Caliburn.Micro for WPF Controls Project - caliburn.micro

My current situation is that I have a winforms application which I would like to create a new WPF controls library projects to start showing new screens in WPF. I would really like to leverage the Caliburn.Micro framework but im struggling getting it set up. I currently have my bootstrapper as a Singleton so that I can initialize it and also Im setting the useApplication property in the base contructor to false. I'm not sure where to go from here any help would be appreciated. thanks
public class AppBootstrapper : BootstrapperBase
private static AppBootstrapper bootsrapper;
public static void InitializeInstance()
if (bootsrapper == null)
bootsrapper = new AppBootstrapper();
public AppBootstrapper() : base(false)


How to create viewmodels instance when app start time in xamarin forms MVVM

My aim is to access bindable property across the the App. But My current framework ViewModel Instance create multiple time
My Requirement : I have the cart count in the bottomTray(CheckuoutViewModel) i want to increase the cart count any where in the app page, but in this cart count not update when back click, its only working on forward navigation, the reason behind CheckoutViewModel instance create each and every time. so that i'm try to instant creation at earlier.
Here I'm list out sample ViewModel and calling method
Login ViewModel
Checkuout ViewModel(This view model common for all page)
BaseNavigationViewModel(Its BaseViewModel)
As of now i'm calling when BindinContext each and every time like,
new LoginViewMode(navigation)
new CheckoutViewModel(navigation)
what will do to create all ViewModel instance when app start time like ViewModel Locator?
Im tried
public static ViewModelLocator Locator
get { return locator ?? (locator = new ViewModelLocator()); }
And ViewModel Locator
public ViewModelLocator()
navigation = App.Current.MainPage.Navigation;
internal CustomTabBarViewModel CustomTabBarVM
return customTabBarVM ?? (customTabBarVM = new CustomTabBarViewModel(navigation));
And CustomTabBar.xaml.cs
public CustomTabBar()
viewModel = App.Locator.CustomTabBarVM;
BindingContext = viewModel;
and Expectation
App.Locator.CustomTabBarVM.BadgeCartCount = OrderObject.Instance.ORDER_OBJECT.Items.Count;
This approach is working fine but it's create some navigation issues
A singleton instance is a common feature of virtually all MVVM frameworks (Prism, FreshMVVM etc). If you aren't using a framework (if you aren't, I would STRONGLY advise you consider using one), below is a solution.
To obtain a single instance of a ViewModel you can use the App class to host the object and access it whenever you need.
Create a public static property of your ViewModel:
public static MyViewModel MyViewModelInstance { get; }
Create an instance in the constructor of the app
public App()
MyViewModelInstance = new MyViewModel();
var myPage = new MyPage()
BindingContext = MyViewModelInstance
var navPage = new NavigationPage(myPage);
MainPage = navPage;
Whenever you create a new page, access the shared instance
// This method is just an example of how you might create a new page and wire up the view model
async void GoNextClicked(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var myPage = new MyPage()
BindingContext = App.MyViewModelInstance
await this.Navigation.PushAsync(myPage);
This approach comes with a few caveats, you are creating instances when the app loads not when they are needed (Eagerly loading). So a performance optimisation would be to use Lazy<T> to handle the creation of these objects. However this is logic that has already been written for you in MVVM frameworks, they are there to help you and you should be using them.
Lazy Load
You can save memory and performance at startup by lazy loading the viewmodel, here is this example rewritten to support this pattern:
public static MyViewModel MyViewModelInstance
get => _myViewModelInstanceFactory.Value;
private static Lazy<MyViewModel> _myViewModelInstanceFactory = new Lazy<MyViewModel>(() => new MyViewModel(), true);
public App()
var myPage = new MyPage()
BindingContext = MyViewModelInstance
var navPage = new NavigationPage(myPage);
MainPage = navPage;
Now this object won't be created until it is accessed by your code, and once it has been accessed once it has already been created and will go on to live in memory for the rest of your apps lifecycle.
Axemasta has good answer about re-use of a shared view model instance.
I'll give an alternative approach to the underlying need given in one comment: how to have a static property (so the value is common), and Bind to it when Binding to an instance.
Use this approach if you do want a different CheckoutViewModel for each new page. For example, if there are other properties that should be set up differently, depending on the page.
public class CheckoutViewModel : : INotifyPropertyChanged // or your MVVM library's base class for ViewModels.
public static int SharedCount { get; set; }
public void IncrementCount()
Count = Count + 1;
public int Count {
get => SharedCount;
set {
// Exact code might be simpler if using an MVVM library.
if (SharedCount != value)
SharedCount = value;
LIMITATION: This assumes that only the current instance of CheckoutViewModel is visible; if you need to "notify" OTHER Views (update other CheckoutViewModel instances), then you'll need a "publish/subscribe" solution. In Xamarin Forms, one such solution is MessagingCenter.

