I can't understand how scaling and rotation are applied to QGraphicsItem.
I need to be able to apply rotation and scaling (not necessarily keeping aspect ratio) and I get fully unexpected results.
Rotation must be around the item center. I seem to have no problem doing that - yet if I try to debug the bounding rectangle, I get seemingly wrong values.
If I don't keep aspect ratio, instead of rotation I get a very weird skew, and I have been struggling for quite a while to find the cause and correct it. I hope anybody can find a solution.
For many items - like rectangles - my solution was to give up on resize - and just replace the item with a new one of given size. I even did that for pixmap (though it probably will affect performance a lot).
But I don't know how to do that for text, or a few other types (svg...).
I am trying to understand how scaling is applied, on rotated items, and how to get it applied correctly.
The code below is an experiment where I scale and rotate a text item, and the result... see attached image
#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsTextItem>
void experimentScaling(QGraphicsScene* s)
QGraphicsTextItem* ref = new QGraphicsTextItem(); // a reference, not resized
ref->setPlainText("hello world");
QGraphicsTextItem* t = new QGraphicsTextItem(); // text item to be experimented on
t->setPlainText("hello world");
QTransform transform; // scale
transform.scale(10, 1);
QPointF _center = t->boundingRect().center();
qDebug("%f %f %f %f", t->boundingRect().left(), t->boundingRect().top(), t->boundingRect().right(), t->boundingRect().bottom()); // seems to be unscaled...
t->setTransformOriginPoint(_center); // rotation must be around item center - and seems to work even though the bounding rect gives wrong values above
t->setRotation(45); // skewed
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene s;
QGraphicsView view(&s);
s.setSceneRect(-20, -20, 800, 600);
return app.exec();
Reference (red) text rotated 45 degrees, text rotated 45 degrees and resized 10,1:
The resized (black) text should have the same height as the reference (red) - yet is much taller;
The bounding rectangle is no longer a rectangle - it is skewed;
The angle looks much smaller than 45;
Added a resized but not rotated reference as well:
Please help me understand why this behavior is happening and what can I do about it.
I have tried looking into QGraphicsRotation but I can't figure out how to apply it... All I get is a move instead of rotation.
As documented, the item's transformations are mathematically applied in a certain order - this is the order you'd be multiplying the transform matrices in and is, conceptually, the reverse of the order you'd normally think of.
The transform is applied. The origin point must be included in the transform itself, by applying translations during the transform.
The transformations are applied - each of them can specify its own center.
rotation then scale are applied, both relative to transformOriginPoint.
When you set transform to scaling, and set rotation, the rotation is performed before scaling. The scaling applies to the rotated result - it simply stretches the rotated version horizontally in your case.
You need to somehow enforce the reverse order of operations. The only two ways to do that are:
Stack the transforms in correct order and pass them to transform, or.
Pass a list of correct transformations to transformations.
I'll demonstrate how to do it either way, in an interactive fashion where you can adjust the transform parameters using sliders.
To obtain the correct result using transform:
QGraphicsItem * item = ....;
QTransform t;
QPointF xlate = item->boundingRect().center();
t.translate(xlate.x(), xlate.y());
t.scale(xScale, yScale);
t.translate(-xlate.x(), -xlate.y());
To obtain the correct result using transformations:
QGraphicsItem * item = ....;
QGraphicsRotation rot;
QGraphicsScale scale;
auto center = item->boundingRect().center();
item->setTransformations(QList<QGraphicsTransform*>() << &rot << &scale);
Finally, the example:
// https://github.com/KubaO/stackoverflown/tree/master/questions/graphics-transform-32186798
#include <QtWidgets>
struct Controller {
QSlider angle, xScale, yScale;
Controller(QGridLayout & grid, int col) {
angle.setRange(-180, 180);
xScale.setRange(1, 10);
yScale.setRange(1, 10);
grid.addWidget(&angle, 0, col + 0);
grid.addWidget(&xScale, 0, col + 1);
grid.addWidget(&yScale, 0, col + 2);
template <typename F> void connect(F && f) { connect(f, f, std::forward<F>(f)); }
template <typename Fa, typename Fx, typename Fy> void connect(Fa && a, Fx && x, Fy && y) {
QObject::connect(&angle, &QSlider::valueChanged, std::forward<Fa>(a));
QObject::connect(&xScale, &QSlider::valueChanged, std::forward<Fx>(x));
QObject::connect(&yScale, &QSlider::valueChanged, std::forward<Fy>(y));
QTransform xform(QPointF xlate) {
QTransform t;
t.translate(xlate.x(), xlate.y());
t.scale(xScale.value(), yScale.value());
t.translate(-xlate.x(), -xlate.y());
return t;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
auto text = QStringLiteral("Hello, World!");
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene scene;
QWidget w;
QGridLayout layout(&w);
QGraphicsView view(&scene);
Controller left(layout, 0), right(layout, 4);
layout.addWidget(&view, 0, 3);
auto ref = new QGraphicsTextItem(text); // a reference, not resized
auto leftItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(text); // controlled from the left
auto rightItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(text); // controlled from the right
QGraphicsRotation rot;
QGraphicsScale scale;
rightItem->setTransformations(QList<QGraphicsTransform*>() << &rot << &scale);
left.connect([leftItem, &left]{ leftItem->setTransform(left.xform(leftItem->boundingRect().center()));});
right.connect([&rot](int a){ rot.setAngle(a); },
[&scale](int s){ scale.setXScale(s); }, [&scale](int s){ scale.setYScale(s); });
return app.exec();
I was able to make that work by using two separate QTransforms and multiplying them together. Note that the order of transformations matter:
QTransform transform1;
transform1.scale(10, 1);
QTransform transform2;
t->setTransform(transform1 * transform2);
I am creating some images rendering the contents of a QGraphicsScene.
