Split wordpress in two - wordpress

I'am building a website for a company which has two sections, one repair section and one development section.
So the website has to be in two parts as well.
It will be possible, on the first page, to choose which section you want to go.
But the repair section and the development section has it's own menu.
How do I split the wordpress in two, so that on both sections an other menu visible is?
Thank you

Your question is very vague and makes it difficult to understand what you're real intention is.
However, since you tagged your question with Wordpress I assume you want a single Wordpress site with two main "areas".
With that in mind you'd probably want:
A simple index/home page
A "repair" page
A "development" page
...and other repair or development pages
Your index/home page will just link to your repair / development landing pages ("landing page" is just a website term, nothing wordpress specific). Each landing page can then link to additional pages.
This is all achievable with simple Wordpress pages. Try reading through the Wordpress tuturoials to get familiar with the basics.
...and once you get started feel free to ask for help here. Just try to make sure your questions are clear, specific, and mention what you've tried so far.


link in WP not going to the right page

I'm working with WP on different subdomains, and for some reason a link on the landing page isn't going to the subdomain, but rather it's trying to go to a page that doesn't exist on the main domain level. I'm guessing this is some kind of auto direct issue, but the link is correct and I'm not sure what is causing this.
The main domain is in staging status: staging2.definingstudios.com. There are three links there, Lifestyle, Schools, and Commercial. The linnk to schools had been doing this too, but then it stopped and is working properly, but the Lifestyle one is trying to go elsewhere.
This isn't a WP issue but generally an issue with the theme. They tend to save this data in the DB. A lot of the time its serialized and doesn't get updated.
You can do a few things. Search the DB and see if you can find it. Use a plugin to do it or 95% of the time just go into that page and update/save and it generally fixes it.

Dnn 2sxc Blog Module sub-directory

I am testing out DNN 8 and am using the blog app and content management from 2sxc (great module, BTW!).
I have the recent blog post listed on a page sub-directory called '/articles'. But I also wanted some of them listed on the home page as well. When I add the app or module to the home page the url is '/home/post/post-title-here' while on the /articles page the urls are '/articles/post/post-title-here'. This creates the illusion that I have two directories with duplicate blog posts (which probably will get me some dings for SEO for duplicating the same content).
How do I get the app to use the common directory '/articles' regardless of where I put the module/app on the site? I've looked at settings all over and don't see anything that pops out at me. Also not sure if this is a DNN setting or a setting specifically to the extension. Finally, I'd like to be able to keep the year/date/month parts of my url as well as they were on the old site. I assume making that change would probably be similar with the solution to my original question. If that's a different fix, then let me know and I'll put it into a new thread. Thanks in advance!
This question is basically about the blog-app. Now if I understand you correctly, your question is "Can I have multiple lists on various pages, but all of them still link to my main details page". The answer is yes, but the exact solution depends a bit on what you need.
So basically there is a setting in the app-settings to define the main page. I believe it's empty by default, so that the blog-app works automatically without you having to configure anything. But AFAIK if you set that, all blog-details-links will use that as the only source.

Wordpress search not working

I have seen various topics on here and trying to follow but my site may be different but am not sure. Mine is on http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/doctors for example if you search for "daleks" or "bbc audio" it takes you to the index page.
I have followed guides on here but I am still at a stuck point as to why pages will not be found by the search system - it is pages rather than posts I am using for help with the code going forward.
The second question is I am getting lot of white space on top and left can anyone suggest how to minimise.
I think I can see the problem. Your WordPress URL is not at the root of the domain, so you need to change your settings. Go to this page in your admin system:
Settings > General
Look at your Site Address (URL), which will probably be http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/. You need this to be http://www.doctorwhoworld.net/doctors, so that the search is carried out on the right home page.

How to prepare all urls for a transfer from: Domain/ftpfolder/page to domain2/page?

Right now I'm bulding a wordpress website on my server. Urls are http://domain.com/ftpfolder/page
Problem that I have is that I'm going to have to transfer this website to the client's server and links will be like this http://domain2.com/page
Wordpress Address & Site URL can fix this easily, however, not all links in the website will be changed as some of them are entered manually. I did the test already.
My question is: How do I write all images/pages links in order to be ready for the transfer?
I thought I could name all of them <a href="./page"> but this creates mistakes for some links.
For eg. I have to some images in a page called "expertise": http://domain.com/ftpfolder/expertise
I want each image to link to a specific product (wordpress portfolio), for example: http://domain.com/ftpfolder/portfolio/product1
If I use <a href="./portfolio/products1">, then the link becomes: http://domain2.com/expertise/portfolio/product1 which doesn't work because /expertise/portfolio doesn't exist as mentioned two lines above (because I'm using wordpress pages and portfolios, so categories are bypassed)
So should I write all my links: http://domain.com/ftpfolder/... and then replace this by http://domain2.com/... in the database? If yes, how do I do it?Or is there another technique I'm not aware of to simplify my links? Or should I rethink the way my content is organised, but I'm not sure how.
Hope this makes sense, sorry for my bad English. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Use "Search and Replace Script" as advised by the WordPress Codex.
Use to replace 1 with 2:
Oh, did I tell you to do a backup first?

Wordpress main website and mobile website duplicate content.

Basically a client has asked for his WordPress website to be turned into a mobile website as well. I have never attempted this and know nothing about SEO.
However the issue has arisen that this may cause duplicate content issues with Google, and therefore both sites may be dropped in the rankings.
I was looking at turning the website into a mobile site via one of the available WordPress mobile website plugins.
My question is if duplicate content will be an issue? Has anyone ever tried this?
After doing some reading I kind of think it may be possible to tell Google not to index the mobile website, although as I understand it It would be the same set of files. So I am unsure that if I tell it not to index one of them, that it will drop the other one as well.
Can anyone with WordPress and SEO knowledge clear this up for me?
In my opinion, if you have two indexed URLs with same text, there is duplicate content. And for Google, duplicate content is always an issue.
If you decide to no to index the mobile version of site, there will be not duplicate content because only one version of site will be indexed by Google.
Duplicate content is independent of your CMS (Wordpress), it's just a story about two indexed pages with same text.
