Remove text from one field and output the result into another field. - infopath

We currently have emails that go out to people when an Project has been assigned to them.
However we want to make it so that when the Info Path Form is changed, it only sends out an email to the people who have not been emailed before.
We have tried, Translate to remove the text.
So for example:
It will be:
Persons to be Emailed:
Persons Email List:
Persons Emailed -
Form is updated, and we add
Updated fields as below (how it should be):
Persons to be Emailed:
Persons Email List: |
Persons Emailed -
How do you remove the emails in Person Emailed from the Email List and then return the value in Persons to be emailed?

Try using concat() to append the new users email onto the email list. Ex:
concat(PersonsEmailListField, " | ", EmailToAddField)
You can concat as many things as you want, just keep adding parameters. You might also want to do some cleanup/integrity validation (check if there was data in the email to add field before appending, etc).

If I understood your problem correctly, you wanted to have the new email entry in the "Person to be Emailed".
Try this, create a rule in "Email List" field with no condition and with the following formula:
translate(substring-after(. , PersonsEmailed), " |","")
First part of the formula is substring-after (., PersonsEmailed) . In this formula, we are getting the new email entry after the PersonsEmailed value.
The second part is translating the result. The raw result that we will be getting from the first formula ha spaces and it includes the "|" character. That is why we are translating any spaces and the character to no space.
Now after sending the email to the new email entry, you can use concat() to add the new email entry and the Emailed values and enter it in the PersonsEmailed field.


Netsuite Saved Search formula to extract text string

For a Netsuite account, I have noticed the entityid for a customer (the customer ID on the UI) appears as an alphanumeric value using the organisation's customer number format.
However, in a saved search, it appears in the following format,'ACC12345 Parent entity name: ACC67895 Child entity name'. I am trying to use a formula to get the child entity's customer ID number from this text string.
The following formula mostly works in a saved search to extract the child entity's customer ID number (i.e. the 'ACC67895 ' in the above example
Is there a way to replace the 8 in this formula with another formula so that it extracts everything from the second 'ACC' onwards until the first blank ' '?
The number of characters of the customer ID varies so I don't want to use 8 as a hard coded value in the formula.
I would suggest having your first SUBSTR return everything from the start of the child customer's ID to the end, then nest that inside a second SUBSTR which would use an INSTR to find the space after the ID and cut off everything after that:
SUBSTR(SUBSTR({entityid},INSTR({entityid},'ACC',1,2)),1,INSTR(SUBSTR({entityid},INSTR({entityid},'ACC',1,2)),' '))
Ugly, but it works.

Is there a way to reference data contained in fields on related record using formula field?

I want to display the taxcode custom field on invoice records
According to Netsuite Help, the format for the formula would be like that:
{taxcode.customfieldid}, knowing that (taxcode is the field id for the taxcode field on the lines of invoice record. customfieldid is the field id for the custom field on the TaxCode record)
PS: customfieldid is a free-text
I have tried possibilities like:
But I still get this error "ERROR: Field 'taxcode.customfieldid' Not Found"
how can I fix this? Can anyone provide some guidance on this issue?
Generally Netsuite will only look one level away from the record you are on.
In your case you should create a new transaction line field (say custcol_tax_extra) and source that from the taxcode so when a tax code is selected that value is pulled up onto the line.
Then your xml:
<#list record.item as item>${item.custcol_tax_extra}...

Google App Maker Query Builder

Created a simple app to keep track of the company fax numbers. In my header I have a search box where I want user's to search either by First Name, Last Name or both First and Last Name. I added the below to Query Builder
firstName contains? :SearchText or
lastName contains? :SearchText
Searching by first name or last name works just fine. How can I search by both first and last name? Right now when I search by both I get no results. Thanks.
"User Picker" widget should be a good fit for your case.
If you want to keep custom employees model please consider the following options:
Add Name field ("FirstName LastName") so contains operator would give expected result
Switch datasource to Query Script and process search query

MS CRM 2013 Process Update Account - multiple values to one field

I'm trying to implement an update procedure like the one in this blog post (via extra entity and workflow updating account, triggered when the new entity is being created)
In my list and the new entity "Account Update" I have 3 fields for the full name of a company (name, name_2, name_3).
In my workflow I want to put these 3 together and combine their values in the Account field "Company" (the company's name).
In the process I tried to insert them via the "Form Assistant" and in the field "Company" I now have the following entry:
{Name(Account Update);Name_2(Account Update);Name_3(Account Update)}
but it doesn't seem to work. After my import and update of the account (which ends successful) the value in "Company" is only the value of the first name field.
Is it possible to combine values?
What exactly does it do, when I choose more than one field in the Form Assistant and say OK?
So at last I figured out how to archive it.
With the "Form Assistant" you can combine or add multiple field values to one new field but it is a bit tricky.
The value in the process update the properies have to look like this:
{Name(Account Update)} {Name_2(Account Update)} {Name_3(Account Update)}
It does not work if you enter this as text, you have to add the fields one after another so that they are recognized as fields (and marked yellow).
Click into the field (here: "Company").
Then choose the first field in the Form Assistant. Click "Add", choose it in the list below and click "OK". Now the field is in the field "Company".
Now go behind the end of the text in the field make a space and then choose and add the second field (clear the list in the Form Assistant before so that now only the second field is in the list)
So it's right if it looks like:
{Name(Account Update)} {Name_2(Account Update)}
Wrong if looks like following (happens when you keep the first field in the list before adding the second with "OK")
{Name(Account Update);Name_2(Account Update)}

Logic in merge tags, Gravity Forms

I am creating a few Notifications in Gravity Forms and I would like to use some "if/else" logic based on field entries.
For example, I have a Buyer 1 Name field and a checkbox that asks "Would you like to add another buyer?" When they check it, a new Name field appears for Buyer 2. In my Notification I would like to say "The following buyer...." if only the first name is completed, and "The following buyers..." if the 2nd name is filled in. Basically make buyer plural. I could give about 10 more examples of needing logic INSIDE the merge tags, really surprised this isn't available. Thoughts?
You want to use a Gravity Forms conditional shortcode in your notification message. It looks like this:
[gravityforms action="conditional" merge_tag="{Field:1}" condition="is" value="desired value"]Show this content if the field is equal to the field value I specified earlier[/gravityforms]
You can also check out this full tutorial (images included).
