Compress Image automatically using a prefixed link - css

I am starting to develop a mobile application and have some issues with the images.
In fact I am transforming an existing website to a mobile app, so I am using the existing database with the existing pictures too.
The problem is that the images have a really good quality (5MB each) and I have more than 100 images to include on the app.
Is there any website who can transform the image online and give a link.
For example the image is here
I want a website like that
PS : I don't have access to the website server to optimise the images. I have only access to the link of each image from the database.

Based on what you say, your requirements are
Only have URL of the images
Want to send the URL of the images to a service to compress the size down (with similar image quality)
Reference just the compressed image URL
If thats the case, you can refer to TinyPNG or services


Is it possible to specify the SIZE of image requests from

When utilising Firebase Storage to store imagery, for example, user avatars, is there a way that you can request a smaller, thumbnail sized serving of the image?
I have searched Google and documentation and I have been unable to come up with a result. Currently my app utilising Firebase Storage URLs experiences a minor delay prior to loading images due to the fact that it I am requesting large images to fill tiny avatars.
Is there a resource I am overlooking that specifies the available parameters for this URL? (of which token & alt are two I'm aware of).
Thank you for the assistance in advance.
Auto-resizing images upon read is not a feature of Firebase Storage. The typical solution is to create variants of the images during upload, for example through the Resize Images extension.

Firebase Storage Flutter Displaying images takes too long to load

I'm creating sort of a tutorial application and have to display images from firebase storage with a step-by-step tutorial. Currently I'm using the .getDownloadUrl function and am displaying the images using Cached Network Images(External library) with the URL. The images are replaced when the step is completed and it takes at least 2-3 seconds to load an image and can get quite irritating for a user. Also, to minimize latency I shifted the Cloud Storage location nearby to where a user would be, this improved the speed slightly. Is there a better way to display images, apart from storing the links on Cloud Firestore or saving all the URLs in one list at the start.
The most common approach is to compress/resize (or both) your images. By doing this you have a few options:
1. You can display the thumbnail by default and only load the full image (or load it in the background) when the user requests it (eg. they click on details about the tutorial)
2. Load a different version of the image depending on the screen size (you don't need to display an image meant for desktop on a mobile device)
3. Replace the old image with the compressed one. Depending on what the content is, you probably don't need images larger than 200kb, and that's being generous.
You could also consider storing your images using a next gen format, such as WebP as it is considered one of the most efficient image types. But, it's not yet supported on all devices, so you'd want to include a fallback type.
You said you're caching the images which is a good step to reduce load times. You also said you shifted the storage location to be closer to the users. You could also try to find a CDN that is even closer to your user's locations (probably diminishing returns).
You seem to be against storing the downloadUrls in your database. This would help as all you'd have to do is load the image, instead of ping the bucket for the url and then load it.
Another potential solution for your use case could be to download the images for this tutorial, as well as the next one so when the user clicks next the images are already downloaded.
Unfortunately there isn't a lot else you can do. There's a lot of data packed into an image and it takes some time to load and render it

Wordpress images no longer have srcset and are showing pixalated images

I just recently moved my wordpress site to another host. There were too many images to import so I imported them through ftp and then used the [Add from Server plugin][1] to ensure my image id and such were in the database.
Images on my new site now show up however they are very pixalated and blurry as they are showing a small image blown up to 100%. I have tried regenerating thumbnails but have had no luck. It is the saem theme with the same code.
My old site image look like this:
Where my new site looks like this:
The images are all in the media library and i I swap them in one by one it wokrs but there are hundreds of posts. Is there a way to get this to work manually somehow? I thought this is what Regenerate Thumbnails was supposed to do. thanks for any help you can give.
I just check and my excerpts are not showing either.
If I understood correctly, you uploaded images via FTP. I assume folder structure is intact - year/month folder structure inside uploads folder. That should work without any other actions. Did you try? I don't understand part where you say "to ensure my image id and such were in the database". If you take your old database and upload to your new server, then why should some ids change? :/
What I want to say is that migrating WP from one host to another is just - copy all files, copy database and that's it. If you are changing domain of the site, then you must search/replace database also (but I don't think that's the case here).

SVG Security on WordPress vs. without cms

I understand that it is a risk to use SVG and Wordpress disable the use of them. But many website nowadays use SVG because of the performance and resolution. So are all these websites having a huge risk to get hacked?
If I would code the website in plain html, css, php, mysql without a cms, would my website be highly risked to get hacked too?
SVGs are effectively (XML) text that are interpreted and rendered by the browser. The SVG "text" can include scripts (for valid or malicious reasons). SVG has a lot of benefits. I use animated SVG headers that I created myself on my Wordpress sites; file are small and do not rely on JavaScript for animation.
I assume you are ONLY talking about having your OWN SVG images for the header, or in your own posts (and won't be including malicious scripts to attack you or your visitors!). If so, in my fallible opinion, there should be near Zero (can never say never) risk as long as you cater for these possibilities:
you use an SVG file created by someone else that contains malicious code. So create your own, or obtain them from one of the major image sites and check the SVG source text carefully before use.
a visitor/user uploads (innocently or otherwise) a poisoned SVG. Even if it is not displayed on your site the simple act of you viewing (say via Cpanel) the uploaded file in a browser could trigger the malicious payload. So block anyone else from uploading SVGs. Ideally upload your own via FTP and block all uploads via your site's pages.
see also

Multiple image upload with

How to upload multiple images to the web server with single button.I know there are couple of options available like flash,j query and silverlight.The problem is that there are many others things I want to do with images like upload the same image with different size (thumbnail) and want to change the image file name something like a GUID and want to store the path in database.
You can use uploadify.js for the same.
It is light weight as it contains jquery code.
Easy to implement.
Here is the link for the same. Uploadify
