uiOutput not displaying with shiny server - r

I have a shiny app that is working fine locally, whether I open it in a window or the browser, but after putting it onto our shiny server I am getting some unexpected behavior.
I have two plots that get displayed using uiOutput. The first displays after loading a data file, and the second is just a zoomed plot which appears when the user selects a region from the first plot and double clicks. After putting this app on our server and using it in a browser, the first plot appears when the user uploads a file, but the second plot will not display (it is completely blank - no data points, axes or labels).
What is strange is that the data in this second plot can still be interacted with. I have included hover functionality so that when the user hovers over a point in the second plot, information gets displayed about the point in a small text window. Even though the second plot never appears, if I move the mouse over the region where the plot should be, this hover information gets displayed correctly. Depending on the size of the region selecting for zooming (i.e. if it is large), the zoomed image may not fit in the window making scrollbars necessary. If I select a large region for zooming, scrollbars appear as if the image is there, but the plot is as I said blank. I can render the zoomed plot as a pdf and that looks correct, but this isn't what I want.
As I said, everything works fine locally and this only happens after putting the app on our server. The same thing happens in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. This has to be something related to the shiny server but I have no idea what as both plots are being rendered in the same way.

I've managed to figure this out. In server.R when I generate the zoomed plot, I am doing two things. First, I am creating a pdf as follows:
The purpose of this is to have a plot that can be downloaded if required. After this, I am issuing the commands to render the plot in my shiny app. This is all being done in the same reactive expression, which for some reason works locally but when run on a shiny server only the pdf gets generated. I just had to separate the plotting commands into two reactive expressions and everything worked fine.


how to show multiple plots into a jupyter notebook page, without "subpages"

I've done a code in a jupyter notebook cell which draws many different plots and everything works fine, except the way jupyter show them, which I do not like very much, as you can see in the following picture
As you can see, plots are reported into a kind of subpage with a scroll bar by side, while what I'd like is just a sequence of such plots into the some page where I've written the code, without any annoying subpage or the like.
Can you suggest me anything, please?

Shiny - How can I tell when graphs are done rendering programmatically?

I am an old hand at R, but new to Shiny. (It is very cool!)
I am rendering graphs using ggplot2 in Shiny, and it works great. The only thing is that after my ggplot executes and I issue a renderPlot, there is a delay before the graphs display. I am fine with the delay, but I would like to know in the program after the graphs render. I hit the bottom of my code and the graphs are still rendering in the background.
Any advice is appreciated.
Check this out! You can add a busy spinner and then every time your graph is being rendered, you will be able to understand with the indicator.

How do you see your viewer items in R studio?

How can I see previous tables that I generated in the viewer instead of only the most recent thing that I ran? For example if I've run several tables and changed one or two things and I wanted to be able to compare them side by side, how do I see them both? I'm thinking about how I can scroll through an SPSS output file.
I'm not sure if this is a code thing or a settings thing. Opening a new window doesn't seem to do anything. Refreshing the viewer doesn't seem to change anything.
I can put things in the viewer no problem using view() or expss_output_viewer or out="viewer".
I can only seem to get it to display the most recent table I ran.
Click the arrows in the upper left of the viewer pane to see previously plotted tables.
Image of viewer pane with arrows highlighted
Using flextable
Using expss

googleCharts resets in size in Shiny after second load

So I'm using the googleCharts package in my Shiny app and creating a line chart.
I have a function that creates a different kind of main panel with tabsetpanel depending on the options the user selects. The first load works fine, but when I switch options in my app and it loads the main panel page the second time, the chart shrinks in size unless I specify an exact height and width in options.
The interesting part is if I select the options so the main panel that's created doesn't have a chart, then select one that does, it resets and works fine again. So it's almost like some kind of reactive problem where its saving the wrong page size and not doing a full load.
Any ideas on what I could do? Is there a way for me to force a refresh/reload of the mainPanel?
I actually ended up solving this using invalidateLater, but I would appreciate it if there's a different solution too, since the user can see the chart being redrawn with this solution

Altering The Sorting Arrows In an R Shiny tabPanel

I didn't see anything here or in http://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny that seems to hit on this problem.
In an R Shiny tabPanel output, the sorting arrows align with the right side of the search fields at the bottom of the page.
Here's a pretty good example:
Is there a way to make them align just to the right of the column name text up top?
Alternatively (or possibly both), is there a way to change the color of the arrows?
The default greyish doesn't really stand out. Bonus points to make the up and down arrows different colors.
Doing it directly in RShiny is best, but I could muddle my way through .js or .css if needed.
I'm trying to head off imminent support requests of "the column is sorting wrong" and "I can't see the arrows" before I push into production.
At the bottom of that shiny example you showed they show that you can pass in through the options parameter options to the rendering for the DataTable table, via the shiny::renderDataTable() function.
Hopefully the http://datatables.net/ site has documentation on what you want if it's indeed possible
If you look at Developer Tools on the http://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/datatables-options.html page maybe you can see what element would need to be changed.
