Visibility of multiple background images - css

How can I set visibility:hidden for only one of my multiple background images in CSS?
.app1 {
background-image: url(../img/photo1.png),
background-size: 17em, 27em;

As Toni has said visibility: hidden wouldn't work. However if you want to make it so that the image does not show up, you could use the background-size, and just make it 0em.

You cant do visible:hidden that on multiple backgrounds you can hide the whole div. One hack I did was to use the background size to get to it
/*CSS */
.app1 {
background-image: url(../img/photo1.png),
$('.app1').css({'background-size':'0 0, 27em'});//to hide photo1.png
$('.app1').css({'background-size':'17em, 0 0'});//to hide photo2.png
This is the way to do it till we have some more background specs coming up ;)

You can't.
CSS properties apply fully to the selector that they are written in, so both background images will be affected by visibility: hidden; (just as they are both affected by the background-size declaration.
You could however nest two HTML elements within each other, then apply a background image to each and add visibility hidden to either of them as necessary.


How to hover in CSS

I got an Image which is 400px x 685px. In the website, i set it will only show 200px x 685px. I want to know how to show the whole image when the mouse hover the image and show another half of the image 200px x 685px to 400px x 685px? Thank you
So I think a part of your css may looks like:
.your-class {
background: url("[the path of your image]");
background-size: 200px 685px;
then for when the mouse hover the image:
.your-class:hover {
background-size: 400px 685px;
Note that if you're using the <img> tag itself in your .html file, then you should write width and height instead of background-size. Anyway The code above is somehow what developers do in css in this case. But obviously it really depends on how you've structured your HTML with div tags and also the classes you've given to these tags.
you achieve by set
background-size: 100% 100%;
I think an acceptable solution would be to create a div in your html. In your style sheet (aka - css file) you should define it with width:200px, height:685px; the next thing you want to do is to set all divs tags (or any id you give this fella) a background-image:url("whatever.png");
Now, you should also use the background-position:right (or left, your choice).
whta will happen so far? Your div will show half an image.
Now you should use div:hover as a new set of rules in your css, and there also use the background-position:left/right (the one you didnt use).
Tell me if it works.

Remove pointer-events from background-image

Consider a translucid background-image blocking the pointer-events of css links underneath it. I would like to make the links work even beneath this image.
Is it possible?
If one element overlaps another you can't click it, simple.
You can put the links on top of the overlay, but you will lose the effect on those links. It's not classy, but I guess it would work.
a {
position: relative; /* set them relative, keeping their position */
z-index: 1000; /* set z-index to move it in front */
Don't think so!
generally one of the oldest image theft methods was putting image behind a transparent image.
but if it is very important to you you can make hot spots on that image with some usual methods such as html image map or using some of the svg capabilities.
and if there is effects like shadow or something like this you can use css3 to make them with code

How to avoid inheriting opacity property in CSS?

I have a div element to which I set opacity: 0.7; in the CSS file because I would like the text inside it to be opaque. I display some images inside this div, but the images appear with the inherited opacity property. The result are opaque images.
Is it possible to give a CSS property to the images not to inherit the opacity of the div that contains them? If not, how can I avoid having the images opaque?
If you're using opacity to allow the text to have partial transparency, then simply set the color of the element:
#elemId {
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
This lets you avoid adjusting the opacity property, and should work in all browsers that support the opacity property, too.
Only way is with positioning. Here is a great article from CSS Tricks:
Use position: relative; and a top value to make elements over one another.
If you are just trying to make a background transparent then you can use the rgba() value in your background.
Here is a crazy idea. You could use PHP GD to render a image with a gray backround(making transparent) with white text that you want to display in the correct position. Then use a mask-box-image or mask-image CSS property and set it to the rendered image.
If of course your content is not dynamic then you could make the image in Photoshop/whatever program.
Anti-aliasing would not be the same from the browser to the GD render but is the best hack if you do not want to use positioning.
Add the following code in your css
it works.

div:hover positions swap image differently in different browsers

I've used the div:hover CSS rule to achieve the desired affect - an image "swap" when the mouse hovers over a navigation image:
My setup here, however, is not actually a "swap." The main navigation image is a flattened jpeg of the entire desk (for faster loading), and there are empty divs over each item on the desk to map the image with links. When these empty divs are moused over, the div:hover rule fills the div with a .png that is meant to be placed precisely over the main desk image to give the effect of an image swap.
It works nicely in Firefox, but I do not understand why Safari is positioning the :hover image over the desk differently than Firefox is - each :hover image is about 1 pixel off, making it look like the seperate images on the desk are actually shifting a bit when moused over. Any suggestions??
I've had trouble using the :hover pseudo-class on elements other than <a></a>. You could use (jquery/javascript) to alter the class of the said <div> using onmouseover and onmouseout events.
With onmouseover, add a class that defines a certain background image. With onmouseout remove that class.
Even easier, use jquery .hover()
reposition your links after adding this to your css:
a div {
line-height: 0;
I've come across this issue before and found that it had to do with the size of the image. When the image is an odd-number pixel size on one of its dimensions, the calculations done by Firefox and Chrome/Safari (particularly when using center) are slightly different. Essentially, it has to do with sub-pixel rounding.
Simply add or subtract a pixel to your images on the axis that has an odd number length, to make them an even number (ie - instead of 100x123, make it 100x124) and you should be golden.
No need to use Javascript, this can certainly be achieved using just CSS. In my opinion, your best bet is to use the technique discussed in this article on CSS Sprites:
Essentially, for each item on your desk, place the hovered and non-hovered image in same image, one on top of each other, so that the top area has the non-hover state, and the bottom area has the hover state. Your code will probably look like this modified:
div#keyboard2 {
position: absolute;
left: 89px;
top: 256px;
width: 67px;
height: 160px;
background: url(../images/keyboard.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
#keyboard2:hover { background-position: 0 100%; }
Your desk image will then be empty, and of your items will just be on top of it.

css background repeating from 300px onwards

I am wondering if anyone knows how to achieve the following - take a look at
The first 1/3rd of the screen has an empty background and from there onwards there should be a pattern repeating. I did it right now, by creating a very long pattern png and set it to offset 300 and repeat-x. However, I'm not happy with this solution because it will break if the pages ever get longer than the background image png is.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Put the repeating pattern as background to html element, then a white 1px * 300px image as an background image to body element, and you're all set.
html, body {
height: 100%;
html {
background: url(dotted.png);
body {
background: url(white_1x300.png) 0 0 repeat-x;
You don't have to use html and body tags for this, but it's the easiest way and doesn't require any new markup.
You can specify multiple backgrounds. See Can I have multiple background images using CSS?. The techniques mentioned there are:
Put the whole page into another <div> container or misuse the <html> tag for it.
This means you specify a background for <body> and one for <html>.
Use CSS3 which support multiple background images. That's not yet supported by all common browsers.
Yes, specify your background image as normal but set the background-position like this:
background-position:0 300px;
This will make the background image start at 0px from the left, and 300px from the top.
Let's not forget that you can use FireBug with FireFox to easily diagnose techniques on websites.
