quirk
or Flex 3 DataGrid Column Width Problem

Flex - MATE Framework

I am new to MATE framework and I have been digging around some sample codes so that i can do the following:
On clicking a button (on a canvas)
Display a Panel.
The issue is that i am not trying to pass any value hence not sure of how/ what should be defined as sourcekey and targetkey. If this is the case, then how should one define the propertyinjector details.
most examples that are floating around contains details of reading data from a source and populating the same on a UI/ Display component.
Srinivasan S
for this one you shouldn't use propertyInjection you should dispatch an event (you can make it custom), then you need to catch the event in the appropriate place and simply do whatever you want with it.
