Why does Brackets add lines of code when I save? - adobe-brackets

I started using Brackets two days ago and have had to remove it from my computer. I saved and closed an HTML/JS/PHP project last night (and the night before) and when I open it again in the morning it's broken. Badly.
I noticed it had been adding lines of code for instance, it added the opening tag for a bootstrap md-3 over the footer... without closing it.
I did not put the footer in a bootstrap md-3, nor did I forget to close it. I am the only person (I know of) with access to this document. And there are half a dozen of these per doc.
This is really bad as I have lost two days of work now from having to go through and fix them.


Jupyter Notebook doing funky stuff when opening

I've just opened Jupyter Notebook like I always do, and it began doing some strange stuff, it's impossible to use. I've put up a 40-second video showing what's going on: https://youtu.be/8yDMT82Cju8
Basically upon creating a new notebook, the first cell appears really big (like if someone just pressed enter many times), and then it begins jumping further down. Any action, like typing, clicking, just adds more "lines" to the cell. Some weird xxxxxxxxxx characters show up and disappear randomly. All in all, it's unusable. No, there's no key stuck anywhere in case you thought about that. I've restarted the PC many times as well, to no success.
Funny thing is that this was working just yesterday and no software/hardware was modified in between.
I´ve just finished re-installing Anaconda and the problem has gone.
I'm gonna leave this here in case someone comes across the same issue.

D3.js chart is visible in Internet Explorer 11 but invisible in Internet Explorer 11

I have a very pretty calendar report that I've created on one machine, that shows my company's daily revenue as a color coded block for every day for the past several years. After finally getting a color scheme down and pretty much finalizing it, I went to test it on another machine - and hit a rather large obstacle.
This is the report that I used as a template:
It's awesome. And, inside Internet Explorer 11, it looks fantastic. I never would have expected that copying the code and testing the report would produce a blank page, but there it is. On that page, the calendar report is visible. In IE 11. Copying the code to a new html file and opening it, shows nothing. In Firefox, however, everything is visible. as is.
Now, there's a part of that page that points to "//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"
And I figured out that in order to make that work in firefox I had to add the http: in front, so that's not my issue.
I'm literally sitting here at my desk staring at two browser windows open and pointing to the same html file. One contains my beautiful report, one is a completely blank page.
Some cursory google searches reveal that IE 8 or lower have issues with the svg. I can't seem to find any references on someone having a similar issue though. Their situation seems to be that with IE10, you need to specify the height and width, not just one or the other, to make sure everything scales properly.
If I could have my way, I'd just run Firefox on all of the machines that are going to run the report, even if it's just for that one thing! Alas, I am but a mere peasant coder and so I have to make it work. in the dreaded IE.
Are there any svg/html/d3.js coders out there that can tell me another way to spit out the data I'm using so that I can get what I'm looking for?
copying the code and testing the report would produce a blank page
Because you're outputting invalid HTML. There is no html or head element for starters.
Output your code in to a file like example.xhtml and open it in Firefox (specifically) as it's XML parser will very quickly tell you what line and column the first XML parser error is occurring on. You are rendering in standards mode instead of quirks though that does not imply your page meets standards.
var m=(document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? 'Standards' : 'Quirks'; window.alert(m+'-mode.');

Wordpress site won't draw some visualizations, gives "'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'b.I()')" error

I recently completed this website project: http://cunninghamk1.journalismanddesign.com/?page_id=150 It all seemed to work well for about a month, until I went back to it a few days ago. I haven't made any changes to anything on the site, except a bit of CSS related to the header.
On the examples and tutorials page, I have two data visualizations that no longer will draw. One (no. 3 on that page) is made with a Wordpress plugin, which I have updated. The other (no. 6 on that page) works with the Google Charts API. I don't see a commonality with the problems, and I'm not sure how to fix either one. I've redone the charts with Visualizer (the plugin) but I get the same error, which says 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'b.I()').
I've gone back to the .js file for this but nothing has changed or seems amiss otherwise.
Thanks for any ideas on what might be causing the problem.

Disappearing whitespace when inspecting element in Chrome

I've got a super strange and hard to diagnose issue. Hoping that someone on this forum has run into it before. Basically, I have a wordpress + woocommerce page loading like this:
As you can see there is a lot of extra whitespace. The problem is I can't figure out where the whitespace is coming from because every time I inspect element, the page removes the whitespace immediately and it looks (correctly) like this:
If I keep the "inspect element" window open and refresh the page, the whitespace returns, but as soon as I change the CSS in any way whatsoever (ie remove a random attribute or change anything), the page once again fixes itself.
If I locate the area where the whitespace should be (by not changing anything), there is literally nothing there that the whitespace is attached to. It's as if it's invisible.
I'm using Chrome (34.0.1847.131 m). Any ideas what could cause this strange behaviour?
This seems like an issue, somehow being caused by javascript. I've worked with WC before, and the JS they use is really buggy. I'd suggest trying to turn off javascript, and see if the issue still occurs. The next place to check would be the template itself. After that, check woocommerces filter set/action hooks. From my experience, WC's templates are super badly done (Seriously, who still uses tables). It caused me all sort of weird headaches as well.

Strange Error in Xcode 4 that persisted across different versions of the same file

I want to preface this question by admitting that I'm still very much a novice, to Xcode 4 and to development in general. But I find I learn the most when I've made mistakes and been able to discover ways to correct my errors.
So I was mucking about in Xcode, following an example in the book I've been studying, in this case trying to determine why the keyboard wouldn't hide when I touched outside a text field. In the process of experimentation, I tried adding an Outlet to the top level View of a View Controller, dragging into the Header file to automagically create it. I knew almost at once this wasn't what I wanted, and I deleted the reference in Interface Builder, and the code it had added to the other files.
And when I did run the program, it threw an exception. Being new to this, I didn't think to check the log files, and when I couldn't work out what the error was, I restored an earlier version of the project from Time Machine, and tried again -- same result. I restored an even earlier version and tried again -- and got the same error!
When I finally did have the good sense to look at the log file, I noticed the reference to the name of the Outlet I had added, but removed! But these were older versions of the code, before I'd even made that change.
I made a thorough search of the code, and my NIB file, looking for any reference to the deleted Outlet. I couldn't find anything.
I eventually replaced the NIB file with a version from the tutorial from the book I was following (it was identical, and easier than rebuilding it from the bottom up), and all was well, everything ran just fine. But now I'm left wondering -- what could I have done to make this error so persistent, across different versions of the file? I'm already kinda uncertain about the way Xcode 4 will automagically add code under certain circumstances (that's probably more dangerous than useful for the novice), and I wonder if this is a bug in Xcode 4, or if I inadvertently tripped over a useful feature.
Xcode loves to play tricks on you. I've several times gotten an XIB mysteriously hosed up to the point where I had to delete it and start over. No matter what I'd do to the XIB some elements wouldn't display correctly (or at all).
In a recent case I had an XIB with a label with the text "Start date:". I changed that label text to "Treatment date:", but it still kept coming out "Start date:". I opened the XIB as text and scanned for "Start date:" and it wasn't there. So I tried dragging the label off to one side. Then it displayed the correct words. Dragged the label back to the correct place -- back to "Start date:". I finally deleted the label and recreated it and then the text came out correctly.