How do you inject a view dependency into Presenter (MVP) in ASP.NET Web Forms using Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.Dependency?

The following example shows a scenario where I'm trying to implement a DI container. In this case, I'm trying to use Simple Injector or Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI Container. I've seen code examples that start hitting around the target, such as here, but no bullseye as of yet.
Below is a general code sample that I would like to modify to use one of the aforementioned DI containers (Used Simple Injector for example). I could move the view out of the presenter constructor and set it as a property. However, I was hoping for a more eloquent solution also it is a dependency that needs to be injected.
I know .NET 4.7.2 has increased DI support functionality but the biggest benefit seems to be allowing dependencies to be easily injected into pages/user controls. For MVP architecture I need the concrete class of the page tied to its view interface so the DI container can resolve and pass into the presenter, as the presenter depends on the view. I've not seen an example of this implemented well other than Unity using its DependencyOverride, which can pass the concrete class at runtime.
public partial class UserLoginView : IUserLoginView
private UserLoginPresenter _userLoginPresenter;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
//This is my problem:
//An error will be thrown "...contains the parameter with name
//'view' and type IUserLoginView, but IUserLoginView is not
_userLoginPresenter = SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
public class UserLoginPresenter : IUserLoginPresenter
private readonly IUserLoginView view;
private readonly IUserService _userService;
public UserLoginPresenter(IUserLoginView userLoginView,
IUserService userService)
this.view = userLoginView;
this._userService = userService;
public static class SimpleInjectorDependencyInjector
private static readonly Container container = new Container();
public static T GetInstance<T>() where T : class
return container.GetInstance<T>();
//Assume this is called from App on start
public static void RegisterClasses()
.Register<IUserLoginPresenter, UserLoginPresenter>();
.Register<IUserService, UserService>();
I was able to accomplish what I was looking for using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Container.
In my MSDependencyInjector wrapper class, I used the ActivatorUtilities extension.
public static T GetService<T, I>(I interfaceInstance)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<T>(container, interfaceInstance);
Implemented in my page's partial class I wrote:
_userLoginPresenter = MSDependencyInjector.GetService<UserLoginPresenter,
A Caveat: The 'T' parameter of createInstance wants the concrete class type not the interface. This caused hours of frustration, prompting the creation of this question in the first place. MS documentation isn't the greatest but I definitely misread.
I'm not sure how to implement something as straightforward in Simple Injector and would be interested in knowing. Based on my reading I not sure if my solution isn't something like a service locator, which depending on which camp you are from should be avoided. However, if the implementation of this can be contained for just solving the need for this MVP paradigm then it is my hope all will be well.

Keeping screen turned on for certain pages

I am using a portable project so do not have direct access to native code.
I have an interface in my project that allows me to access native objects in the Android/iOS projects. We use this primarily for playing audio.
Android, for example, has things like
Window w = new Window();
w.SetFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen, WindowManagerFlags.KeepScreenOn);
However the main issue would be accessing a Window object. I could pass a Xamarin.Forms.Page object to the native code, but there would be no way (I don't think) to cast it to a native Android Window object to access the flags.
Is there a way to do this with a portable project?
You can't do this without platform specific services or renderers. A portable project will have to call platform specific code in order to achieve this.
From that platform specific code, either as a DependencyService or Renderer, you can access the Window object through the Forms.Context. The Forms.Context is your Android Activity, through which you can reach the Window object.
On Android it works like this:
Android.Views.Window window = (Forms.Context as Activity).Window;
On iOS you can try this (Apple docs):
UIApplication.SharedApplication.IdleTimerDisabled = true;
Now there is a plugin doing exactly what Tim wrote
simple source code is here
using System.Windows.Input;
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace Samples.ViewModel
public class KeepScreenOnViewModel : BaseViewModel
public KeepScreenOnViewModel()
RequestActiveCommand = new Command(OnRequestActive);
RequestReleaseCommand = new Command(OnRequestRelease);
public bool IsActive => DeviceDisplay.KeepScreenOn;
public ICommand RequestActiveCommand { get; }
public ICommand RequestReleaseCommand { get; }
void OnRequestActive()
DeviceDisplay.KeepScreenOn = true;
void OnRequestRelease()
DeviceDisplay.KeepScreenOn = false;
For Xamarin Forms Android.
Renders file I included below code
Window window = (Forms.Context as Activity).Window;

