Submitting WordPress blog to Flipboard - wordpress

Does anyone know of a simple way to submit my blog feed to flipboard?
It requires things like the entire post in the rss feed.
Whole list here:
I already have a feed running through feed burner. Is it possible to have two? One for normal subscribers and one for flipboard? I imagine one for both wouldn't work too well?

Yes there is a way to have a dedicated feed just for Flipboard. They do require an optimized RSS feed which WordPress does not meet the requirements.
I did a quick Google search for a plugin since that would be a simple way to implement what you need and I came across this plugin called Flipboard RSS Feed + Shortcode. I do not have any experience with it though. The dev site can be found here. I would read more in to it and make sure it solves the problem.
If that was what you were looking for go ahead and mark this answered. Let me know how it works if you use it. Looks pretty interesting.


How to track "popularity" of a WordPress post (views, shares) to present the "hottest" posts in category?

I can code, but don't know much about WordPress internals, so would appreciate any advice or instructions. I am looking for a solution to present the posts on my site in the order of popularity. I am thinking of the following signals:
- number of views
- number of times a download link inside the post was clicked
- number of likes on FB (currently using Monarch plugin)
Please help me to figure out how to get those inputs recorded with WP. When available a no-code solution like plugin will be more preferred unless it has some considerable issues. Examples or tutorials would also be great.
Thank you
You've got a couple of options, first you could use a plugin which would be the easiest way to solve your issue:
Or you can take a no-plugin approach and do something similar to this:
I'm not sure how you'll go finding a solution that will integrate page views with social sharing, that would require popularity being abstracted from page views themselves and another counter being created and incremented via a callback from your social API's.

best post meta plug in for wordpress suggestion

I am looking for some tools for adding post meta for my post in wordpress and also able to be retrieved.
Would someone suggest which is the best one?
To be honest, you do not need tools, and since this site is more along the lines of helping people code, I will give you some suggestions catered to that end.
I would suggest you look into adding custom fields to your posts. You will have much finer control over adding what you want, than a third-party plugin would allow. It is fairly simple to do, and more information about them can be found here:
As to retrieving the data, it is rather simple to do as well. You can find information about retrieving and displaying custom fields data from this link:

Making a content feed

I am making a website which allows people to discuss news topics. I was looking to make like a news feed which shows the most talked about topics and topics followed by users however I am not sure how to do this? As in I can't think of a process to do this and I don't think Rss feed's are the answer, help would be appreciated.
Same here. I am developing a website too and learning how to develop an RSS engine of my own.
But I need more information. What I know is- RSS feeder itself searches for latest content on the news websites or blogs (by looking at their dates perhaps) and it places the latest post on top. Now the problem is that I am not able to create that. I need to know a lot about RSS and specially XML.
But your problem is different I think. You want to show the trending post on the top. Then, I think you will need to create an algorithm to rank your pages/posts. And this algorithm should evaluate the real hotness of the content. For example a 20 days old post on your website might still be hotter than latest trending news and it might be searched in the top news.
But now the question is how would this algorithm decide whether a post hot or not? Well this can be done on the basis of likes or hearts give to it by users, comments on the page, links in the comments on the page, shares (you can track that), and external links to your post etc etc. Now it's up to you what you will prefer to make your post trending. You can give more weightage to external links or maybe comments or you could set limits to all of these which when reach gives a sign of full success of the post.
Sorry If you don't get it. I was just thinking of the solutions. I really don't know the solution to it already.

Drupal: can its functions be customized?

I've tried searching the Internet for this but I have not found an exact answer. I've seen that Drupal can use modules and its admin page can be customized, but does its functions can be customized as well?
This is what I want to happen:
after writing an article/content, it would be saved first as a draft and be sent to certain people for deliberation. The people would then have to vote if it is okay. If the article/content gets 70% or more approval, it would be posted immediately to the website.
Can I do this with Drupal? If not, do you have any suggestions on other CMS's where I can do this?
Thank you!
While you probably don't need a custom module to achieve the desired result, you certainly could write your own custom module if you wished to.
This documentation should get you started:
And this is a great set of examples that provide a starting off point for custom module creation:
Like I said though, you're likely better off using contributed modules that have been vetted by the community. See if the workflow module does what you want - search "drupal workflow." You may also need the fivestar module to provide a thumbs up for approval - search "drupal rating."

How can I add a site search feature to a Jekyll Blog?

I am looking into migrating my site from Wordpress to Jekyll and would like to maintain the ability to have full-text search for the site. The Wordpress search was fast, reliable, and nicely formatted to match the theme, and I haven't found a decent replacement.
There's a plugin solution that uses indextank, but I am not interested in tying my search through a commercial API with users ranking the search items, I just want something comparable to Wordpress search.
I've also looked into the google Ajax api, but I don't want a floating ajax search box on the site.
There's always google's search for the website, but I haven't found this to be as reliable. (I haven't tried this since I moved to wordpress a few years ago, so perhaps I'm mistaken).
Since all posts are available in plain-text, it seems like it should not be to difficult to create an index for searching them when the site is built, but I have not found a good solution. Any suggestions or examples?
Jekyll + lunr.js = powerful full-text search, using JavaScript in your browser, for your Jekyll static website
One option to investigate Google Custom Search.
You mention trying to use Google in the past, but I'm not sure if you mean the custom search box as described here. Posting this in case it helps.
This requires no extra configuration. Just plug and play library that works on your jekyll blog's RSS feeds with neat on-page search UI.