My project requirement is that it should handle a canvas size of 10 ft by 8 inches. On screen, and scene size, that is 8640 x 576 pixels.
I can render it fine.
The thing is, the output images need to have 300 resolution.
That means, the rendered image will have a width of 36000, which is over 2^15 - 1 = 32767 pixels.....
The output is clipped - in the code below, I would get a QImage of correct expected size (36000) but the QGraphicsScene only renders to 32767 pixels.
That is confusing... I cannot explain the outcome - if the QImage limitations were 32767 pixels, then I should not be able to create one in the first place. But I checked and the QImage "sanity check" is much higher.
Once the image is created, I do not see anything in the code for rendering QGraphicsScene that would clip at any value....
This is a simple code that is trying to expose my problem.
It creates a QImage of required size, and fills with yellow (for control).
Then it renders a QGraphicsScene with blue background brush and a red rectangle close to the right margin.
If it works correctly, the result should be: an image of width 36000, blue with a tiny red rectangle at the far right.
But... as it is, the result is an image of width 36000, blue for the first 32766 pixels then yellow for the rest, no red rectangle.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsRectItem>
#include <QPainter>
void printScene(QGraphicsScene* s, qreal ratio) {
qreal w = s->width() * ratio;
qreal h = s->height() * ratio;
QRectF target(0, 0, w, h);
QImage image = QImage(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter painter;
s->render(&painter, target);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene s;
s.setSceneRect(0, 0, 8640, 576);
QGraphicsView view(&s);
QGraphicsRectItem* r = s.addRect(8530, 250, 100, 100);
qreal ratio = 300/72.;
printScene(&s, ratio);
return app.exec();
As seen in sample images, the QImage is created successfully, QGraphicsScene though only renders to 2^15 - 1... But I stepped through their code and I didn't see it stop....
(I also tried creating the original scene 36000 x something (and setting the ratio to 1), and it displays fine... it just won't render to QImage anything beyond 32767 pixels)
Am I missing some setting ? What could be the cause of the QGraphicsScene::render() to not render more ?
I would love to find out how I can render the size I want - width of 36000 pixels - or a reason why this is not possible.
I am running this in Windows 7, 32 bit Qt 5.5.1 or 4.7.4
I have found the reason for the clipping - and imagined 2 workarounds.
Stepping through the rendering code, the clip rect gets limited to 32767:
bool QRasterPaintEngine::setClipRectInDeviceCoords(const QRect &r, Qt::ClipOperation op)
QRect clipRect = r & d->deviceRect;
Where deviceRect is set by
void QRasterPaintEnginePrivate::systemStateChanged()
deviceRectUnclipped = QRect(0, 0,
qMin(QT_RASTER_COORD_LIMIT, device->width()),
qMin(QT_RASTER_COORD_LIMIT, device->height()));
QRegion clippedDeviceRgn = systemClip & deviceRectUnclipped;
deviceRect = clippedDeviceRgn.boundingRect();
// This limitations comes from qgrayraster.c. Any higher and
// rasterization of shapes will produce incorrect results.
const int QT_RASTER_COORD_LIMIT = 32767;
1) Render to a max of 32767 and, if the target must be bigger, scale result. (should give slightly lower quality)
2) Create 2 images and combine them (I still need to figure that out but I think it is the better fix)
I have QGraphicsItems on a QGraphicsScene. I need to group them. The main reason for grouping: I need to provide a way to apply transformations on a group.
