How do I add images to markdown pages in the Morea framework? - morea-framework

I'm aware of this answer, and can confirm it works for me, but only on the file. If I add images to any other markdown file, they fail to show up.

I'm sorry, I don't have enough context yet to help. For images, I use an include file that inserts the following HTML into the markdown file. You can trying using this HTML and see if it works:
<div class="center-block">
<div class="img-responsive">
<img width="400px" src="FILE.PNG">
Replace FILE.PNG by the image. I would start by putting it in the same directory and then if that works, you can move it to a relative location.


CSS Alignment does not work as it is supposed to be

I have faced with a problem for the same page with the same data but different templates which is used my PHP framework moodle.
The data and mustache files are identical. There is just one difference as far as I can see, it is CSS.
Maybe someone can see the error which I can't see from below screenshots.
Please guide me if some more details are needed to figure out the problem.
[This is the problematic display][1]
[This is the screen how it is supposed to be][2]
<div style="display: flex">
<div style="flex-grow: 1">

How do I wrap a label in a div within a class to modify it?

I'm looking for the method to put a label and text in a div, within a class.
I have this html:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="
<br/><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX
<br/><label>Location:</label> London, UK
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
I want to put the label 'phone' within a div class and, if necessary, the text after it in a div class.
Basically the aim of this is to be able to select the label 'phone' and the text after it, and give it a background color.
I don't know where I would insert it in given html, or even what it would lool like?
Im guessing somewhere after 'Anonymous,'
Anonymous</a> div class="Phone:"><label>Phone:>.
and then continuing with existing code:
First of all, I would suggest you go through some basics of HTML. This would be a good start:
Now coming back to your question, you could enclose it like this:
<div class="awpcp-subtitle">Contact Information</div>
<a href="
<div class="phone"><label>Phone:</label> 7576XXXXXX</div>
<div class="location"><label>Location:</label> London, UK</div>
<div class="showawpcpadpage"><label>Price:</label>
<strong>£ 3.00</strong></div>
<div class="fixfloat"></div>
Here, I have removed the <br> because you were using it to make that Phone and Location display in separate lines. Since we are using <div> tags are block level element by default, the contents of it will be displayed in separate lines.
So, now you can change the color of those two boxes like this:
background-color: red;
background-color: yellow;
And lastly you asked about how to do this in Wordpress. As you may already know Wordpress uses Themes, you have to check which one is your current theme (the one that is running in your website). This can be checked via visiting Wordpress Admin Panel --> Appearance --> Themes. You will see the current active theme's name in that page. Now you have to use an FTP Client or the File Manager in your cPanel to access the following the location: /wp-content/themes/yourthemename/ in your server. Here, youthemename is the name of the theme that you noticed in the previous step.
Once you are in that folder, you would see a bunch on template files. I would suggest taking a close look at each file if you are unsure. Or its better you get a basic idea of Wordpress first before editing it. Take a look at this:
Once you find out the template file has this HTML code you wanted to edit, simply open it and make the changes and save it. You are all done. If you are using any Cache plugins in your Wordpress, you might need to purge the cache if you don't see the changes when accessing the webpage.
That being said, my writeup might give you a small confusion. That's why I suggested to have a look at the basics first. Otherwise you have to hire someone who would be ready to do that specific changes for you.
Hope it helps.

html image path incorrect

I'm somewhat perplexed by this.
The page im working on is located in
However, for the background image to show, instead of putting it in
I've had to put it in
Now, When I visit an additional page from the one im working on, (
That background image dissapears. I cant understand why, I use the same code on a vbulletin website and the background displays everywhere. If I firebug it, it tells me the image didnt load, meaning the path is incorrect. I'm not sure where to put it though.
For actual reference..
Code: <div id="background">
<img class="background" src="images/bgmain.jpg">
use absolute:
<div id="background"> <img class="background" src="/images/bgmain.jpg"> </div>
instead of relative one

Using Actionscript 2.0 to access <div> value in XHTML file

I have a (.xhtml) file that I need to access a particular <div> from my flash movie using Actionscript 2.0.
My (.xhtml) file is roughly in this format:
<div id="mainArea">
<div id="content">
<div id="calloutContent">
<div id="callout1">Search Our QA Database</div>
<div id="TitleContent">
<div id="title1">Heading One</div>
<div id="title2">Heading Two</div>
I need to access the value of <div "title1">, so that would be the text "Heading One", then I need to assign that to a variable in my flash move, then display it in a text field. I have looked at "XPathAPI", but I just cannot get it working, as the file is not pure XML.
I have looked at loading XML, and access nodes within that, which works fine, but when I try (.xhtml), in the format above, I just cannot get it to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you need any further information, please let me know.
Thanks, I am a bit desperate.
Using meta tags you can send variables into a flash file when embedding the swf file onto a page... I don't remember how exactly but 1 quick google should reveal it... after that if the value int he div will be changing just use javascript to keep up with it.. or php..

Basic CSS question regarding background images for divs

I'm a programmer trying to learn some css and I've already run into a stumbling block.
I have the following HTML:
<div class="container">
<div class="span-24 last">
<div class="span-4">
Left sidebar
<div class="span-16">
<div class="span-8">
<div class="span-4">
<div class="span-4 last">
<div class="span-16 last">
Main content
<div class="span-4 last">
Right sidebar
<div class="span-24 last">
In my css I have the following:
body {
div.container {
I just want to display an image for the background area for the container div but nothing shows up. If I remove the background section from the css and add background-color:#000000; then I see a black background for the container div.
What am I overlooking?
Most likely you are not specifying the correct path to the image:
Make sure that:
You are specifying the correct path
File name of the image is correct
The image file is present in the images folder
Note: As I answered a question today, see how to specify the path with ../.
Most likely the image path is wrong. Remember that the image must be specified relative to the location of your CSS file. Let us say that you have a folder named styles with your CSS files and you have a folder named images with your images. Then you may need to specify:
in order to access that image.
I find that using Firebug for Firefox, the Web Inspector for Safari, or the Developer tools for MSIE 8 helps me diagnose issues like this. Inspect your div.container element and see what path shows up for your image.
Of course, if you have access to your server logs you could also check those to find what image was requested.
I recently had a problem just like this in where a jpeg image refused to show, but only in MSIE. I had to open up the image in photoshop and use the "Save for Web" again then reupload it. I'm not certain what the glich was, perhaps it was saved in an incompatible jpeg variation or was corrupt in some way, but that worked for me.
