best post meta plug in for wordpress suggestion - wordpress

I am looking for some tools for adding post meta for my post in wordpress and also able to be retrieved.
Would someone suggest which is the best one?

To be honest, you do not need tools, and since this site is more along the lines of helping people code, I will give you some suggestions catered to that end.
I would suggest you look into adding custom fields to your posts. You will have much finer control over adding what you want, than a third-party plugin would allow. It is fairly simple to do, and more information about them can be found here:
As to retrieving the data, it is rather simple to do as well. You can find information about retrieving and displaying custom fields data from this link:


Wordpress: fit for per-region website? Another better CMS?

I'm looking to help a friend who needs a website for his project. I know wordpress a little, but there might be better options.
The needs are:
- have a splash screen prompting for region (like this site)
- have some pages available only for a given region.
- allow the non-it guy to update the contents.
Wordpress is the only one I know as web design isn't my specialty. I'd have gone for a template like Avada, but again, better leads are more than welcome.
Thanks in advance for your inputs!
Ok, the downvote really helped me and certainly will help other users as there's no comment whatsoever explaining why this post is bad. Don't give leads or guidance by the way.
So, whatever. I found a solution to this. The following plugin works like a charm:
A simple purchase gives total control and removes the watermark. The best part regarding my need was the capability to write custom callback code as explained in this article.

How to track "popularity" of a WordPress post (views, shares) to present the "hottest" posts in category?

I can code, but don't know much about WordPress internals, so would appreciate any advice or instructions. I am looking for a solution to present the posts on my site in the order of popularity. I am thinking of the following signals:
- number of views
- number of times a download link inside the post was clicked
- number of likes on FB (currently using Monarch plugin)
Please help me to figure out how to get those inputs recorded with WP. When available a no-code solution like plugin will be more preferred unless it has some considerable issues. Examples or tutorials would also be great.
Thank you
You've got a couple of options, first you could use a plugin which would be the easiest way to solve your issue:
Or you can take a no-plugin approach and do something similar to this:
I'm not sure how you'll go finding a solution that will integrate page views with social sharing, that would require popularity being abstracted from page views themselves and another counter being created and incremented via a callback from your social API's.

Submitting WordPress blog to Flipboard

Does anyone know of a simple way to submit my blog feed to flipboard?
It requires things like the entire post in the rss feed.
Whole list here:
I already have a feed running through feed burner. Is it possible to have two? One for normal subscribers and one for flipboard? I imagine one for both wouldn't work too well?
Yes there is a way to have a dedicated feed just for Flipboard. They do require an optimized RSS feed which WordPress does not meet the requirements.
I did a quick Google search for a plugin since that would be a simple way to implement what you need and I came across this plugin called Flipboard RSS Feed + Shortcode. I do not have any experience with it though. The dev site can be found here. I would read more in to it and make sure it solves the problem.
If that was what you were looking for go ahead and mark this answered. Let me know how it works if you use it. Looks pretty interesting.

Add Additional Fields when Creating a Post within Wordpress Dashboard

I'm trying to create additional fields and I've done a little research on this already and found that you should use the add_meta_box().
However, I looked at the wordpress Codex but I'm not sure where I should implement this. Here is the link to that:
I'm not sure which file I need to alter to add a simple text box. Can someone point me in the right direction to what file to update and what is a good way to go about doing this?
Ideally, I'd like to save this into a table. Is it better to create a custom table for this for upgrades of Wordpress? If you have any pointers on how to save the data that would be great as well!
Thanks so much for any advice you might have! I appreciate it!
You can also use this plugin.
this is easy to use.

Buddypress for wordpress activity filter options

I have asked several questions on the buddypress forum but I never get any sort of response or help. I seem to always get a valid well thought out answer on the stackoverflow community, so I am posting my question here too. Here is my original post to the buddypress forum that no one has answered. Seems like a good question that some dev could answer easily. maybe someone here has some experience or guidance and can point me in the right direction.
Hey, i was wondering I found this webpage on editing the activity stream loop with some information on filtering the main activity wall but I am really still confused because It doesn’t seem like all the available options are listed here. For example right under it it says if ( bp_has_activities( ‘type=status’) ) :
Well ‘type=status’ is no where listed on this page and I know there are several other options available that are also not listed. So my question is what and where can I find all the available options for filtering. I am setting up some custom options for my site and I would love some help. I am familiar with php so if there is a file i can look at then I would love to know about it too.
Please Advise Thanks,
All the filters and accepted parameters are on the page you referenced (just scroll down it a little bit). For some reason in the example they use type=status when it should be object=status as that is the correct way to filter for status updates only.
You can always take a look at the actual function itself to see accepted parameters. Buddypress is much better documented in the code than on their website.
