Using Express.js modules in Sails.js - sqlite

Sails.js does not yet have official Sqlite adapter. There are some attempts, but having read the comments, they are buggy and not reliable.
Since Sails.js uses Express.js, and Express has decent sqlite modules, I was thinking how to use it in Sails?
Any idea is appreciated.

I managed to do it. Very easy. First Install the sql3lite package
Lets Assume I have UserController. At the start of the controller, use this:
sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(),
db = new sqlite3.Database('myDbName');
db object has all that is needed. You can check the link for detailed CRUD reference :)


EntityFramework 7 - CodeFirst - SQLite - Manage DB using ApplyMigrations at runtime

I am well on my way to utilizing EF7 CodeFirst with SQLite...but really want to employ DB Migrations at runtime. This is a desktop application (Click-once deployment) meant to sync with a main database when connection is available, and provide offline data when no connection is present.
I have pulled down the nuget pre-release versions and all is working, except I cannot find any documentation of how to apply the migrations at runtime. I can successfully Add-Migrations and manually Apply-Migrations...but need a way to programatically Apply-Migrations at runtime.
I've also browsed the EF7 open-source project, but could not get anywhere there.
Versions I'm using: Latest Pre-release as of 9/15/2015
EntityFramework.Sqlite v7.0.0-beta7
EntityFramework.Relational v7.0.0-beta7
EntityFramework.Commands v7.0.0-beta7 get the picture.
I am asking for help to apply runtime migrations...or what is the documented/recommended path for programatically maintaining a local/embedded db using EF7 CodeFirst SQLite?
I went back to EF6 with SQLite but then found out that there is not SQLMigrationGenerator for SQLite.
I believe ApplyMigrations() method referenced in one of the notes has been deprecated. Searching the repository, there is no reference to "ApplyMigrations".
Today you can invoke the extension method Migrate on the DatabaseFacade.
This method is only available when the using Microsoft.Data.Entity statement is present. It comes from the RelationalDatabaseFacadeExtensions class that is part of the EntityFramework.Relational package.
Still have to find out how to migrate up and down from the API.

How to use Migration Commands for Entity Framework through User Defined Code

I need to be able to perform all of the available functions that the Package Manager Console performs for code first DB migrations. Does anyone know how I could accomplish these commands strictly through user defined code? I am trying to automate this whole migration process and my team has hit the dreaded issue of getting the migrations out of sync due to the number of developers on this project. I want to write a project that the developer can interact with that will create and if need be rescaffold their migrations for them automatically.
PM is invoking through PowerShell and PS cmdlets (like for active directory etc.)
The Package Manager Console is a PowerShell console within Visual
...there is essentially very little info about this - I've tried that before on couple occasions and it gets down to doing some 'dirty work' if you really need it (not really sure, it might not be that difficult - providing you have some PS experience)
Here are similar questions / answers - working out the PS comdlets is pretty involving - in this case it has some additional steps involved. And PS tends to get very version dependent - so you need to check this for the specific EF/CF you're using.
Run entityframework cmdlets from my code
Possible to add migration using EF DbMigrator
And you may want to look at the source code for EF that does Add-Migration
(correction: this is the link to official repository - thanks to #Brice for that)
(PM errors also suggest the origins of the code doing the Add-Migrations to be the 'System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.ToolingFacade')
If you need 'just' an Update - you could try using the DbMigrator.Update (this guy gave it a try - but I'm not sure how relevant is that to you, I doubt it.
The scaffolding is the real problem (Add-Migration) which to my knowledge isn't accessible from C# directly via EF/CF framework.
Note: - based on the code in ( - and as the EF guru mentioned himself - that part of the code is calling into the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design library - which does most of the stuff. If it's possible to reference that one and actually repeat what AddMigrationCommand is doing - then there might not be a need for PowerShell at all. But I'm suspecting it's not that straight-forward, with possible 'internal' calls invisible to outside callers etc.
At least as of this post, you can directly access the System.Data.Entity.Migrations.Design.MigrationScaffolder class and directly call the Scaffold() methods on it, which will return you an object that contains the contents of the "regular" .cs file, the "Designer.cs" file and the .resx file.
What you do with those files is up to you!
Personally, I'm attempting to turn this into a tool that will be able to create EF6 migrations on a new ASPNET5/DNX project, which is not supported by the powershell commands.