Injecting Lower Layer Dependency in Presenter in an ASP.NET MVP Application

I recently read Phil Haack's post where he gives an example of implementing Model View Presenter for ASP.NET. One of the code snippets shows how the code for the view class.
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page, IPostEditView
PostEditController controller;
public _Default()
this.controller = new PostEditController(this, new BlogDataService());
However, here the view constructs the instance of the BlogDataService and passes it along to the presenter. Ideally the view should not know about BlogDataService or any of the presenter's lower layer dependencies. But i also prefer to keep the BlogDataService as a constructor injected dependency of the presenter as it makes the dependencies of the presenter explicit.
This same question has been asked on stackoverflow here.
One of the answers suggests using a service locator to get the instance of the BlogDataService and passing it along to the presenter's constructor.This solution however does not solve the problem of the view knowing about the BlogDataService and needing to explicitly get a reference to it.
Is there a way to automatically construct the presenter object using an IoC or DI container tool such that the view does not have to deal with explicitly creating the BlogDataService object and also injecting the view and service instances into the presenter's constructor. I prefer to use the constructor injection pattern as far as possible.
Or is there a better design available to solve the problem?. Can there be a better way to implement this If i am building a WinForms application instead of a ASP.NET WebForms application?
Thanks for any feedback.
Yes there is. For example using StructureMap in a webform constructor:
public partial class AttributeDetails : EntityDetailView<AttributeDetailPresenter>, IAttributeDetailView
public AttributeDetails()
_presenter = ObjectFactory.With<IAttributeDetailView>(this).GetInstance<AttributeDetailPresenter>();
and as you can see here presenter needs view and service injected
public AttributeDetailPresenter(IAttributeDetailView view, IAttributeService attributeService)
MyForm = view;
AppService = attributeService;
You can also use StructureMap BuildUp feature for webforms so that you can avoid using ObjectFactory directly in your view.
I did exactly this. The solution is based on Autofac, but can be implemented on top of any container.
First, define an interface representing the authority for presenting views in a request to the MVP system:
public interface IMvpRequest
void Present(object view);
Next, create a base page which has a property of that type:
public abstract class PageView : Page
public IMvpRequest MvpRequest { get; set; }
At this point, set up dependency injection for pages. Most containers have ASP.NET integration, usually in the form of HTTP modules. Because we don't create the page instance, we can't use constructor injection, and have to use property injection here only.
After that is set up, create event arguments representing a view which is ready to be presented:
public class PresentableEventArgs : EventArgs
Now, catch the events in PageView and pass them to the request (present the page as well):
protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs args)
var cancel = false;
if(args is PresentableEventArgs)
cancel = true;
cancel = base.OnBubbleEvent(source, args);
return cancel;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
private void Present(object view)
if(MvpRequest != null && view != null)
Finally, create base classes for each type of control you'd like to serve as a view (master pages, composite controls, etc.):
public abstract class UserControlView : UserControl
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
RaiseBubbleEvent(this, new PresentableEventArgs());
This connects the control tree to the MVP system via IMvpRequest, which you'll now have to implement and register in the application-level container. The ASP.NET integration should take care of injecting the implementation into the page. This decouples the page entirely from presenter creation, relying on IMvpRequest to do the mapping.
The implementation of IMvpRequest will be container-specific. Presenters will be registered in the container like other types, meaning their constructors will automatically be resolved.
You will have some sort of map from view types to presenter types:
public interface IPresenterMap
Type GetPresenterType(Type viewType);
These are the types you will resolve from the container.
(The one gotcha here is that the view already exists, meaning the container doesn't create the instance or ever know about it. You will have to pass it in as a resolution parameter, another concept supported by most containers.)
A decent default mapping might look like this:
public class LogOnPage : PageView, ILogOnView
// ...