It is all very simple if I need to apply a single transformation, and the items bounding rectangle top-left is at 0,0.
I have seen how grouping and ungrouping works, preserving items' transformations relative to the scene, and that is great. But on grouping, no matter what positions my items have, the group has coordinates (0,0).
When I try any transformations, no matter what I tried with the transformation origin point, the item moves.
Simple program to show:
#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsRectItem>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene s;
QGraphicsView view(&s);
s.setSceneRect(90, -10, 420, 140);
QGraphicsRectItem* sceneR = new QGraphicsRectItem(s.sceneRect());
QTransform t; // simple scaling transform
t.scale(2, 1); // adding rotation scares me
QGraphicsRectItem* r0 = new QGraphicsRectItem(QRectF(0, 0, 150, 100)); // for compare, not scaled
r0->setPos(100, 0);
QGraphicsRectItem* r1 = new QGraphicsRectItem(QRectF(0, 0, 150, 100)); // for compare, not scaled
r1->setPos(100, 10);
QGraphicsRectItem* r2 = new QGraphicsRectItem(QRectF(0, 0, 150, 100)); // will make a group of a single item
r2->setPos(100, 20);
QGraphicsItemGroup* g = s.createItemGroup(s.selectedItems());
// QPointF topLeft = g->mapToScene(g->boundingRect().topLeft());
// g->setTransformOriginPoint(topLeft);
qDebug() << r1->pos() << r1->transform();
qDebug() << g->pos() << g->transform();
return app.exec();
If I apply transformations, the grouped item moves. I have not been able to figure out a logic or how to compensate.
(red = reference, not scaled; blue, reference, scaled; green, grouped and scaled)
In image above I expect the green rectangle to have the same x coordinate as the blue (I shifted vertically to see what is going on)
How can I make my scaling (and rotation) in place ?
(I am considering the alternative of just setting a common parent, and performing all the work to retrieve items transformations, but not sure how to combine them properly, especially scaling a group how to find the new position and new scale of inside items)
Found a solution - even though I am counting on the group to perform item transformations and calculate its own edges, I must do it manually as well.
I find the top-left most point (minX, minY) of selected items' bounding rectangles (mapped to scene),
then move all items by -minX, -minY,
then after grouping, move group by minX, minY.
This sets a correct center of transformations, so the group item behaves like regular items. It also reports a pos() in its top left corner, similar to the default pos() of other QGraphicsItems.
I am using QGraphicsTextItem to paint the text on the scene. Text is painted along the path (QGraphicsPathItem), wich is parent of my QGraphicsTextItem - so the text rotation is changed to be along the path element and is sticked to it while zooming the view. But the font size of QGraphicsTextItem is also changing while zooming the view - this is what I am trying to avoid. Of I set QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag to the QGraphicsTextItem it stops rotating while it's parent (QGraphicsPathItem) does.
I do understand that I have to re-implement QGraphicsTextItem::paint function, but I am stuck with the coordination system. Here is the code (Label class inherits public QGraphicsTextItem):
void Label::paint( QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget )
// Store current position and rotation
QPointF position = pos();
qreal angle = rotation();
// Store current transformation matrix
QTransform transform = painter->worldTransform();
// Reset painter transformation
painter->setTransform( QTransform() );
// Rotate painter to the stored angle
painter->rotate( angle );
// Draw the text
painter->drawText( mapToScene( position ), toPlainText() );
// Restore transformation matrix
painter->setTransform( transform );
The position (and rotation) of my text on the screen is unpredictable :(
What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much in advance.
I solved a problem this way - for drawing a line/circle/rectangle/path, which I want to be transformed, I use an appropriate QGraphicsLine/Ellipse/Rect/PathItem. For drawing the text (which I do NOT want to be transformed) I use QGraphicsSimpleTextItem. I set text's flag to ignore transormations and set it's parent to Line/Ellipse/Rect/Path item. The Line/Ellipse/Rect/Path item transforms, but text does not - this is what I wanted. I can also rotate text and set it's position.
Thank you very much for answers.
The following solution worked perfectly for me:
void MyDerivedQGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const StyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
double scaleValue = scale()/painter->transform().m11();
painter->scale(scaleValue, scaleValue);
We can also multiply the scaleValue by other mesures we want to keep its size constant outside the save/restore environment.
QPointF ref(500, 500);
QPointF vector = scaleValue * QPointF(100, 100);
painter->drawLine(ref+vector, ref-vector);
I had this issue once. Instead of ignoring transformations, you need to scale down the items you don't want to be zoomed in in your zoom-in function.