Moving Oracle Schemas to newer version

I have few db schemas in Oracle and i have to move these schemas into Oracle What is the best way of doing this?
I found a way that these schemas can be exported in 9i using exp utility and import these scheams into Oracle 11gR2 DB using imp. Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
If the schemas have to be moved, using exp/imp is the recommended way. However this only works if the schemas are self-contained. If they are not self-contained than the referred to schemas also need to be exported and imported. In addition do not forget to analyze the objects after the import and take a backup.

How to find the use of default tables available in drupal

How can I able to find the usage of default tables available in drupal.
Is there any documentation available?
For example: there is a table called node. I need to know what is the usage of it and how it acts.
Any suggestions or answers will be helpful and grateful.
Your question is not very clear (the term "usage" is quite ambiguous), but you could install the Devel module. After setting it up it will show, for every page loaded (home page included), which SQL queries are run.
Every module can add tables to the database. A default Drupal install uses core modules, either required ones or those installed as dependencies of the default installation profile. These modules install their own tables.
Each module declares its tables in its implementation of hook_schema. The Schema module use the information from the implementations of this hook to provide a schema documentation.
Most of the time, you shouldn't directly access the database but use the API provided by the modules managing the data. Tables are usually considered private for their modules. New release of a module may change its schema in an incompatible way. Using API is much safer. Unfortunately, sometimes database access is the only option. In these cases, implementation of a data access layer between your code and the database is advised.

Can NHibernate check if the db schema has been generated?

So, newbie NHibernate user; trying to wrap my brain around it.
I'm contemplating how to handle deployment, and later injection of add-ons to a web app (which may require their own persistence classes).
I was thinking that using SchemaExport for the deployment would work pretty well, but I was wondering if there's a way too get NHibernate to tell me in a common, code-based way that a schema export has been done already, or not. Basically, I want to do smething like in this pseudocode:
where the two functions would internally use SchemaExport or SchemaUpdate, respectively.
EDIT: Guys, I appreciate the answer so far, but they're missing the point a bit. What I'm trying to set up is a way for the application to allow for the addition and removal of add-ons which may require changes to the db. I'm not talking about versioning my own code or the like (at least, not as its primary function). So the question is less about when I deploy the app, and more about when I add or remove a plug-in. Has theis plugin (hence the pseudo-code type check) been deployed before? If so, run the update. If not, run the export. Make sense?
I think that what you are looking for is SchemaUpdate.Execute instead of using SchemaExport. SchemaUpdate will create the schema if it doesn't already exist, or update it if required and desired.
That works for me using both MSSQL and SQLite.
new SchemaUpdate(config).Execute(false, true);
Yes there is, in 3.0 at least
public static bool ValidateSchema()
NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator myvalidator = new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator(m_cfg);
myvalidator = null;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
MsgBox(ex.Message, "Schema validation error");
myvalidator = null;
return false;
For the update part, do.
public static void UpdateSchema()
NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate schema = new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate(m_cfg);
schema.Execute(false, true);
schema = null;
} // UpdateSchema
No, NHibernate doesn't do what you're asking. I imagine it would be possible to write some code that exported the schema and then compared it to the database schema. But it would probably be easier to export into a temporary database and use a 3rd party tool, such as redgate SQL Compare, to compare the schemas.
Even if it did what you're asking, I don't see how that would help with deployment because its purpose is to create a database from scratch.
Edited to add: Assuming each plugin has its own set of tables, you could determine if the schema has been deployed using one of several methods:
Attempt to load one of the plugin objects and catch the exception.
Examine the database schema (using SMO for SQL Server) to check if the table(s) exist.
Create a record in a table when a plugin is deployed.
The purpose of schema export is to generate the complete schema from scratch. Really useful if you haven't deployed your application yet.
After the first deployment I would highly recommend using a migrations tool which will help you with further extensions/modifications of the schema. If you think a bit more ahead you will notice that you even require data manipulation (e.g. removing wrong data which has been generated due to a bug) as your application evolves. That's all a migration tool can help you with.
Take a look into:
Here is a list of more migration tools for .net answered in a SO question:
.net migrations engine
The original idea of migrations originated from Ruby on Rails and has been "cloned" into other frameworks over the past. That's why it's definitely good to read about the original idea at too.
If you have VS Team Suite or the Database Developer edition, it can sync and track changes and then make a deployment script that will create all the right objects for you. Also RedGate has a Schema Compare product that does the same thing if I'm not mistaken.