How to use Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Web Forms

I am trying to work out a way to use dependency injection with ASP.NET Web Forms controls.
I have got lots of controls that create repositories directly, and use those to access and bind to data etc.
I am looking for a pattern where I can pass repositories to the controls externally (IoC), so my controls remain unaware of how repositories are constructed and where they come from etc.
I would prefer not to have a dependency on the IoC container from my controls, therefore I just want to be able to construct the controls with constructor or property injection.
(And just to complicate things, these controls are being constructed and placed on the page by a CMS at runtime!)
Any thoughts?
UPDATE 2019:
With the introduction of Web Forms 4.7.2, there is now better support for DI. This invalidates the below. See: Wiring up Simple Injector in WebForms in .NET 4.7.2
You can use automatic constructor injection by replacing the default PageHandlerFactory with a custom one. This way you can use an overloaded constructor to load the dependencies. Your page might look like this:
public partial class HomePage : System.Web.UI.Page
private readonly IDependency dependency;
public HomePage(IDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
// Do note this protected ctor. You need it for this to work.
protected HomePage () { }
Configuring that custom PageHandlerFactory can be done in the web.config as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<add verb="*" path="*.aspx"
type="YourApp.CustomPageHandlerFactory, YourApp"/>
Your CustomPageHandlerFactory can look like this:
public class CustomPageHandlerFactory : PageHandlerFactory
private static object GetInstance(Type type)
// TODO: Get instance using your favorite DI library.
// for instance using the Common Service Locator:
return Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation
public override IHttpHandler GetHandler(HttpContext cxt,
string type, string vPath, string path)
var page = base.GetHandler(cxt, type, vPath, path);
if (page != null)
// Magic happens here ;-)
return page;
private static void InjectDependencies(object page)
Type pageType = page.GetType().BaseType;
var ctor = GetInjectableCtor(pageType);
if (ctor != null)
object[] arguments = (
from parameter in ctor.GetParameters()
select GetInstance(parameter.ParameterType)
ctor.Invoke(page, arguments);
private static ConstructorInfo GetInjectableCtor(
Type type)
var overloadedPublicConstructors = (
from constructor in type.GetConstructors()
where constructor.GetParameters().Length > 0
select constructor).ToArray();
if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 0)
return null;
if (overloadedPublicConstructors.Length == 1)
return overloadedPublicConstructors[0];
throw new Exception(string.Format(
"The type {0} has multiple public " +
"ctors and can't be initialized.", type));
Downside is that this only works when running your side in Full Trust. You can read more about it here. But do note that developing ASP.NET applications in partial trust seems a lost cause.
Starting from .NET 4.7.2 (what's new), it is now easy for developers to use Dependency Injection in WebForms applications. With the UnityAdapter, you can add it to your existing WebForms application in 4 simple steps. See this blog.
Autofac supports fairly unobtrusive dependency injection in ASP.NET WebForms. My understanding is it just hooks into the ASP.NET page lifecycle using an http module and does property injection. The only catch is that for controls I don't think this happens until after the Init event.
The best way is to have a base class for the controls like:
public class PartialView : UserControl
protected override void OnInit(System.EventArgs e)
That will inject any control that inherits from that base class (uses structuremap). Combining that with a property based config, you will be able to have controls like:
public partial class AdminHeader : PartialView
IMyRepository Repository{get;set;}
Update 1: If you can't have the controls inherit, perhaps the CMS has a hook right after creating the controls, in there you can call the BuildUp. Also if the CMS allows you to hook something to fetch the instance you could use constructor based injection, but I prefer BuildUp on this specific scenario as doesn't have a hook for this.
You could also create some singleton instances in the Application_Start global.asax event and have them available as public static readonly properties.
This is a solution I recently used to avoid hooking into the pipeline (I find that confuses everyone that looks at my code in the future, but yes, I see its benefits as well):
public static class TemplateControlExtensions
static readonly PerRequestObjectManager perRequestObjectManager = new PerRequestObjectManager();
private static WIIIPDataContext GetDataContext(this TemplateControl templateControl)
var dataContext = (WIIIPDataContext) perRequestObjectManager.GetValue("DataContext");
if (dataContext == null)
dataContext = new WIIIPDataContext();
perRequestObjectManager.SetValue("DataContext", dataContext);
return dataContext;
public static IMailer GetMailer(this TemplateControl templateControl)
return (IMailer)IoC.Container.Resolve(typeof(IMailer));
public static T Query<T>(this TemplateControl templateControl, Query<T> query)
query.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);
return query.GetQuery();
public static void ExecuteCommand(this TemplateControl templateControl, Command command)
command.DataContext = GetDataContext(templateControl);
private class PerRequestObjectManager
public object GetValue(string key)
if (HttpContext.Current != null && HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(key))
return HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
return null;
public void SetValue(string key, object newValue)
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.Items[key] = newValue;
This shows how you can create your own life time manager pretty easily as well as hook into an IoC container if you so desire. Oh, and I am also using a query/command structure which is sort of unrelated, but more on the reasoning behind that can be found here:
Limit your abstractions: Refactoring toward reduced abstractions
