Altering The Sorting Arrows In an R Shiny tabPanel - r

I didn't see anything here or in that seems to hit on this problem.
In an R Shiny tabPanel output, the sorting arrows align with the right side of the search fields at the bottom of the page.
Here's a pretty good example:
Is there a way to make them align just to the right of the column name text up top?
Alternatively (or possibly both), is there a way to change the color of the arrows?
The default greyish doesn't really stand out. Bonus points to make the up and down arrows different colors.
Doing it directly in RShiny is best, but I could muddle my way through .js or .css if needed.
I'm trying to head off imminent support requests of "the column is sorting wrong" and "I can't see the arrows" before I push into production.

At the bottom of that shiny example you showed they show that you can pass in through the options parameter options to the rendering for the DataTable table, via the shiny::renderDataTable() function.
Hopefully the site has documentation on what you want if it's indeed possible
If you look at Developer Tools on the page maybe you can see what element would need to be changed.


FontForge: How to add a hidden personal info text

Is there a way to add a hidden info-text in FontForge? I think, I could need that sometimes.
I mean something like that:
Hint 1: I generate that text with a external graphic programm, not with FontForge itself; because that's my question how to do that.
Hint 2: The info text should be for own work, not for read out etc.
Hint 3: I mean info-text in the displayed area, not the comment function under 'glyph info'.
As a FontForge developer, I guess the best way is to make a point with a really long name. A single floating point shouldn't mess anything up, especially if it's inside the bounds of the left and right bearings of the glyph.
So, go to «Point→Name Point». If you want multiline input, copy and paste from e.g. Notepad++.
I noticed that it seems to render multiple lines in the wrong place, which seems to be a minor bug (I'll open a bug for it done: №4420), but you can just move the point up, or use multiple points floating at the right side for multiple lines.

How can I only show ToolTip on specific words in a Label?

Take this text for example.
I would like to be able to display something like the text above, and let the user mouse over "text" and "example" to get two different ToolTip messages (lets say, "text: noun...definition: ...", and "example: noun...definition" respectively).
In this case, the text is static, so one option would be to put 4 different labels next to each other and style them differently. This might work in most cases, but i also need the text to word-wrap which wouldn't work with individual labels.
Can anyone recommend a solution for this?
It doesn't seem to get much love in our community, but you'll want to look at the TLF Engine. Specifically a TextFlow which has said "primitive" events (eg mouse__, roll__) for links. Style the link appropriately, and in theory you should be close to being done. Since this isn't a Flex-SDK baked-in component, it won't handle the toolTip for you, but it's easy enough to replicate. Create a new ToolTip manually - and add it to the PopUpManager.

How to get info from a window and the modify it using AutoIT?

I am trying to automate the process of turning display layers on and off in a modeling program using AutoIt. I am currently using code that simply simulates a mouse-click at a particular pixel position and as that of course needs to be set up differently depending on the screen being used at the time, I would like to replace the mouse-click simulation with getting the information from the window, looking for a certain text, then checking or unchecking the "Map" and "Legend" check boxes.
My problem is that I don't know how to do that. If someone has a good way to include or point to screen shots let me know but until then I will try to describe everything the best that I can.
The window:
The window I am referring to is titled "Map Layers". The area that I am specifically interested is looks like a large list box (it takes up the vast majority of the window space) and it has 4 columns: Layer Name, Map, Legend, and Sample. Name has the name of the layer, Map has a check box to control which layers are displayed, Legend has a check box that controls which layers appear in the legend window, and Sample for some layers has the symbol that will appear in the legend. for my purpose the Sample column is irrelevant.
AutoIt v3 Window Info:
When I use the finder tool I can't get it to highlight the "list box" area, only the surrounding boarder that it and some buttons are in. The window info says that this surrounding boarder area (which seems similar to a panel) has a class of Button.
So my fundamental question is what code to use to drill into that "Button", find out what the list view looking thing is, and get the info from it, then interact with the map and legend check boxes without referring to pixel location (or at least grammatically get the pixel position).
If I have left out any important information or was unclear anywhere please let me know.
Edit: Forgot to mention and don't know if it helps but the info given using the finder tool for the column headers is Control: Class: SysHeader32
Try RanorexSpy and see if it can give you more details.

How can I stop aptana Outline view automatically collapsing?

I'm using aptana to work on a web document with a fair bit of javascript that's organised into functions. I want to be able to easily jump around the functions, so I selected aptana for the document explorer / outline view panel. It works fine, but when I'm typing the document it collapses all by itself, which drives me bananas.
How can I stop it doing this?
Under the little arrow in the top right corner is an option to "Link with Editor". Turn this off and the Outline view should stay as you leave it rather than trying to match what you are doing in the editor.
I tried doing what Sarah suggested and I was unable to get the Outline View to NOT collapse when editing a .js file.
I looked through the documentation and tried different settings within the Outline tab without success. Expand All did expand all of the functions, objects, and variables, but when I edited one of the objects or functions, that one would then collapse in the Outline View. The problem is it would never expand itself even when I moved in to another section of the document.
I would think that after editing a section of the document, the Outline View should update to reflects the change without collapsing. If it does collapse, then it should expand once saved.
It either collapses and expands by itself (link with editor is "on") or only collapses by itself when you change anything in the document (link with editor is "off"). I don't think this behaviour is what most of us, users, would expect. I hope they change it soon. It's one of the very flaws this otherwise great piece of software has.

Surface Librarybar with scrollbars

We have a library bar filled with items, which can be dragged from and dropped onto it. Now the client wishes to see something like a scrollbar or arrows on the side, to have an indication if items are outside of the visible port.
As you can see in the librarybar template below, it contains a surface scrollviewer. Yet I don't seem to be able to reveal these scrollbars.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?
The librarybar template:
Managed to solve it. Answer was easier then expected. Found out that the scrollbars were cleanly removed, but all properties regarding it were still present. Kind of misleading.
Easiest way to solve:
Open expression blend.
Insert SurfaceScrollViewer
Open Template from the SurfaceScrollViewer
Copy SurfaceScrollbars & necessary templates to the templates/resources
from your library bar
Adjust the templates to meet your requirements