When you zoom in, if you change the scale by ds for example, scale the items by 1.0 / ds
You might need to change their positions though.
I hope this helps.
Edit: I hope I understood the question right.
I have a QGraphicsScene which stores QGraphicsLinesItems and QGraphicsRectItems.
I am using the QGraphicsScene method to itemsAt() and I pass through x and y co ordiantes to return the QGraphicsItem and I use the following:
QPointF getItemPos= this->mapToScene(this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()));
QGraphicsItem *itm = scene->itemAt(getItemPos.x(),getItemPos.y());
QGraphicsLineItem *lineItm;
QGraphicsRectItem *rectItm;
if((lineItm = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsLineItem*>(itm))){
// do stuff with as_pnedge
}else if((rectItm = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsRectItem*>(itm))){
// do stuff with as_pnitem
qDebug("Select Item");
The issue I am having is that QGraphicsRectItem is returned fine and can be detected. But no matter where I click around the QGraphicsLineItems it can never detect and return the item. Any assistance would be very much appreciated.
If your line uses a cosmetic pen (width of zero), it means that the shape() method will return a zero width QPainterPath (source code, search for "qt_graphicsItem_shapeFromPath").
You will have to derive from QGraphicsLineItem and reimplement shape() to clamp the minimum pen width for QPainterPathStroker to something reasonable.
I have a QGraphicsTextItem parented to a QGraphicsItem. I want the QGraphicsTextItem to always reside directly above the QGraphicsItem, but I also want the text to remain the same size when the scale factor goes below 1, i.e. the text remains the size it is at a scale factor of 1 even when the parent graphics item is scaled smaller. I have found that setting the QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag to true when the scale factor is below 1 does the trick for retaining the size.
But I can’t seem to find a way to get the position of the text to always remain above the QGraphicsItem. Is there a way to do this? I tried using deviceTransform () function, but the text still moved off of the QGraphicsItem as I scrolled out. What was worse is that some of the text items started “jiggling”, i.e. they started continuously changing their position ever so slightly, so that it looked like they were shaking. If this is the function I need to use, I guess I don’t know how to use it properly.
In the constructor of my QGraphicsItem I’ve added a QGraphicsTextItem:
fTextItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(getName(), this);
Here is code snippet from paint function of QGraphicsItem
qreal lod = painter->worldTransform().m22();
if(lod <= 1.0) {
} else {
fTextItem->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations, false);
fTextItem->setPos(0, 0);
My suggestion is to subclass QGraphicsSimpleTextItem in this manner:
class TextItem
: public QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
TextItem(const QString &text)
: QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text)
void paint(QPainter *painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
QRectF boundingRect() const
QRectF b = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::boundingRect();
return QRectF(b.x()-b.width()/2.0, b.y()-b.height()/2.0,
b.width(), b.height());
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *mText = new TextItem("Item");
mText->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations, true);
Disclaimer: this may be overkill for what you are trying to do. We had some additional restrictions in our project that made this solution the easiest for us.
We had to do something similar in a project, and it ended up being easiest for us to not use ItemIgnoresTransformations and instead roll our own transform. Here is the main function we use to create a translation-only (no scaling) transform for drawing an item at a specific location. You might be able to modify it for your usage.
static QTransform GenerateTranslationOnlyTransform(
const QTransform &original_transform,
const QPointF &target_point) {
// To draw the unscaled icons, we desire a transform with scaling factors
// of 1 and shearing factors of 0 and the appropriate translation such that
// our icon center ends up at the same point. According to the
// documentation, QTransform transforms a point in the plane to another
// point using the following formulas:
// x' = m11*x + m21*y + dx
// y' = m22*y + m12*x + dy
// For our new transform, m11 and m22 (scaling) are 1, and m21 and m12
// (shearing) are 0. Since we want x' and y' to be the same, we have the
// following equations:
// m11*x + m21*y + dx = x + dx[new]
// m22*y + m12*x + dy = y + dy[new]
// Thus,
// dx[new] = m11*x - x + m21*y + dx
// dy[new] = m22*y - y + m12*x + dy
qreal dx = original_transform.m11() * target_point.x()
- target_point.x()
+ original_transform.m21() * target_point.y()
+ original_transform.m31();
qreal dy = original_transform.m22() * target_point.y()
- target_point.y()
+ original_transform.m12() * target_point.x()
+ original_transform.m32();
return QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy);
To use, take the QPainter transform that is passed to the paint method and do something like:
// Draw your item.
I've found another solution, which does not involve messing with any transformations or by hand scaling/positioning. There is a hint in QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag description:
The item ignores inherited transformations (i.e., its position is
still anchored to its parent, but the parent or view rotation, zoom or
shear transformations are ignored). [...]
