Spring MVC war deployed to karaf not working? - spring-mvc

I am trying to deploy a war to karaf using pax-web.I am not seeing any errors but it is not working.
But if i go to karaf console and do a bundle:update everything is working fine.
Is there a way to do bundle:update programatically with out connecting to karaf console and doing a bundle:update manually.


Deploying Spring MVC from SBT

I'm having trouble deploying my Spring MVC Webapp with the xsbt-web-plugin. When i'm using container:start everything works just fine, but when i'm trying to run the packaged .war file inside a tomcat instance the webapp isn't loaded. It is just starting a plain tomcat instance.
I had an error in my path that slipped through. I've overlooked this for days. Sorry.

Running dotnetcore Console application in Service Fabric Guest Executable

I am trying to run a dotnetcore Console application in a ServiceFabric GuestExecutable Container. While I was adding this GuestExecutable service to my SF application, I cofigured as follows
Code Package Folder -> ..repos\NewDllGuestSF\CoreConsole\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0
Program -> CoreConsole.dll
Working Folder -> CodePackage
Here, I know I am trying to host this .dll file as my executable for the GuestExecutable service. This is what I am trying to do but could not somehow. When I tried the same with the treditional .NetFramework app and with an .exe executable, I am able to run it successfully on SF cluster. But I need to do is with dotnetcore application and of course with a dll executable.
So far I have tried is -
I can generate a dll as well as an exe while building my dotnetcore console application and use the generated .exe file in GuestExecutable. But here, I have to configure my console app to target multiple Frameworks as "netcoreapp2.0;net461", that is something I can not do for some reasons.
When I run my dotnetcore Console app with a dll executable in SF cluster, I faced the following error
Here if we see, the GuestExecutable service remains in healthy state but the application doesn't.
Can anyone please help me out on this, all I want to do is to host a .dll file as entry point in a GuestExecutable SF service.
As far as I understand you need to configure CodePackage in ServiceManifest.xml to run your .dll using external executable.
Here is the example how this could be done (please pay attention to IsExternalExecutable="true" attribute):
<CodePackage Name="Code" Version="1.0.0">
<ExeHost IsExternalExecutable="true">
<!-- We are using dotnet cli to launch our Service.dll -->
Hope it helps.

Trouble deploying Spring Batch Admin Sample app on Tomcat 9

I downloaded the latest Spring Batch Admin: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-batch-admin
I used mvn to package/install the application and got a WAR file in /target directory named:L spring-batch-admin-sample-2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.war
I've installed Tomcat 9 locally. I create a server in Eclipse and deployed the project WAR into it.
When I try to access the app using http://localhost:8080/spring-batch-admin-sample I get a 404 Error in the browser. I tried to follow all the instructions in the reference document here, but still have no luck depoying the sample.
Can someone please drop me a hint.

Deploying ASPNET core app in IIS inside Docker Container

I have been working with docker for some days and since I am trying the possibilities of docker, recently faced a problem about how to deploy an ASP.NET core app in a webserver inside Docker container. Deploying an ASP.NET 4.5 app is successful using IIS and WindowsServerCore but can anybody suggest how exactly to containerize a webserver running asp.net core app.
PS. I don't want the app to run in debug mode so I do not want "dotnet run" answers please. I want the built version of the app to be deployed in the webserver, any suggestions as to how?

Tomcat with in eclipse not recognizing the non web.xml app

I have created Spring MVC application without web.xml, completely using the java configuration but when I right click on the project I am not getting an option as Run on server which usually helps me to deploy my war into Tomcat 8.
