Wordpress search not working - wordpress

I have seen various topics on here and trying to follow but my site may be different but am not sure. Mine is on http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/doctors for example if you search for "daleks" or "bbc audio" it takes you to the index page.
I have followed guides on here but I am still at a stuck point as to why pages will not be found by the search system - it is pages rather than posts I am using for help with the code going forward.
The second question is I am getting lot of white space on top and left can anyone suggest how to minimise.

I think I can see the problem. Your WordPress URL is not at the root of the domain, so you need to change your settings. Go to this page in your admin system:
Settings > General
Look at your Site Address (URL), which will probably be http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/. You need this to be http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/doctors, so that the search is carried out on the right home page.


link in WP not going to the right page

I'm working with WP on different subdomains, and for some reason a link on the landing page isn't going to the subdomain, but rather it's trying to go to a page that doesn't exist on the main domain level. I'm guessing this is some kind of auto direct issue, but the link is correct and I'm not sure what is causing this.
The main domain is in staging status: staging2.definingstudios.com. There are three links there, Lifestyle, Schools, and Commercial. The linnk to schools had been doing this too, but then it stopped and is working properly, but the Lifestyle one is trying to go elsewhere.
This isn't a WP issue but generally an issue with the theme. They tend to save this data in the DB. A lot of the time its serialized and doesn't get updated.
You can do a few things. Search the DB and see if you can find it. Use a plugin to do it or 95% of the time just go into that page and update/save and it generally fixes it.

Prevent Search Engines from Indexing WordPress Blog

that might seems like an easy question but I'm struggling on this problem since monday.
There's a wordpress website that I need to be hidden when searching for the keywords contained in it, but I can't work it out.
I already tryied to:
Add a robots.txt, on the main root, on the httdocs folder, and on the folder containing the website.
Use the in-built function of wordpress.
Protect the website with a password
None of them seems to be working, so I deleted the website (that was a staging website btw) but it keeps being indexed on search engines.
What shall I do?
Robots.txt is the solution. However you need to realize it can take weeks for google remove the site from index.
For other options see "Make removal permanent" part - https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1663419?hl=en

Site producing bad urls?

I'm using a custom Genesis child theme and lately I've been noticing that many false articles have been showing up on webmaster tools. They look something like this:
I haven't written these nor are they topics my site focuses on so I have no clue why they are showing up. So far, I've had to delete about a hundred of these. I read on a forum that this can be due to my theme generating bad urls but I'm not sure what that means nor do I know how to fix it. What can be causing this?
I believe that this problem is due to your website being hacked or Google is trying to Crawl or follow a link within your content that is not really a link.
This is what webmaster tool tells you about the problem:
In Crawl Errors, you might occasionally see 404 errors for URLs you don't believe exist on your own site or on the web. These unexpected URLs might be generated by Googlebot trying to follow links found in JavaScript, Flash files, or other embedded content.
To find out if your website has been hacked. First get this total = WordPress number of pages + number of post + number of categories + number of PDF or files + Images. Then do a google search using the following query (without the quotes) "site:yourdomain.com" if the result number is exaggerated greater than the calculated total then your website is definitely hacked.
If you believe that your website is not hacked try to find from where these links are being generated. Here is the trick: Go to the Web Master Tool report and click on one of those links, check the "Linked from" tab. There should be one or many possible pages listed from where these unexpected links are coming from.
Two possible Outcomes:
The page from where the link is found is from your own website: Go
to that page and open the source code, do a Ctrl+F search for that
link, if found check what section or content is generating this
The page from where the link is found is NOT from your own website:
In this case try to contact the owner of the other site and ask the
link to be removed, if not possible I highly recommend you to create
a 404 page within your WordPress installation with some useful
links. Google how to do this, there are plenty of resources.
Hope this helps

Find the actual page opened from the URL in the asp.net

HI so i keep running across websites which when looked through or searched (using their own search function) return's a static URL ie.) ?id=16 or default.aspx no mater what page of the website you visit after the search has been performed. This becomes a problem when i want to go directly to a post/page within one of these sites so i'm wondering. If anyone knows How could i actually find out what the absolute URL is.
So that i can navigate straight to it. I'm not really familiar with coding but have tried looking in the page source but i wasn't really able to gleam anything from there.
The basics around asp.net urls: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/142013/There-is-something-about-Paths-for-Asp-net-beginne
It all really depends on what you're trying to find, as far as finding a backway to locate a absolute path, is highly doubtful. If the owner of the site(most blogs) want you to have a perma link to a page, they use url-rewriting for putting things in the URI like title page and such. Alot of MVC sites do this now.
The '?id=16' you're seeing is just a query string, a holder for other logic they are doing.

Split wordpress in two

I'am building a website for a company which has two sections, one repair section and one development section.
So the website has to be in two parts as well.
It will be possible, on the first page, to choose which section you want to go.
But the repair section and the development section has it's own menu.
How do I split the wordpress in two, so that on both sections an other menu visible is?
Thank you
Your question is very vague and makes it difficult to understand what you're real intention is.
However, since you tagged your question with Wordpress I assume you want a single Wordpress site with two main "areas".
With that in mind you'd probably want:
A simple index/home page
A "repair" page
A "development" page
...and other repair or development pages
Your index/home page will just link to your repair / development landing pages ("landing page" is just a website term, nothing wordpress specific). Each landing page can then link to additional pages.
This is all achievable with simple Wordpress pages. Try reading through the Wordpress tuturoials to get familiar with the basics.
...and once you get started feel free to ask for help here. Just try to make sure your questions are clear, specific, and mention what you've tried so far.