And that's the key! We need two items: a parent that will keep the relative position (without any flags set) and a child item that will do the drawing at parent's (0,0) point (with QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag set). Simple as that!
I've encapsulated this functionality into a single class - here is some code:
#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QPainter>
class SampleShape : public QGraphicsItem
/* This class implements shape drawing */
class SampleShapeImpl : public QGraphicsItem
SampleShapeImpl (qreal len, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr)
: QGraphicsItem(parent), m_len(len)
/* ignore transformations (!) */
QRectF boundingRect (void) const override
/* sample bounding rectangle */
return QRectF(-m_len, -m_len, m_len*2, m_len*2);
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
/* draw a shape, (0,0) is an anchor */
painter->drawLine(0, -m_len, 0, m_len);
painter->drawLine(-m_len, 0, m_len, 0);
// ...
qreal m_len; // sample shape parameter
/* This is actually almost an empty class, you only need to set
* a position and pass any parameters to a SampleShapeImpl class.
SampleShape (qreal x, qreal y, qreal len, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr)
: QGraphicsItem(parent), m_impl(len, this) // <-- IMPORTANT!!!
/* set position at (x, y), view transformations will apply */
setPos(x, y);
QRectF boundingRect (void) const override
return QRectF(); // it's just a point, no size
void paint (QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
// empty, drawing is done in SampleShapeImpl
SampleShapeImpl m_impl;
Great answer by Dave Mateer! I had the problem that I wanted to define a different scale factor at different zoom levels. This is how I did it:
void MyGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
//save painter for later operations
QTransform originalTransform = painter->transform();
QPointF originalCenter = rect().center();
qreal dx = originalTransform.m11() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m21() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m31();
qreal dy = originalTransform.m22() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m12() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m32();
//normally our target scale factor is 1, meaning the item has keeps its size, regardless of zoom
//we adjust the scale factor though when the item is smaller than one pixel in comparison to the background image
qreal factor = 1.0;
//check if scale factor if bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparision to the background image
if (rect().width() < originalTransform.m11()) {
//calculate adjusted scale factor
factor = originalTransform.m11() / rect().width();
//adjust position according to scale factor
dx -= factor * originalCenter.x();
dy -= factor * originalCenter.y();
//set the new transform for painting
painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor) * QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy));
//now paint...
QGraphicsXYZItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
//restore original painter
You do need to adjust the bounding rectangle too in that case:
QRectF MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const
QRectF rect = QGraphicsEllipseItem::boundingRect();
//this is a bit hackish, let me know if you know another way...
if (scene() != NULL && scene()->views().at(0) != NULL)
//get viewport transform
QTransform itemTransform = scene()->views().at(0)->transform();
QPointF originalCenter = rect.center();
//calculate back-projected original size of item
qreal realSizeX = rect.width() / itemTransform.m11();
qreal realSizeY = rect.height() / itemTransform.m11();
//check if scale factor is bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparison
//to the background image and adjust size back to equivalent of 1 pixel
realSizeX = realSizeX < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeX;
realSizeY = realSizeY < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeY;
//set adjusted position and size according to scale factor
rect = QRectF(rect.center().x() - realSizeX / 2.0, rect.center().y() - realSizeY / 2.0, realSizeX, realSizeY);
return rect;
With this solution the item work very well in my case.
Adding to Dave Mateer's answer, I think it'd be helpful to add that in some scenario, you should also maintain proper bounding rectangle (as well as shape) of the object. For me, I need to modify boundingRect() a little too for proper object selection behavior. Remember that the bounding rect of the object will be scaled and transformed as usual if we do NOT use ItemIgnoresTransformations flag. So we also need to rescale the boundingRect to maintain the view independence effect.
To maintain the view-independent bounding rectangle turns out to be quite easy: just grab the scaling factor from deviceTransform(m_view->viewportTransform()).inverted().m11() and multiply this constant to your local coordinate bounding rectangle. For example:
qreal m = this->deviceTransform(m_view->viewportTransform()).inverted().m11();
return QRectF(m*(m_shapeX), m*(m_shapeY),
m*(m_shapeR), m*(m_shapeR));
here is a solution I devised of very moderate complexity :
1) Get the boundingRect() of the parent and map it to scene
2) take the minimum X and Y of this list of points, this is the real origin of your item, in scene coordinates
3) set the position of the child
In Pyside :
br = parent.mapToScene(parent.boundingRect())
realX = min([item.x() for item in br])
realY = min([item.y() for item in br])
child.setPos(parent.mapFromScene(realX, realY)) #modify according to need